# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Add generic L3 forwarder implementation based on sample_vnf.py""" from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import time import itertools import re from netaddr import IPRange from six.moves import zip from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.base import Context from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf.sample_vnf import SampleVNF, \ DpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RouterVNF(SampleVNF): WAIT_TIME = 1 def __init__(self, name, vnfd, setup_env_helper_type=None, resource_helper_type=None): if setup_env_helper_type is None: setup_env_helper_type = DpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper # For heat test cases vnfd['mgmt-interface'].pop("pkey", "") vnfd['mgmt-interface']['password'] = 'password' super(RouterVNF, self).__init__(name, vnfd, setup_env_helper_type, resource_helper_type) def instantiate(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): self.scenario_helper.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg self.context_cfg = context_cfg self.configure_routes(self.name, scenario_cfg, context_cfg) def wait_for_instantiate(self): time.sleep(self.WAIT_TIME) def _run(self): # we can't share ssh paramiko objects to force new connection self.ssh_helper.drop_connection() def terminate(self): self._tear_down() self.resource_helper.stop_collect() def scale(self, flavor=""): pass @staticmethod def row_with_header(header, data): """Returns dictionary per row of values for 'ip show stats'. Args: header(str): output header data(str): output data Returns: dict: dictionary per row of values for 'ip show stats' """ prefix, columns = header.strip().split(':') column_names = ["{0}:{1}".format(prefix, h) for h in columns.split()] return dict(list(zip(column_names, data.strip().split()))) RX_TX_RE = re.compile(r"\s+[RT]X[^:]*:") @classmethod def get_stats(cls, stdout): """Returns list of IP statistics. Args: stdout(str): command output Returns: dict: list of IP statistics """ input_lines = stdout.splitlines() table = {} for n, row in enumerate(input_lines): if cls.RX_TX_RE.match(row): # use pairs of rows, header and data table.update(cls.row_with_header(*input_lines[n:n + 2])) return table def collect_kpi(self): # Implement stats collection ip_link_stats = '/sbin/ip -s link' stdout = self.ssh_helper.execute(ip_link_stats)[1] link_stats = self.get_stats(stdout) # get RX/TX from link_stats and assign to results physical_node = Context.get_physical_node_from_server( self.scenario_helper.nodes[self.name]) result = { "physical_node": physical_node, "packets_in": 0, "packets_dropped": 0, "packets_fwd": 0, "link_stats": link_stats } LOG.debug("%s collect KPIs %s", "RouterVNF", result) return result INTERFACE_WAIT = 2 def configure_routes(self, node_name, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): # Configure IP of dataplane ports and add static ARP entries # # This function should be modified to configure a 3rd party/commercial VNF. # The current implementation works on a Linux based VNF with "ip" command. # # Flow contains: # {'src_ip': [''], # 'dst_ip': [''], 'count': 2} ifaces = [] dst_macs = [] ip_cmd_replace = '/sbin/ip addr replace %s/24 dev %s' ip_cmd_up = '/sbin/ip link set %s up' ip_cmd_flush = '/sbin/ip address flush dev %s' # Get VNF IPs from test case file for value in context_cfg['nodes'][node_name]['interfaces'].values(): dst_macs.append(value['dst_mac']) # Get the network interface name using local_mac iname = self.ssh_helper.execute("/sbin/ip a |grep -B 1 %s | head -n 1" % (value['local_mac'])) iname = iname[1].split(":")[1].strip() ifaces.append(iname) self.ssh_helper.execute(ip_cmd_flush % iname) # Get the local_ip from context_cfg and assign to the data ports self.ssh_helper.execute(ip_cmd_replace % (str(value['local_ip']), iname)) # Enable interface self.ssh_helper.execute(ip_cmd_up % iname) time.sleep(self.INTERFACE_WAIT) # Configure static ARP entries for each IP # using SSH or REST API calls try: src_ips = scenario_cfg['options']['flow']['src_ip'] dst_ips = scenario_cfg['options']['flow']['dst_ip'] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Missing flow definition in scenario section" + " of the task definition file") # Multiport ip_ranges = [] for src, dst in zip(src_ips, dst_ips): range1 = itertools.cycle(iter(src.split('-'))) range2 = itertools.cycle(iter(dst.split('-'))) range1 = IPRange(next(range1), next(range1)) range2 = IPRange(next(range2), next(range2)) ip_ranges.append(range1) ip_ranges.append(range2) ip_cmd = '/sbin/ip neigh add %s lladdr %s dev %s nud perm' for idx, iface in enumerate(ifaces): for addr in ip_ranges[idx]: self.ssh_helper.execute(ip_cmd % (addr, dst_macs[idx], iface)) arp_status = self.ssh_helper.execute("arp -a -n") LOG.debug('arp %s', arp_status)