echo "Attempting to fetch the artifact location from ODL Jenkins"
+if [ "$ODL_BRANCH" != 'master' ]; then
+ DIST=$(echo ${ODL_BRANCH} | sed -rn 's#([a-zA-Z]+)/([a-zA-Z]+)#\2#p')
+ ODL_BRANCH=$(echo ${ODL_BRANCH} | sed -rn 's#([a-zA-Z]+)/([a-zA-Z]+)#\1%2F\2#p')
+ DIST='nitrogen'
# due to limitation with the Jenkins Gerrit Trigger, we need to use Gerrit REST API to get the change details
-ODL_BUILD_JOB_NUM=$(curl -s $CHANGE_DETAILS_URL | grep -Eo 'netvirt-distribution-check-nitrogen/[0-9]+' | tail -1 | grep -Eo [0-9]+)
-NETVIRT_ARTIFACT_URL=$(curl -s --compressed $DISTRO_CHECK_CONSOLE_LOG | grep 'BUNDLE_URL' | cut -d = -f 2)
+ODL_BUILD_JOB_NUM=$(curl --fail -s ${CHANGE_DETAILS_URL} | grep -Eo "netvirt-distribution-check-${DIST}/[0-9]+" | tail -1 | grep -Eo [0-9]+)
+NETVIRT_ARTIFACT_URL=$(curl --fail -s --compressed ${DISTRO_CHECK_CONSOLE_LOG} | grep 'BUNDLE_URL' | cut -d = -f 2)
echo -e "URL to artifact is\n\t$NETVIRT_ARTIFACT_URL"
tar czf /tmp/${NETVIRT_ARTIFACT} $(echo $ODL_ZIP | sed -n 's/\.zip//p')
echo "Download complete"
-ls -al /tmp/${NETVIRT_ARTIFACT}
\ No newline at end of file
+ls -al /tmp/${NETVIRT_ARTIFACT}
branch: '{stream}'
gs-pathname: ''
disabled: false
+ - carbon:
+ branch: 'stable/carbon'
+ gs-pathname: ''
+ disabled: false
# patch verification phases
- name: 'odl-netvirt-verify-virtual-install-netvirt-{stream}'
current-parameters: false
predefined-parameters: |
+ ODL_BRANCH={branch}