* Update docs/submodules/sfc from branch 'master'
- Test the deletion of chain
This is the flow of the test:
1 - Create a vnffg in tacker (i.e. chain + classifier)
2 - Remove the vnffg
3 - Check that the RSPs are removed from operation DB in ODL and
the classifier rules are not present in the flows
4 - Create a new vnffg
5 - Test the new chain:
5.1 - Check HTTP traffic works
5.2 - Block HTTP traffic in VNF and check that it does not work anymore
Change-Id: Ia077e58c5cbce4258a2f8a36f6b961eb923ff9c5
Signed-off-by: Manuel Buil <mbuil@suse.com>
-Subproject commit 7abf19f9cc194213484873770148cf5bc980aefd
+Subproject commit 575a8c98517c587dfdccfad93a6ea119ad689629