apikey=`grep maas-oauth: environments.yaml | cut -d "'" -f 2`
maas login maas http://${maas_ip}/MAAS/api/1.0 ${apikey}
maas maas boot-source update 1 url="http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/daily/"
-#maas maas boot-source-selections create 1 os="ubuntu" release="precise" arches="amd64" subarches="*" labels="*"
-maas maas node-groups import-boot-images
maas maas sshkeys new key="`cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`"
#Added the Qtip public to run the Qtip test after install on bare metal nodes.
+++ /dev/null
-#### original juju generated part ####
-auto lo
-# Primary interface (defining the default route)
-iface eth0 inet manual
-# Bridge to use for LXC/KVM containers
-auto juju-br0
-iface juju-br0 inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-cat <<EOF >> "$LXC_CONFIG_FILE"
-- |
- cat <<EOF >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
- ## added by juju charm
- ## those interfaces will be brought up by the upstart job as /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
- ## LP: #1483932
-- machine_agent=\$(hostname | sed -e 's/^juju-/jujud-/')
-- |
- cat <<EOF > /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
- ## added by juju charm
- ## LP: #1483932
- start on started \${machine_agent}
- script
- sleep 10
- ifup -a -i /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
- end script
-additional_interfaces=$(echo "$additional_interfaces" | sed -e 's/$/\\n/' | tr -d '\n')
-sed -i.orig -e "s@^runcmd:@\0$additional_interfaces@" \
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 160G
+ series: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 60G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- #apt_http_proxy:
+ apt_http_proxy:
- # Package sources. These will be used on the MAAS controller.
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 60G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- #apt_http_proxy:
+ apt_http_proxy:
- # Package sources. These will be used on the MAAS controller.
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
+++ /dev/null
-#### original juju generated part ####
-auto lo
-# Primary interface (defining the default route)
-iface eth0 inet manual
-# Bridge to use for LXC/KVM containers
-auto juju-br0
-iface juju-br0 inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-cat <<EOF >> "$LXC_CONFIG_FILE"
-- |
- cat <<EOF >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
- ## added by juju charm
- ## those interfaces will be brought up by the upstart job as /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
- ## LP: #1483932
-- machine_agent=\$(hostname | sed -e 's/^juju-/jujud-/')
-- |
- cat <<EOF > /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
- ## added by juju charm
- ## LP: #1483932
- start on started \${machine_agent}
- script
- sleep 10
- ifup -a -i /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
- end script
-additional_interfaces=$(echo "$additional_interfaces" | sed -e 's/$/\\n/' | tr -d '\n')
-sed -i.orig -e "s@^runcmd:@\0$additional_interfaces@" \
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 160G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 160G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 160G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 160G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 120G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
+++ /dev/null
-#### original juju generated part ####
-auto lo
-# Primary interface (defining the default route)
-iface eth0 inet manual
-# Bridge to use for LXC/KVM containers
-auto juju-br0
-iface juju-br0 inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth0
-#storage network for ceph on openstack
-auto eth1
-iface eth1 inet dhcp
-#data network for VM on openstack
-auto eth5
-iface eth5 inet manual
-auto brData
-iface brData inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth5
- bridge_stp off
- bridge_fd 0
- bridge_maxwait 0
+++ /dev/null
-#### original juju generated part ####
-auto lo
-# Primary interface (defining the default route)
-iface eth0 inet manual
-# Bridge to use for LXC/KVM containers
-auto juju-br0
-iface juju-br0 inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth0
-#storage network for ceph on openstack
-auto eth1
-iface eth1 inet dhcp
-#data network for VM on openstack
-auto eth3
-iface eth3 inet manual
-auto brData
-iface brData inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth3
- bridge_stp off
- bridge_fd 0
- bridge_maxwait 0
arch: amd64
pool: default
disk_size: 120G
+ release: trusty
# Apt http proxy setting(s)
- ppa:maas/stable
- ppa:juju/stable
+ boot_source:
+ url: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/
+ keyring_filename: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ selections:
+ 1:
+ release: trusty
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
+ 2:
+ release: xenial
+ os: ubuntu
+ arches: amd64
+ subarches: "*"
+ labels: daily
# Virsh power settings
# Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
# juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
+++ /dev/null
-#### original juju generated part ####
-auto lo
-# Primary interface (defining the default route)
-iface eth0 inet manual
-# Bridge to use for LXC/KVM containers
-auto juju-br0
-iface juju-br0 inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth0
-auto eth2
-iface eth2 inet manual
-auto eth2.721
-iface eth2.721 inet manual
-auto brData
-iface brData inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth2.721
- bridge_stp off
- bridge_fd 0
- bridge_maxwait 0
-# The public network interface
-auto eth2.724
-iface eth2.724 inet manual
-auto brPublic
-iface brPublic inet dhcp
- bridge_ports eth2.724
- bridge_stp off
- bridge_fd 0
- bridge_maxwait 0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-cat <<EOF >> "$LXC_CONFIG_FILE"
-## added by juju charm
-lxc.network.type = veth
-lxc.network.flags = up
-lxc.network.link = brData
-lxc.network.name = eth1
-lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:$(openssl rand -hex 3| sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//')
-- |
- cat <<EOF >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
- ## added by juju charm
- ## those interfaces will be brought up by the upstart job as /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
- ## LP: #1483932
- auto eth1
- iface eth1 inet dhcp
-- machine_agent=\$(hostname | sed -e 's/^juju-/jujud-/')
-- |
- cat <<EOF > /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
- ## added by juju charm
- ## LP: #1483932
- start on started \${machine_agent}
- script
- sleep 10
- ifup -a -i /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
- end script
-additional_interfaces=$(echo "$additional_interfaces" | sed -e 's/$/\\n/' | tr -d '\n')
-sed -i.orig -e "s@^runcmd:@\0$additional_interfaces@" \