- checkout
- run:
name: Install dependendencies
- command: sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev
+ command: sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev enchant
- run:
name: Run tox
command: sudo pip install tox && tox
- libssl1.0.0
- - sudo apt-get -y install qemu-user-static
+ - sudo apt-get -y install qemu-user-static enchant
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install python3.7 python3.7-dev
'One line description of project.',
+spelling_word_list_filename = 'spelling_wordlist.txt'
- * Functests Guides: https://functest.readthedocs.io/en/stable-jerma/
+ * Functest Guides: https://functest.readthedocs.io/en/stable-jerma/
* API Docs: https://functest-api.readthedocs.io/en/stable-jerma/
Version change
--- /dev/null
Docker images are available on the dockerhub:
* opnfv/functest-kubernetes-core
- * opnfv/functest-kubernetest-healthcheck
- * opnfv/functest-kubernetest-smoke
+ * opnfv/functest-kubernetes-healthcheck
+ * opnfv/functest-kubernetes-smoke
Preparing your environment
Environment variables
-Several environement variables may be specified:
+Several environment variables may be specified:
* INSTALLER_IP=<Specific IP Address>
* DEPLOY_SCENARIO=<vim>-<controller>-<nfv_feature>-<ha_mode>
Jumphost using the 'ping' command using the respective IP address on the
public/external network for each node in the SUT. The details of how to
determine the needed IP addresses for each node in the SUT may vary according
-to the used installer and are therefore ommitted here.
+to the used installer and are therefore omitted here.
All the testcases (X) listed in the table are runnable on os-odl_l2-nofeature
Please note that other test cases (e.g. sfc_odl, bgpvpn) need ODL configuration
-addons and, as a consequence, specific scenario.
+add-ons and, as a consequence, specific scenario.
There are not considered as runnable on the generic odl_l2 scenario.
* the maturity: if the percentage (scoring/target scoring * 100) is high, it
means that all the tests are PASS
* the stability: as the number of iteration is included in the calculation,
- the pecentage can be high only if the scenario is run regularly (at least
+ the percentage can be high only if the scenario is run regularly (at least
more than 4 iterations over the last 10 days in CI)
In any case, the scoring is used to give feedback to the other projects and
Functest test suites are also distributed in the OPNFV testing categories:
healthcheck, smoke, benchmarking, VNF, Stress tests.
-All the Healthcheck and smoke tests of a given scenario must be succesful to
+All the Healthcheck and smoke tests of a given scenario must be successful to
validate the scenario for the release.
| VNF | vnf | cloudify | Example of a real VNF deployment |
| | | \_ims | to show the NFV capabilities of |
| | | | the platform. The IP Multimedia |
-| | | | Subsytem is a typical Telco test |
+| | | | Subsystem is a typical Telco test|
| | | | case, referenced by ETSI. |
| | | | It provides a fully functional |
| | | | VoIP System |
determine the valid test cases, for each given environment.
A convenience Functest CLI utility is also available to simplify setting up the
-Functest evironment, management of the OpenStack environment (e.g. resource
+Functest environment, management of the OpenStack environment (e.g. resource
clean-up) and for executing tests.
The Functest CLI organised the testcase into logical Tiers, which contain in
turn one or more testcases. The CLI allows execution of a single specified
vPing_ssh- ERROR - Cannot establish connection to IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Aborting
If this is displayed, stop the test or wait for it to finish, if you have used
-the special method of test invocation with specific supression of OpenStack
-resource clean-up, as explained earler. It means that the Container can not
+the special method of test invocation with specific suppression of OpenStack
+resource clean-up, as explained earlier. It means that the Container can not
reach the Public/External IP assigned to the instance **opnfv-vping-2**. There
are many possible reasons, and they really depend on the chosen scenario. For
most of the ODL-L3 and ONOS scenarios this has been noticed and it is a known
ping <public IP>
If the ping does not return anything, try to ping from the Host where the
-Docker container is running. If that solves the problem, check the iptable
+Docker container is running. If that solves the problem, check the iptables
rules because there might be some rules rejecting ICMP or TCP traffic
coming/going from/to the container.
sphinx-build -W -n -b html docs docs/build/html
sphinx-build -W -n -b linkcheck docs docs/_build/linkcheck
sphinx-build -W -n -b html -c docs/lfreleng docs docs/_build/html
+ sphinx-build -W -b spelling -Dextensions=sphinxcontrib.spelling docs docs/_build/spellcheck
basepython = python3.7