# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ PING acts as traffic generation and vnf definitions based on IETS Spec """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import logging import multiprocessing import re import time import os from yardstick import ssh from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf.base import GenericTrafficGen from yardstick.network_services.utils import provision_tool LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PingParser(object): """ Class providing file-like API for talking with SSH connection """ def __init__(self, q_out): self.queue = q_out self.closed = False def write(self, chunk): """ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.296 ms """ match = re.search(r"icmp_seq=(\d+).*time=([0-9.]+)", chunk) LOG.debug("Parser called on %s", chunk) if match: # IMPORTANT: in order for the data to be properly taken # in by InfluxDB, it needs to be converted to numeric types self.queue.put({"packets_received": float(match.group(1)), "rtt": float(match.group(2))}) def close(self): ''' close the ssh connection ''' pass def clear(self): ''' clear queue till Empty ''' while self.queue.qsize() > 0: self.queue.get() class PingTrafficGen(GenericTrafficGen): """ This traffic generator can ping a single IP with pingsize and target given in traffic profile """ def __init__(self, vnfd): super(PingTrafficGen, self).__init__(vnfd) self._result = {} self._parser = None self._queue = None self._traffic_process = None mgmt_interface = vnfd["mgmt-interface"] ssh_port = mgmt_interface.get("ssh_port", ssh.DEFAULT_PORT) LOG.debug("Connecting to %s", mgmt_interface["ip"]) self.connection = ssh.SSH(mgmt_interface["user"], mgmt_interface["ip"], password=mgmt_interface["password"], port=ssh_port) self.connection.wait() def _bind_device_kernel(self, connection): dpdk_nic_bind = \ provision_tool(self.connection, os.path.join(self.bin_path, "dpdk_nic_bind.py")) drivers = {intf["virtual-interface"]["vpci"]: intf["virtual-interface"]["driver"] for intf in self.vnfd["vdu"][0]["external-interface"]} commands = \ ['"{0}" --force -b "{1}" "{2}"'.format(dpdk_nic_bind, value, key) for key, value in drivers.items()] for command in commands: connection.execute(command) for index, out in enumerate(self.vnfd["vdu"][0]["external-interface"]): vpci = out["virtual-interface"]["vpci"] net = "find /sys/class/net -lname '*{}*' -printf '%f'".format(vpci) out = connection.execute(net)[1] ifname = out.split('/')[-1].strip('\n') self.vnfd["vdu"][0]["external-interface"][index][ "virtual-interface"]["local_iface_name"] = ifname def scale(self, flavor=""): ''' scale vnfbased on flavor input ''' super(PingTrafficGen, self).scale(flavor) def instantiate(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): self._result = {"packets_received": 0, "rtt": 0} self._bind_device_kernel(self.connection) def run_traffic(self, traffic_profile): self._queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._parser = PingParser(self._queue) self._traffic_process = \ multiprocessing.Process(target=self._traffic_runner, args=(traffic_profile, self._parser)) self._traffic_process.start() # Wait for traffic process to start time.sleep(4) return self._traffic_process.is_alive() def listen_traffic(self, traffic_profile): """ Not needed for ping :param traffic_profile: :return: """ pass def _traffic_runner(self, traffic_profile, filewrapper): mgmt_interface = self.vnfd["mgmt-interface"] ssh_port = mgmt_interface.get("ssh_port", ssh.DEFAULT_PORT) self.connection = ssh.SSH(mgmt_interface["user"], mgmt_interface["ip"], password=mgmt_interface["password"], port=ssh_port) self.connection.wait() external_interface = self.vnfd["vdu"][0]["external-interface"] virtual_interface = external_interface[0]["virtual-interface"] target_ip = virtual_interface["dst_ip"].split('/')[0] local_ip = virtual_interface["local_ip"].split('/')[0] local_if_name = \ virtual_interface["local_iface_name"].split('/')[0] packet_size = traffic_profile.params["traffic_profile"]["frame_size"] run_cmd = [] run_cmd.append("ip addr flush %s" % local_if_name) run_cmd.append("ip addr add %s/24 dev %s" % (local_ip, local_if_name)) run_cmd.append("ip link set %s up" % local_if_name) for cmd in run_cmd: self.connection.execute(cmd) ping_cmd = ("ping -s %s %s" % (packet_size, target_ip)) self.connection.run(ping_cmd, stdout=filewrapper, keep_stdin_open=True, pty=True) def collect_kpi(self): if not self._queue.empty(): kpi = self._queue.get() self._result.update(kpi) return self._result def terminate(self): if self._traffic_process is not None: self._traffic_process.terminate()