# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ vPE (Power Edge router) VNF model definitions based on IETS Spec """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import os import logging import re import posixpath from six.moves import configparser, zip from yardstick.network_services.helpers.samplevnf_helper import PortPairs from yardstick.network_services.pipeline import PipelineRules from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf.sample_vnf import SampleVNF, DpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) VPE_PIPELINE_COMMAND = """sudo {tool_path} -p {port_mask_hex} -f {cfg_file} -s {script}""" VPE_COLLECT_KPI = """\ Pkts in:\s(\d+)\r\n\ \tPkts dropped by AH:\s(\d+)\r\n\ \tPkts dropped by other:\s(\d+)\ """ class ConfigCreate(object): @staticmethod def vpe_tmq(config, index): tm_q = 'TM{0}'.format(index) config.add_section(tm_q) config.set(tm_q, 'burst_read', '24') config.set(tm_q, 'burst_write', '32') config.set(tm_q, 'cfg', '/tmp/full_tm_profile_10G.cfg') return config def __init__(self, uplink_ports, downlink_ports, socket): super(ConfigCreate, self).__init__() self.sw_q = -1 self.sink_q = -1 self.n_pipeline = 1 self.uplink_ports = uplink_ports self.downlink_ports = downlink_ports self.pipeline_per_port = 9 self.socket = socket def vpe_initialize(self, config): config.add_section('EAL') config.set('EAL', 'log_level', '0') config.add_section('PIPELINE0') config.set('PIPELINE0', 'type', 'MASTER') config.set('PIPELINE0', 'core', 's%sC0' % self.socket) config.add_section('MEMPOOL0') config.set('MEMPOOL0', 'pool_size', '256K') config.add_section('MEMPOOL1') config.set('MEMPOOL1', 'pool_size', '2M') return config def vpe_rxq(self, config): for port in self.downlink_ports: new_section = 'RXQ{0}.0'.format(port) config.add_section(new_section) config.set(new_section, 'mempool', 'MEMPOOL1') return config def get_sink_swq(self, parser, pipeline, k, index): sink = "" pktq = parser.get(pipeline, k) if "SINK" in pktq: self.sink_q += 1 sink = " SINK{0}".format(self.sink_q) if "TM" in pktq: sink = " TM{0}".format(index) pktq = "SWQ{0}{1}".format(self.sw_q, sink) return pktq def vpe_upstream(self, vnf_cfg, index=0): parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.read(os.path.join(vnf_cfg, 'vpe_upstream')) for pipeline in parser.sections(): for k, v in parser.items(pipeline): if k == "pktq_in": if "RXQ" in v: value = "RXQ{0}.0".format(self.uplink_ports[index]) else: value = self.get_sink_swq(parser, pipeline, k, index) parser.set(pipeline, k, value) elif k == "pktq_out": if "TXQ" in v: value = "TXQ{0}.0".format(self.downlink_ports[index]) else: self.sw_q += 1 value = self.get_sink_swq(parser, pipeline, k, index) parser.set(pipeline, k, value) new_pipeline = 'PIPELINE{0}'.format(self.n_pipeline) if new_pipeline != pipeline: parser._sections[new_pipeline] = parser._sections[pipeline] parser._sections.pop(pipeline) self.n_pipeline += 1 return parser def vpe_downstream(self, vnf_cfg, index): parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.read(os.path.join(vnf_cfg, 'vpe_downstream')) for pipeline in parser.sections(): for k, v in parser.items(pipeline): if k == "pktq_in": if "RXQ" not in v: value = self.get_sink_swq(parser, pipeline, k, index) elif "TM" in v: value = "RXQ{0}.0 TM{1}".format(self.downlink_ports[index], index) else: value = "RXQ{0}.0".format(self.downlink_ports[index]) parser.set(pipeline, k, value) if k == "pktq_out": if "TXQ" not in v: self.sw_q += 1 value = self.get_sink_swq(parser, pipeline, k, index) elif "TM" in v: value = "TXQ{0}.0 TM{1}".format(self.uplink_ports[index], index) else: value = "TXQ{0}.0".format(self.uplink_ports[index]) parser.set(pipeline, k, value) new_pipeline = 'PIPELINE{0}'.format(self.n_pipeline) if new_pipeline != pipeline: parser._sections[new_pipeline] = parser._sections[pipeline] parser._sections.pop(pipeline) self.n_pipeline += 1 return parser def create_vpe_config(self, vnf_cfg): config = configparser.ConfigParser() vpe_cfg = os.path.join("/tmp/vpe_config") with open(vpe_cfg, 'w') as cfg_file: config = self.vpe_initialize(config) config = self.vpe_rxq(config) config.write(cfg_file) for index in range(0, len(self.uplink_ports)): config = self.vpe_upstream(vnf_cfg, index) config.write(cfg_file) config = self.vpe_downstream(vnf_cfg, index) config = self.vpe_tmq(config, index) config.write(cfg_file) def generate_vpe_script(self, interfaces): rules = PipelineRules(pipeline_id=1) for priv_port, pub_port in zip(self.uplink_ports, self.downlink_ports): priv_intf = interfaces[priv_port]["virtual-interface"] pub_intf = interfaces[pub_port]["virtual-interface"] dst_port0_ip = priv_intf["dst_ip"] dst_port1_ip = pub_intf["dst_ip"] dst_port0_mac = priv_intf["dst_mac"] dst_port1_mac = pub_intf["dst_mac"] rules.add_firewall_script(dst_port0_ip) rules.next_pipeline() rules.add_flow_classification_script() rules.next_pipeline() rules.add_flow_action() rules.next_pipeline() rules.add_flow_action2() rules.next_pipeline() rules.add_route_script(dst_port1_ip, dst_port1_mac) rules.next_pipeline() rules.add_route_script2(dst_port0_ip, dst_port0_mac) rules.next_pipeline(num=4) return rules.get_string() def generate_tm_cfg(self, vnf_cfg, index=0): vnf_cfg = os.path.join(vnf_cfg, "full_tm_profile_10G.cfg") if os.path.exists(vnf_cfg): return open(vnf_cfg).read() class VpeApproxSetupEnvHelper(DpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper): APP_NAME = 'vPE_vnf' CFG_CONFIG = "/tmp/vpe_config" CFG_SCRIPT = "/tmp/vpe_script" TM_CONFIG = "/tmp/full_tm_profile_10G.cfg" CORES = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] PIPELINE_COMMAND = VPE_PIPELINE_COMMAND def _build_vnf_ports(self): self._port_pairs = PortPairs(self.vnfd_helper.interfaces) self.uplink_ports = self._port_pairs.uplink_ports self.downlink_ports = self._port_pairs.downlink_ports self.all_ports = self._port_pairs.all_ports def build_config(self): vpe_vars = { "bin_path": self.ssh_helper.bin_path, "socket": self.socket, } self._build_vnf_ports() vpe_conf = ConfigCreate(self.vnfd_helper.port_pairs.uplink_ports, self.vnfd_helper.port_pairs.downlink_ports, self.socket) vpe_conf.create_vpe_config(self.scenario_helper.vnf_cfg) config_basename = posixpath.basename(self.CFG_CONFIG) script_basename = posixpath.basename(self.CFG_SCRIPT) tm_basename = posixpath.basename(self.TM_CONFIG) with open(self.CFG_CONFIG) as handle: vpe_config = handle.read() self.ssh_helper.upload_config_file(config_basename, vpe_config.format(**vpe_vars)) vpe_script = vpe_conf.generate_vpe_script(self.vnfd_helper.interfaces) self.ssh_helper.upload_config_file(script_basename, vpe_script.format(**vpe_vars)) tm_config = vpe_conf.generate_tm_cfg(self.scenario_helper.vnf_cfg) self.ssh_helper.upload_config_file(tm_basename, tm_config) LOG.info("Provision and start the %s", self.APP_NAME) LOG.info(self.CFG_CONFIG) LOG.info(self.CFG_SCRIPT) self._build_pipeline_kwargs() return self.PIPELINE_COMMAND.format(**self.pipeline_kwargs) class VpeApproxVnf(SampleVNF): """ This class handles vPE VNF model-driver definitions """ APP_NAME = 'vPE_vnf' APP_WORD = 'vpe' COLLECT_KPI = VPE_COLLECT_KPI WAIT_TIME = 20 def __init__(self, name, vnfd, setup_env_helper_type=None, resource_helper_type=None): if setup_env_helper_type is None: setup_env_helper_type = VpeApproxSetupEnvHelper super(VpeApproxVnf, self).__init__(name, vnfd, setup_env_helper_type, resource_helper_type) def get_stats(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def collect_kpi(self): result = { 'pkt_in_up_stream': 0, 'pkt_drop_up_stream': 0, 'pkt_in_down_stream': 0, 'pkt_drop_down_stream': 0, 'collect_stats': self.resource_helper.collect_kpi(), } indexes_in = [1] indexes_drop = [2, 3] command = 'p {0} stats port {1} 0' for index, direction in ((5, 'up'), (9, 'down')): key_in = "pkt_in_{0}_stream".format(direction) key_drop = "pkt_drop_{0}_stream".format(direction) for mode in ('in', 'out'): stats = self.vnf_execute(command.format(index, mode)) match = re.search(self.COLLECT_KPI, stats, re.MULTILINE) if not match: continue result[key_in] += sum(int(match.group(x)) for x in indexes_in) result[key_drop] += sum(int(match.group(x)) for x in indexes_drop) LOG.debug("%s collect KPIs %s", self.APP_NAME, result) return result