There is a possiblity of multiple docker builds of a docker repo being
scheduled on the same host:
1) Patch is merged
2) Docker build is triggered
3) New patch is merged before the Docker build/push finishes triggering
a second build
4) First build fails as second build starts by cleaning image from
first build
Reintroducing the check for builds in progress, but specific to the
Docker repo, should allow mulitiple Docker builds on a node to run,
while keeping multiple builds on a per-repo basis from thrashing each
Change-Id: I74c01850a036c831b93a8cd5fa8522337abb9ff4
Signed-off-by: Trevor Bramwell <>
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
+count=30 # docker build jobs might take up to ~30 min
+while [[ -n `ps -ef| grep 'docker build' | grep $DOCKER_REPO_NAME | grep -v grep` ]]; do
+ echo "Build or cleanup of $DOCKER_REPO_NAME in progress. Waiting..."
+ sleep 60
+ count=$(( $count - 1 ))
+ if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Timeout. Aborting..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
# Remove previous running containers if exist
if [[ -n "$(docker ps -a | grep $DOCKER_REPO_NAME)" ]]; then
echo "Removing existing $DOCKER_REPO_NAME containers..."