Stop ISO build process if no sane Ubuntu mirrors are available,
instead of continuing with an empty URL, which is bound to fail
While at it, skip re-assesing the output of if
the URL var already is set.
Also, stderr and stdout were both captured in UBUNTU_MIRROR_URL,
so disable debug by default, and only print debug info in case no
valid mirror is found.
v2 -> v3:
- allow "One hour behind" mirror state to be considered, since
we already accept "Six hours behind" mirrors;
Change-Id: I791942da234304528ff5cae1891415602e1a62b2
Signed-off-by: Alexandru Avadanii <>
# Use snapshots
# Use nearby repositories
-export MIRROR_UBUNTU_URL := $(shell ./f_isoroot/f_repobuild/ --url)
-export MIRROR_UBUNTU := $(shell echo "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_URL)" | cut -d'/' -f3 )
-export MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT := $(shell echo -n '/' ; echo "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_URL)" | cut -d'/' -f4-)
+export MIRROR_UBUNTU_URL ?= $(shell ./f_isoroot/f_repobuild/
+export MIRROR_UBUNTU ?= $(shell echo "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_URL)" | cut -d'/' -f3 )
+export MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT ?= $(shell echo -n '/' ; echo "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_URL)" | cut -d'/' -f4-)
+$(warning $(shell ./f_isoroot/f_repobuild/ -d))
+$(error No sane Ubuntu mirror available)
export LATEST_MIRROR_ID_URL := http://$(shell ./
# Hardcode for testing purposes
+# DEBUG=1
TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/mirrorsXXXXX)A
trap cleanup exit
# Generate a list of mirrors considered as "up"
curl -s | \
- grep -P -B8 "statusUP|statusSIX" | \
+ grep -P -B8 "statusUP|statusONE|statusSIX" | \
grep -o -P "(f|ht)tp.*\"" | \
sed 's/"$//' | sort | uniq > $TMPFILE