--- /dev/null
+# This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+import datetime
+import os
+import jinja2
+import reporting.utils.reporting_utils as rp_utils
+import reporting.utils.scenarioResult as sr
+installers = rp_utils.get_config('general.installers')
+PERIOD = rp_utils.get_config('general.period')
+# Logger
+logger = rp_utils.getLogger("Storperf-Status")
+reportingDate = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+logger.info("* Generating reporting scenario status *")
+logger.info("* Data retention = %s days *" % PERIOD)
+logger.info("* *")
+# retrieve the list of storperf tests
+versions = {'master'}
+# For all the versions
+for version in versions:
+ # For all the installers
+ for installer in installers:
+ scenario_results = rp_utils.getScenarios("vsperf",
+ None,
+ installer,
+ None)
+ items = {}
+ scenario_result_criteria = {}
+ logger.info("installer %s, version %s, scenario ", installer, version)
+ # From each scenarios get results list
+ for s, s_result in scenario_results.items():
+ logger.info("---------------------------------")
+ logger.info("installer %s, version %s, scenario %s", installer,
+ version, s)
+ ten_criteria = len(s_result)
+ ten_score = 0
+ for v in s_result:
+ if "PASS" in v['criteria']:
+ ten_score += 1
+ logger.info("ten_score: %s / %s" % (ten_score, ten_criteria))
+ four_score = 0
+ try:
+ LASTEST_TESTS = rp_utils.get_config(
+ 'general.nb_iteration_tests_success_criteria')
+ s_result.sort(key=lambda x: x['start_date'])
+ four_result = s_result[-LASTEST_TESTS:]
+ logger.debug("four_result: {}".format(four_result))
+ logger.debug("LASTEST_TESTS: {}".format(LASTEST_TESTS))
+ # logger.debug("four_result: {}".format(four_result))
+ four_criteria = len(four_result)
+ for v in four_result:
+ if "PASS" in v['criteria']:
+ four_score += 1
+ logger.info("4 Score: %s / %s " % (four_score,
+ four_criteria))
+ except Exception:
+ logger.error("Impossible to retrieve the four_score")
+ try:
+ s_status = (four_score * 100) / four_criteria
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ s_status = 0
+ logger.info("Score percent = %s" % str(s_status))
+ s_four_score = str(four_score) + '/' + str(four_criteria)
+ s_ten_score = str(ten_score) + '/' + str(ten_criteria)
+ s_score_percent = str(s_status)
+ logger.debug(" s_status: {}".format(s_status))
+ if s_status == 100:
+ logger.info(">>>>> scenario OK, save the information")
+ else:
+ logger.info(">>>> scenario not OK, last 4 iterations = %s, \
+ last 10 days = %s" % (s_four_score, s_ten_score))
+ s_url = ""
+ if len(s_result) > 0:
+ build_tag = s_result[len(s_result)-1]['build_tag']
+ logger.debug("Build tag: %s" % build_tag)
+ s_url = s_url = rp_utils.getJenkinsUrl(build_tag)
+ logger.info("last jenkins url: %s" % s_url)
+ # Save daily results in a file
+ path_validation_file = ("./display/" + version +
+ "/vsperf/scenario_history.txt")
+ if not os.path.exists(path_validation_file):
+ with open(path_validation_file, 'w') as f:
+ info = 'date,scenario,installer,details,score\n'
+ f.write(info)
+ with open(path_validation_file, "a") as f:
+ info = (reportingDate + "," + s + "," + installer +
+ "," + s_ten_score + "," +
+ str(s_score_percent) + "\n")
+ f.write(info)
+ scenario_result_criteria[s] = sr.ScenarioResult(s_status,
+ s_four_score,
+ s_ten_score,
+ s_score_percent,
+ s_url)
+ logger.info("--------------------------")
+ templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(".")
+ templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader,
+ autoescape=True)
+ TEMPLATE_FILE = "./reporting/vsperf/template/index-status-tmpl.html"
+ template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE)
+ outputText = template.render(scenario_results=scenario_result_criteria,
+ installer=installer,
+ period=PERIOD,
+ version=version,
+ date=reportingDate)
+ with open("./display/" + version +
+ "/vsperf/status-" + installer + ".html", "wb") as fh:
+ fh.write(outputText)