xci: Move OpenStack-Ansible out of the main script 11/48711/2
authorMarkos Chandras <mchandras@suse.de>
Tue, 12 Dec 2017 09:44:07 +0000 (09:44 +0000)
committerMarkos Chandras <mchandras@suse.de>
Fri, 15 Dec 2017 09:49:49 +0000 (09:49 +0000)
In preparation for supporting more NFVIs in XCI, we need to make the
main script NFVI agnostic. Right now, our NFVI is being deployed using
bifrost+OSA so we keep bifrost in the main script since the hardware
provisioning is NFVI agnostic (at least for now) but we move OSA to
its own directory. This should allow more NFVI to plug into XCI by
simply providing a nfvi-deploy.sh script. The user can select the
preferred NFVI using the XCI_NFVI variable.

Change-Id: Ieeacd3b22a64d363feff5d43ff23a80c39038837
Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <mchandras@suse.de>
xci/nfvi/osa/nfvi-deploy.sh [new file with mode: 0755]

index e5cb1fb..2d1743a 100755 (executable)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 export XCI_FLAVOR=${XCI_FLAVOR:-aio}
+export XCI_NFVI=${XCI_NFVI:-osa}
 # Configure some other stuff
diff --git a/xci/nfvi/osa/nfvi-deploy.sh b/xci/nfvi/osa/nfvi-deploy.sh
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..f1d1af3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+if [[ ${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION} =~ "stable/" ]]; then
+    echo ""
+    echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
+    echo "WARNING: We have detected that you are trying to use a stable OpenStack-Ansible."
+    echo "This will likely not work because, unless you know what you are doing, you are going"
+    echo "to be mixing roles and services from the master branch with a stable OpenStack-Ansible."
+    echo "This is _NOT_ supported in any way but we can try to make it work for you."
+    echo "Either way you are on your own so please do not report bugs as they will be considered invalid."
+    echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
+    echo ""
+    sleep 15
+    trap - ERR
+    ${XCI_PATH}/xci/scripts/update-osa-version-files.sh ${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION}
+# Configure localhost
+# This playbook
+# - removes directories that were created by the previous xci run
+# - clones opnfv/releng-xci repository
+# - creates log directory
+# - copies flavor files such as playbook, inventory, and var file
+echo "Info: Configuring localhost for openstack-ansible"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -i inventory configure-localhost.yml
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Info: Configured localhost host for openstack-ansible"
+# Configure openstack-ansible deployment host, opnfv
+# This playbook
+# - removes directories that were created by the previous xci run
+# - clones opnfv/releng-xci and openstack/openstack-ansible repositories
+# - configures network
+# - generates/prepares ssh keys
+# - bootstraps ansible
+# - copies flavor files to be used by openstack-ansible
+echo "Info: Configuring opnfv deployment host for openstack-ansible"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -i ${XCI_FLAVOR_ANSIBLE_FILE_PATH}/inventory \
+    configure-opnfvhost.yml
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Info: Configured opnfv deployment host for openstack-ansible"
+# Configure target hosts for openstack-ansible
+# This playbook is only run for the all flavors except aio since aio is configured
+# by an upstream script.
+# This playbook
+# - adds public keys to target hosts
+# - configures network
+# - configures nfs
+if [[ $XCI_FLAVOR != "aio" ]]; then
+    echo "Info: Configuring target hosts for openstack-ansible"
+    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+    ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -i ${XCI_FLAVOR_ANSIBLE_FILE_PATH}/inventory \
+        configure-targethosts.yml
+    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+    echo "Info: Configured target hosts"
+# Set up target hosts for openstack-ansible
+# This is openstack-ansible playbook. Check upstream documentation for details.
+echo "Info: Setting up target hosts for openstack-ansible"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "openstack-ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} \
+     releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-hosts.yml | tee setup-hosts.log "
+scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/setup-hosts.log $LOG_PATH/setup-hosts.log
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Info: Set up target hosts for openstack-ansible successfuly"
+# TODO: Check this with the upstream and issue a fix in the documentation if the
+# problem is valid.
+# Gather facts for all the hosts and containers
+# This is needed in order to gather the facts for containers due to a change in
+# upstream that changed the hosts fact are gathered which causes failures during
+# running setup-infrastructure.yml playbook due to lack of the facts for lxc
+# containers.
+# OSA gate also executes this command. See the link
+# http://logs.openstack.org/64/494664/1/check/gate-openstack-ansible-openstack-ansible-aio-ubuntu-xenial/2a0700e/console.html
+echo "Info: Gathering facts"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "cd releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks; \
+        ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -m setup -a gather_subset=network,hardware,virtual all"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# Set up infrastructure
+# This is openstack-ansible playbook. Check upstream documentation for details.
+echo "Info: Setting up infrastructure"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "xci: running ansible playbook setup-infrastructure.yml"
+ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "openstack-ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} \
+     releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-infrastructure.yml | tee setup-infrastructure.log"
+scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/setup-infrastructure.log $LOG_PATH/setup-infrastructure.log
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# check the log to see if we have any error
+if grep -q 'failed=1\|unreachable=1' $LOG_PATH/setup-infrastructure.log; then
+    echo "Error: OpenStack node setup failed!"
+    exit 1
+# Verify database cluster
+echo "Info: Verifying database cluster"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# Apply SUSE fix until https://review.openstack.org/508154 is merged
+if [[ ${OS_FAMILY,,} == "suse" ]]; then
+       ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "ansible --ssh-extra-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
+               -i releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/ galera_container -m shell \
+               -a \"sed -i \\\"s@/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock@/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock@\\\" /etc/my.cnf\""
+ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "ansible --ssh-extra-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
+    -i releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/ galera_container -m shell \
+       -a \"mysql -h localhost -e \\\"show status like '%wsrep_cluster_%';\\\"\" | tee galera.log"
+scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/galera.log $LOG_PATH/galera.log
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# check the log to see if we have any error
+if grep -q 'FAILED\|UNREACHABLE' $LOG_PATH/galera.log; then
+    echo "Error: Database cluster verification failed!"
+    exit 1
+echo "Info: Database cluster verification successful!"
+# Install OpenStack
+# This is openstack-ansible playbook. Check upstream documentation for details.
+echo "Info: Installing OpenStack on target hosts"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "openstack-ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} \
+     releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-openstack.yml | tee opnfv-setup-openstack.log"
+scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/opnfv-setup-openstack.log $LOG_PATH/opnfv-setup-openstack.log
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# check the log to see if we have any error
+if grep -q 'failed=1\|unreachable=1' $LOG_PATH/opnfv-setup-openstack.log; then
+   echo "Error: OpenStack installation failed!"
+   exit 1
+echo "Info: OpenStack installation is successfully completed!"
+# - Getting OpenStack login information
+echo "Info: Openstack login details"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+python -c \
+"import yaml
+if '$XCI_FLAVOR' is 'aio':
+   print 'Horizon UI is available at https://$OPNFV_HOST_IP'
+   host_info = open('$OS_USER_CONFIG', 'r')
+   net_config = yaml.safe_load(host_info)
+   print 'Info: Horizon UI is available at https://{}' \
+         .format(net_config['global_overrides']['external_lb_vip_address'])"
+USERNAME=$(ssh -q root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP awk "/OS_USERNAME=./" openrc)
+PASSWORD=$(ssh -q root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP awk "/OS_PASSWORD=./" openrc)
+echo "Info: Admin username -  ${USERNAME##*=}"
+echo "Info: Admin password - ${PASSWORD##*=}"
+echo "Info: It is recommended to change the default password."
+# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
index abb648d..3f28e48 100755 (executable)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ submit_bug_report() {
     echo "openstack/bifrost version: $OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION"
     echo "openstack/openstack-ansible version: $OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION"
     echo "xci flavor: $XCI_FLAVOR"
+    echo "xci nfvi: $XCI_NFVI"
     echo "Environment variables:"
     env | grep --color=never '\(OPNFV\|XCI\|OPENSTACK\)'
     echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
@@ -58,6 +59,8 @@ source $XCI_PATH/xci/config/user-vars
 source $XCI_PATH/xci/config/pinned-versions
 # source flavor configuration
 source "$XCI_PATH/xci/config/${XCI_FLAVOR}-vars"
+# source NFVI configuration
+source "$XCI_PATH/xci/nfvi/${XCI_NFVI}/env" &>/dev/null || true
 # source xci configuration
 source $XCI_PATH/xci/config/env-vars
@@ -84,6 +87,7 @@ echo "Info: Starting XCI Deployment"
 echo "Info: Deployment parameters"
 echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 echo "xci flavor: $XCI_FLAVOR"
+echo "xci nfvi: $XCI_NFVI"
 echo "opnfv/releng-xci version: $(git rev-parse HEAD)"
 echo "openstack/bifrost version: $OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION"
 echo "openstack/openstack-ansible version: $OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION"
@@ -128,22 +132,6 @@ if [[ $OS_FAMILY == RedHat ]]; then
     exit 1
-if [[ ${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION} =~ "stable/" ]]; then
-    echo ""
-    echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
-    echo "WARNING: We have detected that you are trying to use a stable OpenStack-Ansible."
-    echo "This will likely not work because, unless you know what you are doing, you are going"
-    echo "to be mixing roles and services from the master branch with a stable OpenStack-Ansible."
-    echo "This is _NOT_ supported in any way but we can try to make it work for you."
-    echo "Either way you are on your own so please do not report bugs as they will be considered invalid."
-    echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
-    echo ""
-    sleep 15
-    trap - ERR
-    ${XCI_PATH}/xci/scripts/update-osa-version-files.sh ${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION}
-# TODO: The xci playbooks can be put into a playbook which will be done later.
 # Clone OPNFV scenario repositories
 # This playbook
@@ -185,174 +173,11 @@ cd ${XCI_CACHE}/repos/bifrost
 bash ./scripts/bifrost-provision.sh
 echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
 echo "Info: VM nodes are provisioned!"
-# Configure localhost
-# This playbook
-# - removes directories that were created by the previous xci run
-# - clones opnfv/releng-xci repository
-# - creates log directory
-# - copies flavor files such as playbook, inventory, and var file
-echo "Info: Configuring localhost for openstack-ansible"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -i inventory configure-localhost.yml
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Info: Configured localhost host for openstack-ansible"
-# Configure openstack-ansible deployment host, opnfv
-# This playbook
-# - removes directories that were created by the previous xci run
-# - clones opnfv/releng-xci and openstack/openstack-ansible repositories
-# - configures network
-# - generates/prepares ssh keys
-# - bootstraps ansible
-# - copies flavor files to be used by openstack-ansible
-echo "Info: Configuring opnfv deployment host for openstack-ansible"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -i ${XCI_FLAVOR_ANSIBLE_FILE_PATH}/inventory \
-    configure-opnfvhost.yml
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Info: Configured opnfv deployment host for openstack-ansible"
-# Configure target hosts for openstack-ansible
-# This playbook is only run for the all flavors except aio since aio is configured
-# by an upstream script.
-# This playbook
-# - adds public keys to target hosts
-# - configures network
-# - configures nfs
-if [[ $XCI_FLAVOR != "aio" ]]; then
-    echo "Info: Configuring target hosts for openstack-ansible"
-    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -i ${XCI_FLAVOR_ANSIBLE_FILE_PATH}/inventory \
-        configure-targethosts.yml
-    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    echo "Info: Configured target hosts"
-# Set up target hosts for openstack-ansible
-# This is openstack-ansible playbook. Check upstream documentation for details.
-echo "Info: Setting up target hosts for openstack-ansible"
 echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "openstack-ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} \
-     releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-hosts.yml | tee setup-hosts.log "
-scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/setup-hosts.log $LOG_PATH/setup-hosts.log
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Info: Set up target hosts for openstack-ansible successfuly"
-# TODO: Check this with the upstream and issue a fix in the documentation if the
-# problem is valid.
-# Gather facts for all the hosts and containers
-# This is needed in order to gather the facts for containers due to a change in
-# upstream that changed the hosts fact are gathered which causes failures during
-# running setup-infrastructure.yml playbook due to lack of the facts for lxc
-# containers.
-# OSA gate also executes this command. See the link
-# http://logs.openstack.org/64/494664/1/check/gate-openstack-ansible-openstack-ansible-aio-ubuntu-xenial/2a0700e/console.html
-echo "Info: Gathering facts"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "cd releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks; \
-        ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} -m setup -a gather_subset=network,hardware,virtual all"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-# Set up infrastructure
-# This is openstack-ansible playbook. Check upstream documentation for details.
-echo "Info: Setting up infrastructure"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "xci: running ansible playbook setup-infrastructure.yml"
-ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "openstack-ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} \
-     releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-infrastructure.yml | tee setup-infrastructure.log"
-scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/setup-infrastructure.log $LOG_PATH/setup-infrastructure.log
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-# check the log to see if we have any error
-if grep -q 'failed=1\|unreachable=1' $LOG_PATH/setup-infrastructure.log; then
-    echo "Error: OpenStack node setup failed!"
-    exit 1
-# Verify database cluster
-echo "Info: Verifying database cluster"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-# Apply SUSE fix until https://review.openstack.org/508154 is merged
-if [[ ${OS_FAMILY,,} == "suse" ]]; then
-       ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "ansible --ssh-extra-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
-               -i releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/ galera_container -m shell \
-               -a \"sed -i \\\"s@/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock@/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock@\\\" /etc/my.cnf\""
-ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "ansible --ssh-extra-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
-    -i releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/ galera_container -m shell \
-       -a \"mysql -h localhost -e \\\"show status like '%wsrep_cluster_%';\\\"\" | tee galera.log"
-scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/galera.log $LOG_PATH/galera.log
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-# check the log to see if we have any error
-if grep -q 'FAILED\|UNREACHABLE' $LOG_PATH/galera.log; then
-    echo "Error: Database cluster verification failed!"
-    exit 1
-echo "Info: Database cluster verification successful!"
-# Install OpenStack
-# This is openstack-ansible playbook. Check upstream documentation for details.
-echo "Info: Installing OpenStack on target hosts"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "openstack-ansible ${XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY} \
-     releng-xci/.cache/repos/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-openstack.yml | tee opnfv-setup-openstack.log"
-scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/opnfv-setup-openstack.log $LOG_PATH/opnfv-setup-openstack.log
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-# check the log to see if we have any error
-if grep -q 'failed=1\|unreachable=1' $LOG_PATH/opnfv-setup-openstack.log; then
-   echo "Error: OpenStack installation failed!"
-   exit 1
-echo "Info: OpenStack installation is successfully completed!"
-# - Getting OpenStack login information
-echo "Info: Openstack login details"
+# Deploy OpenStack on the selected NFVI
+echo "Info: Deploying '${XCI_NFVI}' NFVI"
 echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-python -c \
-"import yaml
-if '$XCI_FLAVOR' is 'aio':
-   print 'Horizon UI is available at https://$OPNFV_HOST_IP'
-   host_info = open('$OS_USER_CONFIG', 'r')
-   net_config = yaml.safe_load(host_info)
-   print 'Info: Horizon UI is available at https://{}' \
-         .format(net_config['global_overrides']['external_lb_vip_address'])"
-USERNAME=$(ssh -q root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP awk "/OS_USERNAME=./" openrc)
-PASSWORD=$(ssh -q root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP awk "/OS_PASSWORD=./" openrc)
-echo "Info: Admin username -  ${USERNAME##*=}"
-echo "Info: Admin password - ${PASSWORD##*=}"
-echo "Info: It is recommended to change the default password."
+source ${XCI_PATH}/xci/nfvi/${XCI_NFVI}/nfvi-deploy.sh
 # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: