* Update docs/submodules/bottlenecks from branch 'stable/euphrates'
- bug-fix: wrong line to modify for getting results
In Danube, should modify no.12 line of yardstick config file to
let yardstick record result in file instead of reporting to
MongoDB. After Danube, it should be no.13 line of that file.
Also return to Danube:3.1 and will fix the line issue
for VNF scaling test in another ticket
Change-Id: I309e9c609967efdda8eaaf289d788ccf1693308e
Signed-off-by: Yang Yu <Gabriel.yuyang@huawei.com>
(cherry picked from commit
-Subproject commit 7f3e7fdbccafbb08acf7b04fce9269fe9a4824f3
+Subproject commit d481acd8c2d994d54b24eb665854a02f29d1d224