--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2017 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+import netaddr
+import re
+from opnfv.deployment import manager
+from opnfv.utils import opnfv_logger as logger
+from opnfv.utils import ssh_utils
+logger = logger.Logger(__name__).getLogger()
+class CompassAdapter(manager.DeploymentHandler):
+ def __init__(self, installer_ip, installer_user, installer_pwd):
+ super(CompassAdapter, self).__init__(installer='compass',
+ installer_ip=installer_ip,
+ installer_user=installer_user,
+ installer_pwd=installer_pwd,
+ pkey_file=None)
+ def get_nodes(self, options=None):
+ nodes = []
+ self.deployment_status = None
+ self.nodes_dict = self._get_deployment_nodes()
+ self.deployment_status = self.get_deployment_status()
+ for k, v in self.nodes_dict.iteritems():
+ node = manager.Node(v['id'], v['ip'],
+ k, v['status'],
+ v['roles'], v['ssh_client'], v['mac'])
+ nodes.append(node)
+ self.get_nodes_called = True
+ return nodes
+ def get_openstack_version(self):
+ version = None
+ cmd = 'source /opt/admin-openrc.sh;nova-manage version 2>/dev/null'
+ version = next(node.run_cmd(cmd) for node in self.nodes
+ if node.is_controller())
+ return version
+ def get_sdn_version(self):
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ if node.is_odl():
+ sdn_info = self._get_sdn_info(node, manager.Role.ODL)
+ break
+ elif node.is_onos():
+ sdn_info = self._get_sdn_info(node, manager.Role.ONOS)
+ break
+ else:
+ sdn_info = None
+ return sdn_info
+ def _get_sdn_info(self, node, sdn_type):
+ if sdn_type == manager.Role.ODL:
+ sdn_key = 'distribution-karaf'
+ elif sdn_type == manager.Role.ONOS:
+ sdn_key = 'onos-'
+ else:
+ raise KeyError('SDN %s is not supported', sdn_type)
+ cmd = "find /opt -name '{0}*'".format(sdn_key)
+ sdn_info = node.run_cmd(cmd)
+ sdn_version = 'None'
+ if sdn_info:
+ # /opt/distribution-karaf-0.5.2-Boron-SR2.tar.gz
+ match_sdn = re.findall(r".*(0\.\d\.\d).*", sdn_info)
+ if (match_sdn and len(match_sdn) >= 1):
+ sdn_version = match_sdn[0]
+ sdn_version = '{0} {1}'.format(sdn_type, sdn_version)
+ return sdn_version
+ def get_deployment_status(self):
+ if self.deployment_status is not None:
+ logger.debug('Skip - Node status has been retrieved once')
+ return self.deployment_status
+ for k, v in self.nodes_dict.iteritems():
+ if manager.Role.CONTROLLER in v['roles']:
+ cmd = 'source /opt/admin-openrc.sh; nova hypervisor-list;'
+ '''
+ +----+---------------------+-------+---------+
+ | ID | Hypervisor hostname | State | Status |
+ +----+---------------------+-------+---------+
+ | 3 | host4 | up | enabled |
+ | 6 | host5 | up | enabled |
+ +----+---------------------+-------+---------+
+ '''
+ _, stdout, stderr = (v['ssh_client'].exec_command(cmd))
+ error = stderr.readlines()
+ if len(error) > 0:
+ logger.error("error %s" % ''.join(error))
+ status = manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_ERROR
+ v['status'] = status
+ continue
+ lines = stdout.readlines()
+ for i in range(3, len(lines) - 1):
+ fields = lines[i].strip().encode().rsplit(' | ')
+ hostname = fields[1].strip().encode().lower()
+ state = fields[2].strip().encode().lower()
+ if 'up' == state:
+ status = manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_OK
+ else:
+ status = manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_ERROR
+ self.nodes_dict[hostname]['status'] = status
+ v['status'] = manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_OK
+ failed_nodes = [k for k, v in self.nodes_dict.iteritems()
+ if v['status'] != manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_OK]
+ if failed_nodes and len(failed_nodes) > 0:
+ return 'Hosts {0} failed'.format(','.join(failed_nodes))
+ return 'active'
+ def _get_deployment_nodes(self):
+ sql_query = ('select host.host_id, host.roles, '
+ 'network.ip_int, machine.mac from clusterhost as host, '
+ 'host_network as network, machine as machine '
+ 'where host.host_id=network.host_id '
+ 'and host.id=machine.id;')
+ cmd = 'mysql -uroot -Dcompass -e "{0}"'.format(sql_query)
+ logger.debug('mysql command: %s', cmd)
+ output = self.installer_node.run_cmd(cmd)
+ '''
+ host_id roles ip_int mac
+ 1 ["controller", "ha", "odl", "ceph-adm", "ceph-mon"]
+ 167837746 00:00:e3:ee:a8:63
+ 2 ["controller", "ha", "odl", "ceph-mon"]
+ 167837747 00:00:31:1d:16:7a
+ 3 ["controller", "ha", "odl", "ceph-mon"]
+ 167837748 00:00:0c:bf:eb:01
+ 4 ["compute", "ceph-osd"] 167837749 00:00:d8:22:6f:59
+ 5 ["compute", "ceph-osd"] 167837750 00:00:75:d5:6b:9e
+ '''
+ lines = output.encode().rsplit('\n')
+ nodes_dict = {}
+ if (not lines or len(lines) < 2):
+ logger.error('No nodes are found in the deployment.')
+ return nodes_dict
+ proxy = {'ip': self.installer_ip,
+ 'username': self.installer_user,
+ 'password': self.installer_pwd}
+ for i in range(1, len(lines)):
+ fields = lines[i].strip().encode().rsplit('\t')
+ host_id = fields[0].strip().encode()
+ name = 'host{0}'.format(host_id)
+ node_roles = fields[1].strip().encode().lower()
+ node_roles = [manager.Role.ODL if x == 'odl'
+ else x for x in node_roles]
+ roles = [x for x in [manager.Role.CONTROLLER,
+ manager.Role.COMPUTE,
+ manager.Role.ODL,
+ manager.Role.ONOS] if x in node_roles]
+ ip = fields[2].strip().encode()
+ ip = str(netaddr.IPAddress(ip))
+ mac = fields[3].strip().encode()
+ nodes_dict[name] = {}
+ nodes_dict[name]['id'] = host_id
+ nodes_dict[name]['roles'] = roles
+ nodes_dict[name]['ip'] = ip
+ nodes_dict[name]['mac'] = mac
+ ssh_client = ssh_utils.get_ssh_client(hostname=ip,
+ username='root',
+ proxy=proxy)
+ nodes_dict[name]['ssh_client'] = ssh_client
+ nodes_dict[name]['status'] = manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_UNKNOWN
+ return nodes_dict