--- /dev/null
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation, AT&T and others.
+Execution of vswitchperf testcases by Yardstick
+Yardstick is a generic framework for a test execution, which is used for
+validation of installation of OPNFV platform. In the future, Yardstick will
+support two options of vswitchperf testcase execution:
+- plugin mode, which will execute native vswitchperf testcases; Tests will
+ be executed the same way as today, but test results will be processed and
+ reported by yardstick.
+- traffic generator mode, which will run vswitchperf in **trafficgen**
+ mode only; Yardstick framework will be used to launch VNFs and to configure
+ flows to ensure, that traffic is properly routed. This mode will allow to
+ test OVS performance in real world scenarios.
+In Colorado release only the traffic generator mode is supported.
+Yardstick Installation
+In order to run Yardstick testcases, you will need to prepare your test
+environment. Please follow the `installation instructions
+to install the yardstick.
+Please note, that yardstick uses OpenStack for execution of testcases.
+OpenStack must be installed with Heat and Neutron services. Otherwise
+vswitchperf testcases cannot be executed.
+Vswitchperf VM image preparation
+In general, any Linux distribution supported by vswitchperf can be used as
+a base image for vswitchperf. One of the possibilities is to modify vloop-vnf
+image, which can be downloaded from `<http://artifacts.opnfv.org/>`__.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ wget http://artifacts.opnfv.org/vswitchperf/vloop-vnf-ubuntu-14.04_20151216.qcow2
+Please follow the `installation instructions
+<http://artifacts.opnfv.org/vswitchperf/docs/configguide/installation.html>`__ to
+install vswitchperf inside vloop-vnf image. As vswitchperf will be run in
+trafficgen mode, it is possible to skip installation and compilation of OVS,
+QEMU and DPDK to keep image size smaller.
+In case, that selected traffic generator requires installation of additional
+client software, please follow appropriate documentation. For example in case
+of IXIA, you would need to install IxOS and IxNetowrk TCL API.
+Final image with vswitchperf must be uploaded into the glance service and
+vswitchperf specific flavor configured, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ glance --os-username admin --os-image-api-version 1 image-create --name
+ vsperf --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file
+ image.qcow2
+ $ nova --os-username admin flavor-create vsperf-flavor 100 2048 25 1
+Testcase customization
+Yardstick testcases are described by YAML files. vswitchperf specific testcases
+are part of the vswitchperf repository and their yaml files can be found at
+``yardstick/tests`` directory. For detailed description of yaml file sctructure,
+please see yardstick documentation and testcase samples. Only vswitchperf specific
+parts will be discussed here.
+Example of yaml file:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ ...
+ scenarios:
+ -
+ type: Vsperf
+ options:
+ testname: 'rfc2544_p2p_tput'
+ traffic_type: 'rfc2544'
+ pkt_sizes: '64'
+ bidirectional: 'True'
+ iload: 100
+ duration: 30
+ trafficgen_port1: 'eth1'
+ trafficgen_port2: 'eth3'
+ external_bridge: 'br-ex'
+ conf-file: '~/vsperf-yardstick.conf'
+ host: vsperf.demo
+ runner:
+ type: Sequence
+ scenario_option_name: pkt_sizes
+ sequence:
+ - 64
+ - 128
+ - 512
+ - 1024
+ - 1518
+ sla:
+ metrics: 'throughput_rx_fps'
+ throughput_rx_fps: 500000
+ action: monitor
+ context:
+ ...
+Section option
+Section **option** defines details of vswitchperf test scenario. Lot of options
+are identical to the vswitchperf parameters passed through ``--test-params``
+argument. Following options are supported:
+- **traffic_type** - specifies the type of traffic executed by traffic generator;
+ valid values are "rfc2544", "continuous" and "back2back"; Default: 'rfc2544'
+- **pkt_sizes** - a packet size for which test should be executed;
+ Multiple packet sizes can be tested by modification of Sequence runner
+ section inside YAML definition. Default: '64'
+- **duration** - sets duration for which traffic will be generated; Default: 30
+- **bidirectional** - specifies if traffic will be uni (False) or bi-directional
+ (True); Default: False
+- **iload** - specifies frame rate; Default: 100
+- **rfc2544_trials** - specifies the number of trials performed for each packet
+ size
+- **multistream** - specifies the number of simulated streams; Default: 0 (i.e.
+ multistream feature is disabled)
+- **stream_type** - specifies network layer used for multistream simulation
+ the valid values are "L4", "L3" and "L2"; Default: 'L4'
+- **conf-file** - sets path to the vswitchperf configuration file, which will be
+ uploaded to VM; Default: '~/vsperf-yardstick.conf'
+- **setup-script** - sets path to the setup script, which will be executed
+ during setup and teardown phases
+- **trafficgen_port1** - specifies device name of 1st interface connected to
+ the trafficgen
+- **trafficgen_port2** - specifies device name of 2nd interface connected to
+ the trafficgen
+- **external_bridge** - specifies name of external bridge configured in OVS;
+ Default: 'br-ex'
+In case that **trafficgen_port1** and/or **trafficgen_port2** are defined, then
+these interfaces will be inserted into the **external_bridge** of OVS. It is
+expected, that OVS runs at the same node, where the testcase is executed. In case
+of more complex OpenStack installation or a need of additional OVS configuration,
+**setup-script** can be used.
+Note: It is essential to prepare customized configuration file for the vsperf
+and to specify its name by **conf-file** option. Config file must specify, which
+traffic generator will be used and configure traffic generator specific options.
+Section runner
+Yardstick supports several `runner types
+In case of vswitchperf specific TCs, **Sequence** runner type can be used to
+execute the testcase for given list of packet sizes.
+Section sla
+In case that sla section is not defined, then testcase will be always
+considered as successful. On the other hand, it is possible to define a set of
+test metrics and their minimal values to evaluate test success. Any numeric
+value, reported by vswitchperf inside CSV result file, can be used.
+Multiple metrics can be defined as a coma separated list of items. Minimal
+value must be set separately for each metric.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ sla:
+ metrics: 'throughput_rx_fps,throughput_rx_mbps'
+ throughput_rx_fps: 500000
+ throughput_rx_mbps: 1000
+In case that any of defined metrics will be lower than defined value, then
+testcase will be marked as failed. Based on ``action`` policy, yardstick
+will either stop test execution (value ``assert``) or it will run next test
+(value ``monitor``).
+Testcase execution
+After installation, yardstick is available as python package within yardstick
+specific virtual environment. It means, that before test execution yardstick
+environment must be enabled, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: console
+ source ~/yardstick_venv/bin/activate
+Next step is configuration of OpenStack environment, e.g. in case of devstack:
+.. code-block:: console
+ source /opt/openstack/devstack/openrc
+ export EXTERNAL_NETWORK=public
+Vswitchperf testcases executable by yardstick are located at vswitchperf
+repository inside ``yardstick/tests`` directory. Example of their download
+and execution follows:
+.. code-block:: console
+ git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/vswitchperf
+ cd vswitchperf
+ yardstick -d task start yardstick/tests/p2p_cont.yaml
+Note: Optional argument ``-d`` shows debug output.
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# VSPERF specific configuration file for execution of back2back traffic.
+# Traffic executed by traffic generator is forwarded directly between
+# interfaces connected to the traffic generator. So test will only
+# benchmark the performance of OVS external bridge at controller node.
+# For details about supported test options see following file from
+# the yardstick repository:
+# yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/networking/vsperf.py
+schema: "yardstick:task:0.1"
+ type: Vsperf
+ options:
+ testname: 'rfc2544_p2p_back2back'
+ traffic_type: 'back2back'
+ pkt_sizes: '64'
+ bidirectional: 'True'
+ iload: 100
+ duration: 30
+ trafficgen_port1: 'eth1'
+ trafficgen_port2: 'eth3'
+ external_bridge: 'br-ex'
+ conf-file: '~/vsperf-yardstick.conf'
+ host: vsperf.demo
+ runner:
+ type: Sequence
+ scenario_option_name: pkt_sizes
+ sequence:
+ - 64
+ - 128
+ - 512
+ - 1024
+ - 1518
+ sla:
+ metrics: 'b2b_frames'
+ b2b_frames: 1
+ action: monitor
+ name: demo
+ image: vsperf
+ flavor: vsperf-flavor
+ user: ubuntu
+ placement_groups:
+ pgrp1:
+ policy: "availability"
+ servers:
+ vsperf:
+ floating_ip: true
+ placement: "pgrp1"
+ networks:
+ test:
+ cidr: ''
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# VSPERF specific configuration file for execution of continuous traffic.
+# Traffic executed by traffic generator is forwarded directly between
+# interfaces connected to the traffic generator. So test will only
+# benchmark the performance of OVS external bridge at controller node.
+# For details about supported test options see following file from
+# the yardstick repository:
+# yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/networking/vsperf.py
+schema: "yardstick:task:0.1"
+ type: Vsperf
+ options:
+ testname: 'rfc2544_p2p_continuous'
+ traffic_type: 'continuous'
+ pkt_sizes: '64'
+ bidirectional: 'True'
+ iload: 100
+ duration: 30
+ trafficgen_port1: 'eth1'
+ trafficgen_port2: 'eth3'
+ external_bridge: 'br-ex'
+ conf-file: '~/vsperf-yardstick.conf'
+ host: vsperf.demo
+ runner:
+ type: Sequence
+ scenario_option_name: pkt_sizes
+ sequence:
+ - 64
+ - 128
+ - 512
+ - 1024
+ - 1518
+ sla:
+ metrics: 'throughput_rx_fps'
+ throughput_rx_fps: 500000
+ action: monitor
+ name: demo
+ image: vsperf
+ flavor: vsperf-flavor
+ user: ubuntu
+ placement_groups:
+ pgrp1:
+ policy: "availability"
+ servers:
+ vsperf:
+ floating_ip: true
+ placement: "pgrp1"
+ networks:
+ test:
+ cidr: ''
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# VSPERF specific configuration file for execution of RFC2544 throughput
+# traffic. Traffic executed by traffic generator is forwarded directly
+# between interfaces connected to the traffic generator. So test will only
+# benchmark the performance of OVS external bridge at controller node.
+# For details about supported test options see following file from
+# the yardstick repository:
+# yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/networking/vsperf.py
+schema: "yardstick:task:0.1"
+ type: Vsperf
+ options:
+ testname: 'rfc2544_p2p_tput'
+ traffic_type: 'rfc2544'
+ pkt_sizes: '64'
+ bidirectional: 'True'
+ iload: 100
+ duration: 30
+ trafficgen_port1: 'eth1'
+ trafficgen_port2: 'eth3'
+ external_bridge: 'br-ex'
+ conf-file: '~/vsperf-yardstick.conf'
+ host: vsperf.demo
+ runner:
+ type: Sequence
+ scenario_option_name: pkt_sizes
+ sequence:
+ - 64
+ - 128
+ - 512
+ - 1024
+ - 1518
+ sla:
+ metrics: 'throughput_rx_fps'
+ throughput_rx_fps: 500000
+ action: monitor
+ name: demo
+ image: vsperf
+ flavor: vsperf-flavor
+ user: ubuntu
+ placement_groups:
+ pgrp1:
+ policy: "availability"
+ servers:
+ vsperf:
+ floating_ip: true
+ placement: "pgrp1"
+ networks:
+ test:
+ cidr: ''