Fix baseconfig to work with new Xena2544.exe versions. Reporting
option for latency/jitter collection has changed.
Added note to trafficgen document reflecting recommended version
to use for Xena2544.exe.
Change-Id: I1974ea3c9f9e4c0935fc8adead6ddd5a92a16a04
Signed-off-by: Christian Trautman <>
can also visit www.xenanetworks/downloads to obtain the file with a valid
support contract.
+**Note** VSPerf has been fully tested with version v2.43 of Xena2544.exe
To execute the Xena2544.exe file under Linux distributions the mono-complete
package must be installed. To install this package follow the instructions
below. Further information can be obtained from
"PassThreshold": 0.0
"ReportPropertyOptions": [
- "b"
+ "LatencyCounters"
"TestType": "Throughput",
"Enabled": false,