[[ -n "$GERRIT_COMMENT" ]] && echo "$msg" >> "$GERRIT_COMMENT"
+ # TODO: failures in ODT creation should be handled error and
+ # cause 'exit 1' before OPNFV B release.
+ tex=$(find $build -name '*.tex' | head -1)
+ odt=$(basename "${tex%.tex}.odt")
+ if [[ -e $tex ]] && which pandoc > /dev/null ; then
+ pandoc $tex -o $output/$odt || {
+ msg="Error: ODT creation for $dir has failed."
+ echo
+ echo "$msg"
+ echo
+ }
+ else
+ echo "Warn: tex file and/or 'pandoc' are not found, skip ODT creation."
+ fi
if is_top_dir "$dir" ; then
# NOTE: Having top level document (docs/index.rst) is not recommended.
# It may cause conflicts with other docs (mostly with HTML