We can avoid "polluting" the system with all the pip packages we install
so we could just install them in the user's home directory.
Change-Id: I5b3369175535e8ab74c2591d1284c743391fd718
Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <mchandras@suse.de>
PIP=$(which pip)
echo "Using pip: $(${PIP} --version)"
- sudo -H -E ${PIP} -q install --upgrade virtualenv
- sudo -H -E ${PIP} -q install --upgrade pip
- # upgrade setuptools, as latest version is needed to install some projects
- sudo -H -E ${PIP} -q install --upgrade setuptools
- ${PIP} install -q --user --upgrade ansible==$XCI_ANSIBLE_PIP_VERSION
+ ${PIP} -q install --user --upgrade virtualenv pip setuptools ansible==$XCI_ANSIBLE_PIP_VERSION
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