This glossary provides a common definition of phrases and words commonly used in OPNFV.
A river running through Tuscany and the name of the first OPNFV release.
+ Application Programming Interface
A river running through Asia and the name of the Second OPNFV release.
+ A river in Argentina and the name of the Third OPNFV release.
+ Data Plane Development Kit
+ Deep Packet Inspection
+ Differentiated Services Code Point
+ Internet Group Management Protocol
+ Input/Output Operations Per Second
Network Functions Virtualisation, an industry initiative to leverage virtualisation technologies in carrier networks.
+ Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure
+ Network Interface Controller
Open Platform for NFV, an open source project developing an NFV reference platform and features.
+ A virtual local area network, typically an isolated ethernet network.
+ Virtual machine, an emulation in software of a computer system.
+ Virtual network function, typically a networking application or function running in a virtual environment.