interfaces defined. As in case of customize charm more interfaces
were defined.
Change-Id: Id39a0856754a84a16675b0d1ff1840ad583afc99
cp maas/att/virpod1/ trusty/ubuntu-nodes-compute/network/
cp maas/att/virpod1/lxc-add-more-interfaces trusty/ubuntu-nodes-controller/lxc/add-more-interfaces
cp maas/att/virpod1/lxc-add-more-interfaces trusty/ubuntu-nodes-compute/lxc/add-more-interfaces
+ # As virtual environment does not need special treatment for interfaces.
+ sed -i -- 's/ubuntu-nodes-controller/ubuntu/g' ./bundles.yaml
+ sed -i -- 's/ubuntu-nodes-compute/ubuntu/g' ./bundles.yaml
# As per your lab vip address list be deafult uses -
sed -i -- 's/' ./bundles.yaml
# Choose the external port to go out from gateway to use.