function install_ansible() {
set -eu
+ # Use the upper-constraints file from the pinned requirements repository.
+ local requirements_sha=$(awk '/requirements_git_install_branch:/ {print $2}' ${XCI_PATH}/xci/installer/osa/files/openstack_services.yml)
+ local uc="${requirements_sha}/upper-constraints.txt"
declare -A PKG_MAP
# workaround: for latest bindep to work, it needs to use en_US local
PIP=$(which pip)
echo "Using pip: $(${PIP} --version)"
- ${PIP} -q install --user --upgrade virtualenv pip setuptools ansible==$XCI_ANSIBLE_PIP_VERSION
+ ${PIP} -q install --user --upgrade -c $uc ara virtualenv pip setuptools ansible==$XCI_ANSIBLE_PIP_VERSION
+ ara_location=$(${PYTHON} -c "import os,ara; print(os.path.dirname(ara.__file__))")
+ export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="/etc/ansible/roles/plugins/callback:${ara_location}/plugins/callbacks"
+collect_xci_logs() {
+ echo "----------------------------------"
+ echo "Info: Collecting XCI logs"
+ echo "----------------------------------"
+ # Create the ARA log directory and store the sqlite source database
+ mkdir -p ${LOG_PATH}/ara/
+ rsync -q -a "${HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${LOG_PATH}/ara/"
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
echo "xci installer: $INSTALLER_TYPE"
echo "xci scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO"
echo "Environment variables:"
- env | grep --color=never '\(OPNFV\|XCI\|INSTALLER_TYPE\|OPENSTACK\|SCENARIO\)'
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+exit_trap() {
+ submit_bug_report
+ collect_xci_logs
# This script should not be run as root
unset user_local_dev_vars local_user_var
# register our handler
-trap submit_bug_report ERR
+trap exit_trap ERR
# We are using sudo so we need to make sure that env_reset is not present
sudo sed -i "s/^Defaults.*env_reset/#&/" /etc/sudoers
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
source ${XCI_PATH}/xci/installer/${INSTALLER_TYPE}/
+# Reset trap
+trap ERR
# Deployment time
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Info: deployment took $(($xci_deploy_time / 60)) minutes and $(($xci_deploy_time % 60)) seconds"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: