This project seeks to develop baseline OpenStack NFV installations. It has been
developed by Steven Pisarski and provided an object oriented library to perform
functional and performance tests. It has been declined in several test suites in
+Functest, 2 are part of healthcheck tier, one belongs to smoke tier.
connection check
This suite consists in 49 tests (test duration< 2 minutes)
This test case contains tests that setup and destroy environments with VMs with
and without Floating IPs with a newly created user and project. Set the config
installer: ''
scenario: '^((?!lxd).)*$'
+ -
+ name: connection_check
+ criteria: 'status == "PASS"'
+ blocking: true
+ description: >-
+ This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients:
+ Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova and may perform some
+ simple queries. When the config value of
+ snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to
+ the cloud's private network.
+ dependencies:
+ installer: '^((?!netvirt).)*$'
+ scenario: ''
+ run:
+ module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.connection_check'
+ class: 'ConnectionCheck'
+ -
+ name: api_check
+ criteria: 'status == "PASS"'
+ blocking: true
+ description: >-
+ This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients:
+ Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova and may perform some
+ simple queries. When the config value of
+ snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to
+ the cloud's private network.
+ dependencies:
+ installer: '^((?!netvirt).)*$'
+ scenario: ''
+ run:
+ module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.api_check'
+ class: 'ApiCheck'
name: smoke
order: 1
installer: ''
scenario: 'onos'
- -
- name: connection_check
- criteria: 'status == "PASS"'
- blocking: false
- description: >-
- This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients:
- Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova and may perform some
- simple queries. When the config value of
- snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to
- the cloud's private network.
- dependencies:
- installer: '^((?!netvirt).)*$'
- scenario: ''
- run:
- module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.connection_check'
- class: 'ConnectionCheck'
- -
- name: api_check
- criteria: 'status == "PASS"'
- blocking: false
- description: >-
- This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients:
- Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova and may perform some
- simple queries. When the config value of
- snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to
- the cloud's private network.
- dependencies:
- installer: '^((?!netvirt).)*$'
- scenario: ''
- run:
- module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.api_check'
- class: 'ApiCheck'
name: snaps_smoke