They are exactly same now after moving nfs to compute00.
Change-Id: I9d9d2f037aa3684ba130ae0a4f9aef2e733f2d2e
Signed-off-by: Fatih Degirmenci <>
+++ /dev/null
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- tasks:
- - name: add public key to host
- copy:
- src: ../file/authorized_keys
- dest: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
-- hosts: controller
- remote_user: root
- vars_files:
- - ../var/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
- - ../var/flavor-vars.yml
- roles:
- # TODO: this only works for ubuntu/xenial and need to be adjusted for other distros
- - { role: configure-network, src: "../template/controller.interface.j2", dest: "/etc/network/interfaces" }
- # we need to force sync time with ntp or the nodes will be out of sync timewise
- - role: synchronize-time
-- hosts: compute
- remote_user: root
- vars_files:
- - ../var/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
- - ../var/flavor-vars.yml
- roles:
- # TODO: this only works for ubuntu/xenial and need to be adjusted for other distros
- - { role: configure-network, src: "../template/compute.interface.j2", dest: "/etc/network/interfaces" }
- # we need to force sync time with ntp or the nodes will be out of sync timewise
- - role: synchronize-time
-- hosts: compute00
- remote_user: root
- # TODO: this role is for configuring NFS on xenial and adjustment needed for other distros
- roles:
- - role: configure-nfs
+++ /dev/null
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- tasks:
- - name: add public key to host
- copy:
- src: ../file/authorized_keys
- dest: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
-- hosts: controller
- remote_user: root
- vars_files:
- - ../var/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
- - ../var/flavor-vars.yml
- roles:
- # TODO: this only works for ubuntu/xenial and need to be adjusted for other distros
- - { role: configure-network, src: "../template/controller.interface.j2", dest: "/etc/network/interfaces" }
- # we need to force sync time with ntp or the nodes will be out of sync timewise
- - role: synchronize-time
-- hosts: compute
- remote_user: root
- vars_files:
- - ../var/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
- - ../var/flavor-vars.yml
- roles:
- # TODO: this only works for ubuntu/xenial and need to be adjusted for other distros
- - { role: configure-network, src: "../template/compute.interface.j2", dest: "/etc/network/interfaces" }
- # we need to force sync time with ntp or the nodes will be out of sync timewise
- - role: synchronize-time
-- hosts: compute00
- remote_user: root
- # TODO: this role is for configuring NFS on xenial and adjustment needed for other distros
- roles:
- - role: configure-nfs
path: "{{LOG_PATH}}"
state: directory
recurse: no
- # when the deployment is not aio, we use playbook, configure-targethosts.yml, to configure all the hosts
- - name: copy multihost playbook
- copy:
- src: "{{XCI_FLAVOR_ANSIBLE_FILE_PATH}}/configure-targethosts.yml"
- dest: "{{OPNFV_RELENG_PATH}}/prototypes/xci/playbooks"
- when: XCI_FLAVOR != "aio"
# when the deployment is aio, we overwrite and use playbook, configure-opnfvhost.yml, since everything gets installed on opnfv host
- name: copy aio playbook