Update git submodules
* Update docs/submodules/releng from branch 'master'
- Add new function to get indivial test score for aarch64
as architecture is not considered as a constraints (unlike scenario or
installer) we need to work on the build tag to retrieve the data
but it is not possible to use regex directly in the API
so retrieveing the accurate results require extra processing
* based on build_tag, filter the results properly per scenario
* build a table build_tag time for a given scenario
* keep only the last 4 results
* evaluation criteria field
It would simplified if architecture could be declared as a constraint
then querying the resuls will not change and not require intermediate
Change-Id: Id4fe4f56babf0964d41e299905c804e0d837c3d7
Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com>