.. image:: ../images/brahmaputrafeaturematrix.jpg
:alt: OPNFV Brahmaputra Feature Matrix
+The table above provides an overview of which scenarios will support certain feature capabilities.
+The table does not indicate if the feature or scenario has limitations, refer to the
+`Configuration Guide <http://artifacts.opnfv.org/opnfvdocs/brahmaputra/docs/configguide/configoptions.html#opnfv-scenarios>`_
+for details on the state of each scenario and further information.
+Feature development in the Brahmaputra release has often consisted of the development of specific
+requirements and the further integration and validation of those requirements. This results in some
+features only being supported on the platform when a specific scenario is deployed, providing the
+capabilities necessary to run the feature.
Scenario Naming
enable specific features and capabilities in the platform that can be leveraged by the
OPNFV user community.
-OPNFV Scenarios
+OPNFV Features
Each OPNFV scenario provides unique features and capabilities, it is important to
ensure you have a scenario deployed on your infrastructure that provides the right capabilities