Daily jobs are now switched to using xci-deploy.sh script together
with the environment variables, playbooks, and so on.
These jobs do not set any version for any of the component as
the point with these jobs is to test the platform itself, not the
DIB related stuff is still left as parameters to deploy job for SUSE
and CentOS jobs so we can override what is set by xci depending
on the distro.
Change-Id: I5a5292e6bae8fdd052858108db409e8d495fbf24
Signed-off-by: Fatih Degirmenci <fatih.degirmenci@ericsson.com>
export DIB_OS_ELEMENT=${DIB_OS_ELEMENT:-ubuntu-minimal}
export DIB_OS_PACKAGES=${DIB_OS_PACKAGES:-"vlan,vim,less,bridge-utils,sudo,language-pack-en,iputils-ping,rsyslog,curl,python,debootstrap,ifenslave,ifenslave-2.6,lsof,lvm2,tcpdump,nfs-kernel-server,chrony,iptables"}
+export EXTRA_DIB_ELEMENTS=${EXTRA_DIB_ELEMENTS:-"openssh-server"}