"""Automation of system configuration for DPDK use.
-Parts of this based on ``tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py`` script from Intel(R)
+Parts of this based on ``tools/dpdk*bind.py`` script from Intel(R)
import os
import subprocess
import logging
+import glob
from tools import tasks
from conf import settings
from tools.module_manager import ModuleManager
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-RTE_PCI_TOOL = os.path.join(
- settings.getValue('RTE_SDK_USER'), 'tools', 'dpdk_nic_bind.py')
+RTE_PCI_TOOL = glob.glob(os.path.join(
+ settings.getValue('RTE_SDK_USER'), 'tools', 'dpdk*bind.py'))[0]
_DPDK_MODULE_MANAGER = ModuleManager()
def _bind_nics():
- """Bind NICs using the Intel DPDK ``dpdk_nic_bind.py`` tool.
+ """Bind NICs using the Intel DPDK ``dpdk*bind.py`` tool.
_driver = 'igb_uio'
_LOGGER.error('Unable to bind NICs %s', str(_NICS_PCI))
def _unbind_nics():
- """Unbind NICs using the Intel DPDK ``dpdk_nic_bind.py`` tool.
+ """Unbind NICs using the Intel DPDK ``dpdk*bind.py`` tool.
tasks.run_task(['sudo', RTE_PCI_TOOL, '--unbind'] +
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
_LOGGER.error('Unable to unbind NICs %s', str(_NICS_PCI))
# Rebind NICs to their original drivers
- # using the Intel DPDK ``dpdk_nic_bind.py`` tool.
+ # using the Intel DPDK ``dpdk*bind.py`` tool.
for nic in _NICS:
if nic['driver']:
:param pf_pci_handle: PCI slot identifier of PF with domain part.
- rte_pci_tool = os.path.join(settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'tools', 'dpdk_nic_bind.py')
+ rte_pci_tool = glob.glob(os.path.join(settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'tools', 'dpdk*bind.py'))[0]
for vf_nic in get_sriov_vfs_list(pf_pci_handle):
nic_driver = get_driver(vf_nic)
app_git_tag = get_git_tag(S.getValue('OVS_DIR'))
elif app_name.lower() in ['dpdk', 'testpmd']:
tmp_ver = ['', '', '']
- found = False
+ dpdk_16 = False
with open(app_version_file['dpdk']) as file_:
for line in file_:
if not line.strip():
+ # DPDK version < 16
if line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_MAJOR'):
- found = True
tmp_ver[0] = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
- if line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_MINOR'):
- found = True
- tmp_ver[1] = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
- if line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_PATCH_LEVEL'):
- found = True
+ # DPDK version < 16
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_PATCH_LEVEL'):
tmp_ver[2] = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
- if found:
+ # DPDK version < 16
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_PATCH_RELEASE'):
+ release = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ if not '16' in release:
+ tmp_ver[2] += line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ # DPDK all versions
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_MINOR'):
+ if dpdk_16:
+ tmp_ver[2] = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ else:
+ tmp_ver[1] = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ # DPDK all versions
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_SUFFIX'):
+ tmp_ver[2] += line.rstrip('\n').split('"')[1]
+ # DPDK version >= 16
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_YEAR'):
+ dpdk_16 = True
+ tmp_ver[0] = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ # DPDK version >= 16
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_MONTH'):
+ tmp_ver[1] = '{:0>2}'.format(line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2])
+ # DPDK version >= 16
+ elif line.startswith('#define RTE_VER_RELEASE'):
+ release = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ if not '16' in release:
+ tmp_ver[2] += line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[2]
+ if len(tmp_ver[0]):
app_version = '.'.join(tmp_ver)
app_git_tag = get_git_tag(S.getValue('RTE_SDK'))
elif app_name.lower().startswith('qemu'):
self.execute_and_wait('modprobe uio')
self.execute_and_wait('insmod %s/kmod/igb_uio.ko' %
- self.execute_and_wait('./tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py --status')
+ self.execute_and_wait('./tools/dpdk*bind.py --status')
- './tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -u' ' ' +
+ './tools/dpdk*bind.py -u' ' ' +
S.getValue('GUEST_NET1_PCI_ADDRESS')[self._number] + ' ' +
- './tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -b igb_uio' ' ' +
+ './tools/dpdk*bind.py -b igb_uio' ' ' +
S.getValue('GUEST_NET1_PCI_ADDRESS')[self._number] + ' ' +
- self.execute_and_wait('./tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py --status')
+ self.execute_and_wait('./tools/dpdk*bind.py --status')
# build and run 'test-pmd'
self.execute_and_wait('cd ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR') +
import logging
import subprocess
import os
+import glob
from conf import settings as S
from vnfs.qemu.qemu import IVnfQemu
from tools.module_manager import ModuleManager
_MODULE_MANAGER = ModuleManager()
-_RTE_PCI_TOOL = os.path.join(S.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'tools', 'dpdk_nic_bind.py')
+_RTE_PCI_TOOL = glob.glob(os.path.join(S.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'tools', 'dpdk*bind.py'))[0]
class QemuPciPassthrough(IVnfQemu):