* Update docs/submodules/armband from branch 'stable/euphrates'
- p/fuel: kvm nodes: Configure repos before new krn
Armband requires a custom kernel on baremetal nodes (kvm, cmp).
However, the repos (configured as part of `linux.system` high state)
were added before installing the kernel only for cmp nodes.
Change-Id: Ie8d6e9cf4eaa84c459a70112ef002d09be9c4cf4
Signed-off-by: Alexandru Avadanii <Alexandru.Avadanii@enea.com>
(cherry picked from commit
-Subproject commit 78b7f67ae15d1985a03852a7eef16bf7d7970ee5
+Subproject commit 7165de92fe49627194cf2fabc0474fb28464f2b0