echo "----------------------------------"
# Create the ARA log directory and store the sqlite source database
- mkdir -p ${LOG_PATH}/ara/
+ mkdir -p ${LOG_PATH}/ara/ ${LOG_PATH}/opnfv/ara
rsync -q -a "${HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${LOG_PATH}/ara/"
+ rsync -q -a root@${OPNFV_HOST_IP}:releng-xci/${LOG_PATH#$XCI_PATH/}/ ${LOG_PATH}/opnfv/ || true
+ rsync -q -a root@${OPNFV_HOST_IP}:.ara/ansible.sqlite ${LOG_PATH}/opnfv/ara/ || true
+ sudo -H -E bash -c 'chown ${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID} -R ${LOG_PATH}/'
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
- pyyaml
- python-neutronclient
- python-openstackclient
+ - name: Install ARA callback plugin in OSA virtualenv
+ pip:
+ name: ara
+ state: present
+ extra_args: '-c{{ requirements_git_install_branch }}/upper-constraints.txt'
+ executable: '/opt/ansible-runtime/bin/pip'
+ - name: Determine ARA callback location
+ shell: "/opt/ansible-runtime/bin/python -c 'import os,ara; print(os.path.dirname(ara.__file__))'"
+ args:
+ executable: /bin/bash
+ register: _ara_install_dir
+ - name: Create local Ansible plugins directory
+ file:
+ path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.ansible/plugins/callback/ara"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Configure ARA callback
+ file:
+ path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.ansible/plugins/callback/ara/callbacks"
+ src: "{{ _ara_install_dir.stdout }}/plugins/callbacks"
+ force: yes
+ state: link
- name: generate password token
command: "python --file {{openstack_osa_etc_path}}/user_secrets.yml"