'data') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;;
'public') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;;
'storage') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;;
+ 'osapi') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;;
'floating') IF_MODE='link_up' ;;
*) SUBNET_CIDR='null'; IF_MODE='null'; echo_info " >>> Unknown SPACE" ;;
if ([ $IF_VLAN ] && [ "$IF_VLAN" != "null" ]); then
echo_info " >>> Configuring VLAN $IF_VLAN"
VLANID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[].vlan | select(.vid==$IF_VLAN)".id)
- FABRICID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[].vlan | select(.vid==$IF_VLAN)".fabric_id)
- INTERFACE=$(maas $PROFILE interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.vlan.fabric_id==$FABRICID)".id)
+ if ([ $VLANID ] && [ "$VLANID" != "null" ]); then
+ FABRICID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[].vlan | select(.vid==$IF_VLAN)".fabric_id)
+ if ([ $FABRICID ] && [ "$FABRICID" != "null" ]); then
+ INTERFACE=$(maas $PROFILE interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.vlan.fabric_id==$FABRICID)".id)
+ fi
+ fi
if [[ -z $INTERFACE ]]; then
# parent interface is not set because it does not have a SUBNET_CIDR
PARENT_VLANID=$(maas $PROFILE fabrics read | jq ".[].vlans[] | select(.fabric_id==$FABRICID and .name==\"untagged\")".id)