It's useless from a CNTT point of view.
It remains in the classical IaaS verification to ease creating
Functest Jenkins Jobs.
Change-Id: Icb13ab7d0e43b4cf968cab4041b6827c11c20cbc
Signed-off-by: Cédric Ollivier <>
- role: collivier.xtesting
project: functest
- gerrit_project: functest
- builds:
- dependencies:
- - repo: _
- dport:
- container: alpine
- tag: '3.12'
- steps:
- - name: build opnfv/functest-core
- containers:
- - name: functest-core
- ref_arg: BRANCH
- path: docker/core
- - name: build containers
- containers:
- - name: functest-healthcheck
- ref_arg: BRANCH
- path: docker/healthcheck
- - name: functest-smoke-cntt
- ref_arg: BRANCH
- path: docker/smoke-cntt
- - name: functest-benchmarking-cntt
- ref_arg: BRANCH
- path: docker/benchmarking-cntt
- - name: functest-vnf
- ref_arg:
- path: docker/vnf
- container: functest-healthcheck