--- /dev/null
+Team and repository tags
+.. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/heat-translator.svg
+ :target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html
+.. Change things from this point on
+Heat-Translator is an Openstack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is a
+command line tool which takes non-Heat templates as an input and produces a
+Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) which can be deployed by Heat. Currently the
+development and testing is done with an aim to translate OASIS Topology and
+Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) templates to
+HOT. However, the tool is designed to be easily extended to use with any
+format other than TOSCA.
+Heat-Translator project takes a non-Heat template (e.g. TOSCA flat YAML
+template or template embedded in TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) format) as
+an input, calls an appropriate Parser (e.g. TOSCA Parser) per the type of input
+template to parse it and create an in-memory graph, maps it to Heat resources
+and then produces a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) as an output.
+How To Use
+Please refer to `doc/source/usage.rst <https://github.com/openstack/heat-translator/blob/master/doc/source/usage.rst>`_
+Directory Structure
+Three main directories related to the heat-translator are:
+1. hot: It is the generator, that has logic of converting TOSCA in memory graph to HOT YAML files.
+2. common: It has all the file that can support the execution of parser and generator.
+3. tests: It contains test programs and more importantly several templates which are used for testing.
+Project Info
+* License: Apache License, Version 2.0
+* Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat-translator/
+* Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/heat-translator
+* Blueprints: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat-translator
+* Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat-translator
+* Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/heat-translator/
+* IRC Channel: #openstack-heat-translator
name = heat-translator
summary = Tool to translate non-heat templates to Heat Orchestration Template.
description-file =
- README.rst
author = OpenStack
author-email = openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
home-page = http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat-translator/
console_scripts =
heat-translator = translator.shell:main
-source-dir = doc/source
-build-dir = doc/build
-all_files = 1
-upload-dir = doc/build/html
directory = translator/locale
domain = translator
--- /dev/null
+Team and repository tags
+.. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/tosca-parser.svg
+ :target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html
+.. Change things from this point on
+TOSCA Parser
+The TOSCA Parser is an OpenStack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is
+developed to parse TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML. It reads the TOSCA templates
+and creates an in-memory graph of TOSCA nodes and their relationship.
+The TOSCA Parser takes TOSCA YAML template or TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR)
+file as an input, with optional input of dictionary of needed parameters with their
+values, and produces in-memory objects of different TOSCA elements with their
+relationship to each other. It also creates a graph of TOSCA node templates and their
+The ToscaTemplate class located in the toscaparser/tosca_template.py is an entry
+class of the parser and various functionality of parser can be used by initiating
+this class. In order to see an example usage of TOSCA Parser from a separate tool,
+refer to the OpenStack heat-translator class TranslateTemplate located in the
+translator/osc/v1/translate.py module. The toscaparser/shell.py module of tosca-parser
+also provides a good reference on how to invoke TOSCA Parser from Command Line Interface.
+The toscaparser/elements sub-directory contains various modules to handle
+various TOSCA type elements like node type, relationship type etc. The
+entity_type.py module is a parent of all type elements. The toscaparser
+directory contains various python module to handle service template including
+topology template, node templates, relationship templates etc. The
+entity_template.py is a parent of all template elements.
+How To Use
+Please refer to `doc/source/usage.rst <https://github.com/openstack/tosca-parser/blob/master/doc/source/usage.rst>`_
+Project Info
+* License: Apache License, Version 2.0
+* Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tosca-parser/
url = https://launchpad.net/tosca-parser
summary = Parser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML.
description-file =
- README.rst
author = OpenStack
author-email = openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
home-page = http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tosca-parser/
console_scripts =
tosca-parser = toscaparser.shell:main
-source-dir = doc/source
-build-dir = doc/build
-all_files = 1
-upload-dir = doc/build/html
directory = toscaparser/locale
domain = toscaparser