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+PDF and IDF support in XCI
+:date: 2018-04-30
+This spec introduces the work required to adapt XCI to use PDF and IDF which
+will be used for virtual and baremetal deployments
+Definition of Terms
+* Baremetal deployment: Deployment on physical servers as opposed to deploying
+software on virtual machines or containers running in the same physical server
+* Virtual deployment: Deployment on virtual machines, i.e. the servers where
+nodes will be deployed are virtualized. For example, in OpenStack, computes and
+controllers will be virtual machines. This deployment is normally done on just
+one physical server
+* PDF: It stands for POD Descriptor File, which is a document that lists the
+hardware characteristics of a set of physical or virtual machines which form
+the infrastructure. Example:
+* IDF: It stands for Installer Descriptor File, which is a document that
+includes useful information for the installers to accomplish the baremetal
+deployment. Example:
+Problem description
+Currently, XCI only supports virtualized deployments running in one server. This
+is good when the user has limited resources, however, baremetal is the preferred
+way to deploy NFV platforms in lab or production environments. Besides, this
+limits the scope of the testing greatly because we cannot test NFV hardware
+specific features such as SRIOV.
+Proposed change
+Introduce the infra_manager tool which will prepare the infrastructure for XCI
+to drive the deployment in a set of virtual or baremetal nodes. This tool will
+execute two tasks:
+1 - Creation of virtual nodes or initialization of the preparations for
+baremetal nodes
+2 - OS provisioning on nodes, both virtual or baremetal
+Once those steps are ready, XCI will continue with the deployment of the
+scenario on the provisioned nodes.
+The infra_manager tool will consume the PDF and IDF files describing the
+infrastructure as input. It will then use a <yet-to-be-created-tool> to do
+step 1 and bifrost to boot the Operating System in the nodes.
+Among other services Bifrost uses:
+- Disk image builder (dib) to generate the OS images
+- dnsmasq as the DHCP server which will provide the pxe boot mechanism
+- ipmitool to manage the servers
+Bifrost will be deployed inside a VM in the jumphost.
+For the time being, we will create the infrastructure based on the defined XCI
+flavors, however, the implementation should not hinder the possibility of
+having one pdf and idf per scenario, defining the characteristics and the
+number of nodes to be deployed.
+Code impact
+The new code will be introduced in a new directory called infra_manager under
+Tentative User guide
+Assuming the user cloned releng-xci in the jumphost, the following should be
+1 - Move the idf and pdf files which describe the infrastructure to
+releng-xci/xci/prototypes/infra_manager/var. There is an example under xci/var
+2 - Export the XCI_FLAVOR variable (e.g. export XCI_FLAVOR=noha)
+3 - Run the <yet-to-be-created-tool> to create the virtual nodes based on the
+provided PDF information (cpu, ram, disk...) or initialize the preparations for
+baremetal nodes
+4 - Start the bifrost process to boot the nodes
+5 - Run the VIM deployer script:
+where $inst = {osa, kubespray, kolla}
+In case of problems, the best way to debug is accessing the bifrost vm and use:
+* bifrost-utils
+* ipmitool
+* check the DHCP messages in /var/log/syslog
+Primary assignee:
+ Manuel Buil (mbuil)
+ Jack Morgan (jmorgan1)
+ Somebody_else_please (niceperson)
+Work items
+1. Provide support for a dynamically generated inventory based on PDF and IDF.
+This mechanism could be used for both baremetal and virtual deployments.
+2. Contribute the servers-prepare.sh script
+3. Contribute the nodes-deploy.sh script
+4. Integrate the three previous components correctly
+5. Provide support for the XCI supported operating systems (opensuse, Ubuntu,
+6. Allow pdf and idf per scenario