Functions Virtualization requirements. Raspberry PI is also supported to verify
datacenters as the lowest cost (50 euros hardware and software included).
-| Functest releases | Kubernetes releases |
-| v1.22 | v1.22 |
-| v1.23 | v1.23 |
-| v1.24 | v1.24 |
-| v1.25 | v1.25 |
-| v1.26 | v1.26 |
-| v1.27 | v1.27 |
-| v1.28 | v1.28 |
-| v1.29 | v1.29 |
-| **Master** | **v1.30.0-alpha.0 (rolling)** |
+| Functest releases | Kubernetes releases |
+| v1.28 | v1.28 |
+| v1.29 | v1.29 |
+| v1.30 | v1.30 |
+| v1.31 | v1.31 |
+| **Master** | **latest** |
## Prepare your environment
-envlist = pep8,pylint,yamllint,bashate,py310,bandit,perm
+envlist = pep8,pylint,yamllint,bashate,py312,bandit,perm
usedevelop = True
deps =
- -c
+ -c{toxinidir}/upper-constraints.txt
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
commands = flake8
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
commands = pylint \
--ignore-imports=y --min-similarity-lines=10 \
--disable=locally-disabled,wrong-import-order --reports=n functest_kubernetes
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
files =.travis.yml docker
commands =
yamllint {[testenv:yamllint]files}
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
commands = bandit -r functest_kubernetes -x tests -n 5 -ll
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
files functest_kubernetes/ci/
commands = bashate -e E005,E006,E042,E043 {[testenv:bashate]files}
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
allowlist_externals = bash
-path=. -not -path './.tox/*' -not -path './.git/*' -not -path './doc/pres/reveal.js/*' -not -path './elements/functest-kubernetes/install.d/*'
+path=. -prune -not -path './.tox/*' -not -path './.git/*' -not -path './doc/pres/reveal.js/*' -not -path './elements/functest-kubernetes/install.d/*'
commands =
bash -c "\
find {[testenv:perm]path} \( -type f -not -perm 644 -o -type d -not -perm 755 \) \
find {[testenv:perm]path} -exec file \{\} + | grep CRLF && exit 1 || exit 0"
-basepython = python3.10
+basepython = python3.12
commands =
pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure
--e git+
--e git+