(# of vCPUs, vNICs, Memory, affinitization…) is how it should be
configured for every test that uses a VNF after this.
+**Methodology to benchmark the VNF to vSwitch to VNF deployment scenario**
+vsperf has identified the following concerns when benchmarking the VNF to
+vSwitch to VNF deployment scenario:
+* The accuracy of the timing synchronization between VNFs/VMs.
+* The clock accuracy of a VNF/VM if they were to be used as traffic generators.
+* VNF traffic generator/receiver may be using resources of the system under
+ test, causing at least three forms of workload to increase as the traffic
+ load increases (generation, switching, receiving).
+The recommendation from vsperf is that tests for this sceanario must
+include an external HW traffic generator to act as the tester/traffic transmitter
+and receiver. The perscribed methodology to benchmark this deployment scanrio with
+an external tester involves the following three steps:
+#. Determine the forwarding capability and latency through the virtual interface
+connected to the VNF/VM.
+.. Figure:: vm2vm_virtual_interface_benchmark.png
+ Virtual interfaces performance benchmark
+#. Determine the forwarding capability and latency through the VNF/hypervisor.
+.. Figure:: vm2vm_hypervisor_benchmark.png
+ Hypervisor performance benchmark
+#. Determine the forwarding capability and latency for the VNF to vSwitch to VNF
+ taking the information from the previous two steps into account.
+.. Figure:: vm2vm_benchmark.png
+ VNF to vSwitch to VNF performance benchmark
+vsperf also identified an alternative configuration for the final step:
+.. Figure:: vm2vm_alternative_benchmark.png
+ VNF to vSwitch to VNF alternative performance benchmark
.. 3.3.2: