__logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- juju_wait_timeout = '3600'
+ juju_timeout = '3600'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if "case_name" not in kwargs:
name=image_name, image_user='cloud', img_format='qcow2',
image_id = image_creator.create().id
- cmd = ['juju', 'metadata', 'generate-image', '-d', '/root',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'metadata', 'generate-image', '-d', '/root',
'-i', image_id, '-s', image_name,
'-r', self.snaps_creds.region_name,
'-u', self.public_auth_url]
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
self.__logger.info("Network ID : %s", net_id)
- cmd = ['juju', 'bootstrap', 'abot-epc', 'abot-controller',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'bootstrap', 'abot-epc', 'abot-controller',
'--metadata-source', '/root',
'--constraints', 'mem=2G',
'--bootstrap-series', 'xenial',
self.__logger.info("Deploying Abot-epc bundle file ...")
- cmd = ['juju', 'deploy', '{}'.format(descriptor.get('file_name'))]
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'deploy', '{}'.format(descriptor.get('file_name'))]
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
self.__logger.info("Waiting for instances .....")
- cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_wait_timeout, 'juju-wait']
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout, 'juju-wait']
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
self.__logger.info("Deployed Abot-epc on Openstack")
if not self.check_app(app):
return False
self.__logger.info("Copying the feature files to Abot_node ")
- cmd = ['juju', 'scp', '--', '-r', '-v',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'scp', '--', '-r', '-v',
'{}/featureFiles'.format(self.case_dir), 'abot-epc-basic/0:~/']
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
self.__logger.info("Copying the feature files in Abot_node ")
- cmd = ['juju', 'ssh', 'abot-epc-basic/0',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'ssh', 'abot-epc-basic/0',
'sudo', 'rsync', '-azvv', '~/featureFiles',
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
"""Run test on ABoT."""
start_time = time.time()
self.__logger.info("Running VNF Test cases....")
- cmd = ['juju', 'run-action', 'abot-epc-basic/0', 'run',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'run-action', 'abot-epc-basic/0', 'run',
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
- cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_wait_timeout, 'juju-wait']
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout, 'juju-wait']
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
duration = time.time() - start_time
self.__logger.info("Getting results from Abot node....")
- cmd = ['juju', 'scp', '--', '-v',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'scp', '--', '-v',
self.__logger.debug("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)
if not self.orchestrator['requirements']['preserve_setup']:
self.__logger.info("Destroying Orchestrator...")
- cmd = ['juju', 'destroy-controller', '-y', 'abot-controller',
+ cmd = ['timeout', '-t', JujuEpc.juju_timeout,
+ 'juju', 'destroy-controller', '-y', 'abot-controller',
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.__logger.info("%s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), output)