* Update docs/submodules/clover from branch 'master'
- Merge "Added toplevel manifests for SDC sample scenario"
- Added toplevel manifests for SDC sample scenario
- Added missing k8s manifest yaml files for overall service delivery
controller scenario - cannot be deployed coherently without this manifest
- One file for private docker registry and one for opnfv
public registry
- Outlined in JIRA ticket CLOVER-16 and validated per
- Includes ingress rule, community redis pod/service and deployments
for http-lb (v1/v2), snort-ids, proxy-access-controller,
and clover-server1-5
- All above pod/deployment naming matches default container
- Tested with istio manual injection
Change-Id: Ia03782b38020d744ab00c99adbf4832d15bbd9f3
Signed-off-by: Eddie Arrage <eddie.arrage@huawei.com>
-Subproject commit ea3d131403779dcf219c9966fb99ccc10e7014c3
+Subproject commit 285a6231b932c3d5493376fb9da1bb9dc001e358