* Update docs/submodules/calipso from branch 'master'
- Auto Generated INFO.yaml file
INFO.yaml meant to be machine readable.
This file was auto generated from an ldap lookup
and your projects INFO file.
Meeting times are not currently filled out.
please ammend this patchset to complete
Going forward comitter promotions should be done
against this file.
Must be merged for you to gain delete access on
Change-Id: Ie9a8a1326bff9676e3227527b6dfb2f227547ee9
Signed-off-by: agardner <agardner@linuxfoundation.org>
-Subproject commit c6c19c9d08794f947bd4b48b85a4ff9f18d56634
+Subproject commit 63d84c1d2c950f50e45a5638afb4952b2fa9d46d