############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## """Heat template and stack management""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import collections import datetime import getpass import logging import socket import time import heatclient import pkg_resources from oslo_utils import encodeutils import yardstick.common.openstack_utils as op_utils from yardstick.common import template_format log = logging.getLogger(__name__) HEAT_KEY_UUID_LENGTH = 8 PROVIDER_SRIOV = "sriov" def get_short_key_uuid(uuid): return str(uuid)[:HEAT_KEY_UUID_LENGTH] class HeatObject(object): """base class for template and stack""" def __init__(self): self._heat_client = None self.uuid = None def _get_heat_client(self): """returns a heat client instance""" if self._heat_client is None: sess = op_utils.get_session() heat_endpoint = op_utils.get_endpoint(service_type='orchestration') self._heat_client = heatclient.client.Client( op_utils.get_heat_api_version(), endpoint=heat_endpoint, session=sess) return self._heat_client def status(self): """returns stack state as a string""" heat = self._get_heat_client() stack = heat.stacks.get(self.uuid) return getattr(stack, 'stack_status') class HeatStack(HeatObject): """Represents a Heat stack (deployed template) """ stacks = [] def __init__(self, name): super(HeatStack, self).__init__() self.uuid = None self.name = name self.outputs = None HeatStack.stacks.append(self) @staticmethod def stacks_exist(): """check if any stack has been deployed""" return len(HeatStack.stacks) > 0 def _delete(self): """deletes a stack from the target cloud using heat""" if self.uuid is None: return log.info("Deleting stack '%s', uuid:%s", self.name, self.uuid) heat = self._get_heat_client() template = heat.stacks.get(self.uuid) start_time = time.time() template.delete() status = self.status() while status != u'DELETE_COMPLETE': log.debug("stack state %s", status) if status == u'DELETE_FAILED': raise RuntimeError( heat.stacks.get(self.uuid).stack_status_reason) time.sleep(2) status = self.status() end_time = time.time() log.info("Deleted stack '%s' in %d secs", self.name, end_time - start_time) self.uuid = None def delete(self, block=True, retries=3): """deletes a stack in the target cloud using heat (with retry) Sometimes delete fail with "InternalServerError" and the next attempt succeeds. So it is worthwhile to test a couple of times. """ if self.uuid is None: return if not block: self._delete() return i = 0 while i < retries: try: self._delete() break except RuntimeError as err: log.warning(err.args) time.sleep(2) i += 1 # if still not deleted try once more and let it fail everything if self.uuid is not None: self._delete() HeatStack.stacks.remove(self) @staticmethod def delete_all(): for stack in HeatStack.stacks[:]: stack.delete() def update(self): """update a stack""" raise RuntimeError("not implemented") class HeatTemplate(HeatObject): """Describes a Heat template and a method to deploy template to a stack""" def _init_template(self): self._template = {} self._template['heat_template_version'] = '2013-05-23' timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self._template['description'] = \ """Stack built by the yardstick framework for %s on host %s %s. All referred generated resources are prefixed with the template name (i.e. %s).""" % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname(), timestamp, self.name) # short hand for resources part of template self.resources = self._template['resources'] = {} self._template['outputs'] = {} def __init__(self, name, template_file=None, heat_parameters=None): super(HeatTemplate, self).__init__() self.name = name self.state = "NOT_CREATED" self.keystone_client = None self.heat_client = None self.heat_parameters = {} # heat_parameters is passed to heat in stack create, empty dict when # yardstick creates the template (no get_param in resources part) if heat_parameters: self.heat_parameters = heat_parameters if template_file: with open(template_file) as stream: print("Parsing external template:", template_file) template_str = stream.read() self._template = template_format.parse(template_str) self._parameters = heat_parameters else: self._init_template() # holds results of requested output after deployment self.outputs = {} log.debug("template object '%s' created", name) def add_flavor(self, name, vcpus=1, ram=1024, disk=1, ephemeral=0, is_public=True, rxtx_factor=1.0, swap=0, extra_specs=None): """add to the template a Flavor description""" if name is None: name = 'auto' log.debug("adding Nova::Flavor '%s' vcpus '%d' ram '%d' disk '%d' " + "ephemeral '%d' is_public '%s' rxtx_factor '%d' " + "swap '%d' extra_specs '%s' ", name, vcpus, ram, disk, ephemeral, is_public, rxtx_factor, swap, str(extra_specs)) if extra_specs: assert isinstance(extra_specs, collections.Mapping) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Nova::Flavor', 'properties': {'name': name, 'disk': disk, 'vcpus': vcpus, 'swap': swap, 'flavorid': name, 'rxtx_factor': rxtx_factor, 'ram': ram, 'is_public': is_public, 'ephemeral': ephemeral, 'extra_specs': extra_specs} } self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'Flavor %s ID' % name, 'value': {'get_resource': name} } def add_network(self, name, physical_network='physnet1', provider=None): """add to the template a Neutron Net""" log.debug("adding Neutron::Net '%s'", name) if provider is None: self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::Net', 'properties': {'name': name} } else: self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::ProviderNet', 'properties': { 'name': name, 'network_type': 'vlan', 'physical_network': physical_network } } def add_server_group(self, name, policies): # pragma: no cover """add to the template a ServerGroup""" log.debug("adding Nova::ServerGroup '%s'", name) policies = policies if isinstance(policies, list) else [policies] self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Nova::ServerGroup', 'properties': {'name': name, 'policies': policies} } def add_subnet(self, name, network, cidr): """add to the template a Neutron Subnet""" log.debug("adding Neutron::Subnet '%s' in network '%s', cidr '%s'", name, network, cidr) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::Subnet', 'depends_on': network, 'properties': { 'name': name, 'cidr': cidr, 'network_id': {'get_resource': network} } } self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'subnet %s ID' % name, 'value': {'get_resource': name} } def add_router(self, name, ext_gw_net, subnet_name): """add to the template a Neutron Router and interface""" log.debug("adding Neutron::Router:'%s', gw-net:'%s'", name, ext_gw_net) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::Router', 'depends_on': [subnet_name], 'properties': { 'name': name, 'external_gateway_info': { 'network': ext_gw_net } } } def add_router_interface(self, name, router_name, subnet_name): """add to the template a Neutron RouterInterface and interface""" log.debug("adding Neutron::RouterInterface '%s' router:'%s', " "subnet:'%s'", name, router_name, subnet_name) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::RouterInterface', 'depends_on': [router_name, subnet_name], 'properties': { 'router_id': {'get_resource': router_name}, 'subnet_id': {'get_resource': subnet_name} } } def add_port(self, name, network_name, subnet_name, sec_group_id=None, provider=None): """add to the template a named Neutron Port""" log.debug("adding Neutron::Port '%s', network:'%s', subnet:'%s', " "secgroup:%s", name, network_name, subnet_name, sec_group_id) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::Port', 'depends_on': [subnet_name], 'properties': { 'name': name, 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet': {'get_resource': subnet_name}}], 'network_id': {'get_resource': network_name}, 'replacement_policy': 'AUTO', } } if provider == PROVIDER_SRIOV: self.resources[name]['properties']['binding:vnic_type'] = \ 'direct' if sec_group_id: self.resources[name]['depends_on'].append(sec_group_id) self.resources[name]['properties']['security_groups'] = \ [sec_group_id] self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'Address for interface %s' % name, 'value': {'get_attr': [name, 'fixed_ips', 0, 'ip_address']} } def add_floating_ip(self, name, network_name, port_name, router_if_name, secgroup_name=None): """add to the template a Nova FloatingIP resource see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1299259 """ log.debug("adding Nova::FloatingIP '%s', network '%s', port '%s', " "rif '%s'", name, network_name, port_name, router_if_name) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Nova::FloatingIP', 'depends_on': [port_name, router_if_name], 'properties': { 'pool': network_name } } if secgroup_name: self.resources[name]["depends_on"].append(secgroup_name) self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'floating ip %s' % name, 'value': {'get_attr': [name, 'ip']} } def add_floating_ip_association(self, name, floating_ip_name, port_name): """add to the template a Nova FloatingIP Association resource """ log.debug("adding Nova::FloatingIPAssociation '%s', server '%s', " "floating_ip '%s'", name, port_name, floating_ip_name) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation', 'depends_on': [port_name], 'properties': { 'floatingip_id': {'get_resource': floating_ip_name}, 'port_id': {'get_resource': port_name} } } def add_keypair(self, name, key_uuid): """add to the template a Nova KeyPair""" log.debug("adding Nova::KeyPair '%s'", name) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Nova::KeyPair', 'properties': { 'name': name, # resource_string returns bytes, so we must decode to unicode 'public_key': encodeutils.safe_decode( pkg_resources.resource_string( 'yardstick.resources', 'files/yardstick_key-' + get_short_key_uuid(key_uuid) + '.pub'), 'utf-8') } } def add_servergroup(self, name, policy): """add to the template a Nova ServerGroup""" log.debug("adding Nova::ServerGroup '%s', policy '%s'", name, policy) if policy not in ["anti-affinity", "affinity"]: raise ValueError(policy) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Nova::ServerGroup', 'properties': { 'name': name, 'policies': [policy] } } self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'ID Server Group %s' % name, 'value': {'get_resource': name} } def add_security_group(self, name): """add to the template a Neutron SecurityGroup""" log.debug("adding Neutron::SecurityGroup '%s'", name) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup', 'properties': { 'name': name, 'description': "Group allowing icmp and upd/tcp on all ports", 'rules': [ {'remote_ip_prefix': '', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'port_range_min': '1', 'port_range_max': '65535'}, {'remote_ip_prefix': '', 'protocol': 'udp', 'port_range_min': '1', 'port_range_max': '65535'}, {'remote_ip_prefix': '', 'protocol': 'icmp'} ] } } self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'ID of Security Group', 'value': {'get_resource': name} } def add_server(self, name, image, flavor, flavors, ports=None, networks=None, scheduler_hints=None, user=None, key_name=None, user_data=None, metadata=None, additional_properties=None): """add to the template a Nova Server""" log.debug("adding Nova::Server '%s', image '%s', flavor '%s', " "ports %s", name, image, flavor, ports) self.resources[name] = { 'type': 'OS::Nova::Server', 'depends_on': [] } server_properties = { 'name': name, 'image': image, 'flavor': {}, 'networks': [] # list of dictionaries } if flavor in flavors: self.resources[name]['depends_on'].append(flavor) server_properties["flavor"] = {'get_resource': flavor} else: server_properties["flavor"] = flavor if user: server_properties['admin_user'] = user if key_name: self.resources[name]['depends_on'].append(key_name) server_properties['key_name'] = {'get_resource': key_name} if ports: self.resources[name]['depends_on'].extend(ports) for port in ports: server_properties['networks'].append( {'port': {'get_resource': port}} ) if networks: for i, _ in enumerate(networks): server_properties['networks'].append({'network': networks[i]}) if scheduler_hints: server_properties['scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints if user_data: server_properties['user_data'] = user_data if metadata: assert isinstance(metadata, collections.Mapping) server_properties['metadata'] = metadata if additional_properties: assert isinstance(additional_properties, collections.Mapping) for prop in additional_properties: server_properties[prop] = additional_properties[prop] server_properties['config_drive'] = True self.resources[name]['properties'] = server_properties self._template['outputs'][name] = { 'description': 'VM UUID', 'value': {'get_resource': name} } def create(self, block=True): """creates a template in the target cloud using heat returns a dict with the requested output values from the template """ log.info("Creating stack '%s'", self.name) # create stack early to support cleanup, e.g. ctrl-c while waiting stack = HeatStack(self.name) heat = self._get_heat_client() start_time = time.time() stack.uuid = self.uuid = heat.stacks.create( stack_name=self.name, template=self._template, parameters=self.heat_parameters)['stack']['id'] status = self.status() outputs = [] if block: while status != u'CREATE_COMPLETE': log.debug("stack state %s", status) if status == u'CREATE_FAILED': raise RuntimeError(getattr(heat.stacks.get(self.uuid), 'stack_status_reason')) time.sleep(2) status = self.status() end_time = time.time() outputs = getattr(heat.stacks.get(self.uuid), 'outputs') log.info("Created stack '%s' in %d secs", self.name, end_time - start_time) # keep outputs as unicode self.outputs = {output["output_key"]: output["output_value"] for output in outputs} stack.outputs = self.outputs return stack