# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import array import operator import logging import io import os import re import select import socket from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple import time from contextlib import contextmanager from itertools import repeat, chain import six from multiprocessing import Queue from six.moves import zip, StringIO from six.moves import cStringIO from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.networking.vnf_generic import find_relative_file from yardstick.common.utils import SocketTopology, ip_to_hex, join_non_strings, try_int from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf.iniparser import ConfigParser from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf.sample_vnf import ClientResourceHelper from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf.sample_vnf import DpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper PROX_PORT = 8474 SECTION_NAME = 0 SECTION_CONTENTS = 1 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) TEN_GIGABIT = 1e10 BITS_PER_BYTE = 8 RETRY_SECONDS = 60 RETRY_INTERVAL = 1 CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS = ( # dict key section key default value ('pktSizes', 'general', 'pkt_sizes', '64,128,256,512,1024,1280,1518'), ('testDuration', 'general', 'test_duration', 5.0), ('testPrecision', 'general', 'test_precision', 1.0), ('tests', 'general', 'tests', None), ('toleratedLoss', 'general', 'tolerated_loss', 0.0), ('logFile', 'logging', 'file', 'dats.log'), ('logDateFormat', 'logging', 'datefmt', None), ('logLevel', 'logging', 'level', 'INFO'), ('logOverwrite', 'logging', 'overwrite', 1), ('testerIp', 'tester', 'ip', None), ('testerUser', 'tester', 'user', 'root'), ('testerDpdkDir', 'tester', 'rte_sdk', '/root/dpdk'), ('testerDpdkTgt', 'tester', 'rte_target', 'x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc'), ('testerProxDir', 'tester', 'prox_dir', '/root/prox'), ('testerSocketId', 'tester', 'socket_id', 0), ('sutIp', 'sut', 'ip', None), ('sutUser', 'sut', 'user', 'root'), ('sutDpdkDir', 'sut', 'rte_sdk', '/root/dpdk'), ('sutDpdkTgt', 'sut', 'rte_target', 'x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc'), ('sutProxDir', 'sut', 'prox_dir', '/root/prox'), ('sutSocketId', 'sut', 'socket_id', 0), ) class CoreSocketTuple(namedtuple('CoreTuple', 'core_id, socket_id, hyperthread')): CORE_RE = re.compile(r"core\s+(\d+)(?:s(\d+))?(h)?$") def __new__(cls, *args): try: matches = cls.CORE_RE.search(str(args[0])) if matches: args = matches.groups() return super(CoreSocketTuple, cls).__new__(cls, int(args[0]), try_int(args[1], 0), 'h' if args[2] else '') except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError, ValueError): raise ValueError('Invalid core spec {}'.format(args)) def is_hyperthread(self): return self.hyperthread == 'h' @property def index(self): return int(self.is_hyperthread()) def find_in_topology(self, cpu_topology): try: socket_core_match = cpu_topology[self.socket_id][self.core_id] sorted_match = sorted(socket_core_match.values()) return sorted_match[self.index][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): template = "Core {}{} on socket {} does not exist" raise ValueError(template.format(self.core_id, self.hyperthread, self.socket_id)) class TotStatsTuple(namedtuple('TotStats', 'rx,tx,tsc,hz')): def __new__(cls, *args): try: assert args[0] is not str(args[0]) args = tuple(args[0]) except (AssertionError, IndexError, TypeError): pass return super(TotStatsTuple, cls).__new__(cls, *args) class ProxTestDataTuple(namedtuple('ProxTestDataTuple', 'tolerated,tsc_hz,delta_rx,' 'delta_tx,delta_tsc,' 'latency,rx_total,tx_total,pps')): @property def pkt_loss(self): try: return 1e2 * self.drop_total / float(self.tx_total) except ZeroDivisionError: return 100.0 @property def mpps(self): # calculate the effective throughput in Mpps return float(self.delta_tx) * self.tsc_hz / self.delta_tsc / 1e6 @property def can_be_lost(self): return int(self.tx_total * self.tolerated / 1e2) @property def drop_total(self): return self.tx_total - self.rx_total @property def success(self): return self.drop_total <= self.can_be_lost def get_samples(self, pkt_size, pkt_loss=None, port_samples=None): if pkt_loss is None: pkt_loss = self.pkt_loss if port_samples is None: port_samples = {} latency_keys = [ "LatencyMin", "LatencyMax", "LatencyAvg", ] samples = { "Throughput": self.mpps, "DropPackets": pkt_loss, "CurrentDropPackets": pkt_loss, "TxThroughput": self.pps / 1e6, "RxThroughput": self.mpps, "PktSize": pkt_size, } if port_samples: samples.update(port_samples) samples.update((key, value) for key, value in zip(latency_keys, self.latency)) return samples def log_data(self, logger=None): if logger is None: logger = LOG template = "RX: %d; TX: %d; dropped: %d (tolerated: %d)" logger.debug(template, self.rx_total, self.tx_total, self.drop_total, self.can_be_lost) logger.debug("Mpps configured: %f; Mpps effective %f", self.pps / 1e6, self.mpps) class PacketDump(object): @staticmethod def assert_func(func, value1, value2, template=None): assert func(value1, value2), template.format(value1, value2) def __init__(self, port_id, data_len, payload): template = "Packet dump has specified length {}, but payload is {} bytes long" self.assert_func(operator.eq, data_len, len(payload), template) self._port_id = port_id self._data_len = data_len self._payload = payload @property def port_id(self): """Get the port id of the packet dump""" return self._port_id @property def data_len(self): """Get the length of the data received""" return self._data_len def __str__(self): return ''.format(self._port_id, self._payload) def payload(self, start=None, end=None): """Get part of the payload as a list of ordinals. Returns a list of byte values, matching the contents of the packet dump. Optional start and end parameters can be specified to retrieve only a part of the packet contents. The number of elements in the list is equal to end - start + 1, so end is the offset of the last character. Args: start (pos. int): the starting offset in the payload. If it is not specified or None, offset 0 is assumed. end (pos. int): the ending offset of the payload. If it is not specified or None, the contents until the end of the packet are returned. Returns: [int, int, ...]. Each int represents the ordinal value of a byte in the packet payload. """ if start is None: start = 0 if end is None: end = self.data_len - 1 # Bounds checking on offsets template = "Start offset must be non-negative" self.assert_func(operator.ge, start, 0, template) template = "End offset must be less than {1}" self.assert_func(operator.lt, end, self.data_len, template) # Adjust for splice operation: end offset must be 1 more than the offset # of the last desired character. end += 1 return self._payload[start:end] class ProxSocketHelper(object): def __init__(self, sock=None): """ creates new prox instance """ super(ProxSocketHelper, self).__init__() if sock is None: sock = socket.socket() self._sock = sock self._pkt_dumps = [] def connect(self, ip, port): """Connect to the prox instance on the remote system""" self._sock.connect((ip, port)) def get_socket(self): """ get the socket connected to the remote instance """ return self._sock def _parse_socket_data(self, decoded_data, pkt_dump_only): def get_newline_index(): return decoded_data.find('\n', index) ret_str = '' index = 0 for newline_index in iter(get_newline_index, -1): ret_str = decoded_data[index:newline_index] try: mode, port_id, data_len = ret_str.split(',', 2) except ValueError: mode, port_id, data_len = None, None, None if mode != 'pktdump': # Regular 1-line message. Stop reading from the socket. LOG.debug("Regular response read") return ret_str LOG.debug("Packet dump header read: [%s]", ret_str) # The line is a packet dump header. Parse it, read the # packet payload, store the dump for later retrieval. # Skip over the packet dump and continue processing: a # 1-line response may follow the packet dump. data_len = int(data_len) data_start = newline_index + 1 # + 1 to skip over \n data_end = data_start + data_len sub_data = decoded_data[data_start:data_end] pkt_payload = array.array('B', (ord(v) for v in sub_data)) pkt_dump = PacketDump(int(port_id), data_len, pkt_payload) self._pkt_dumps.append(pkt_dump) if pkt_dump_only: # Return boolean instead of string to signal # successful reception of the packet dump. LOG.debug("Packet dump stored, returning") return True index = data_end + 1 return ret_str def get_data(self, pkt_dump_only=False, timeout=1): """ read data from the socket """ # This method behaves slightly differently depending on whether it is # called to read the response to a command (pkt_dump_only = 0) or if # it is called specifically to read a packet dump (pkt_dump_only = 1). # # Packet dumps look like: # pktdump,,\n # \n # This means the total packet dump message consists of 2 lines instead # of 1 line. # # - Response for a command (pkt_dump_only = 0): # 1) Read response from the socket until \n (end of message) # 2a) If the response is a packet dump header (starts with "pktdump,"): # - Read the packet payload and store the packet dump for later # retrieval. # - Reset the state and restart from 1). Eventually state 2b) will # be reached and the function will return. # 2b) If the response is not a packet dump: # - Return the received message as a string # # - Explicit request to read a packet dump (pkt_dump_only = 1): # - Read the dump header and payload # - Store the packet dump for later retrieval # - Return True to signify a packet dump was successfully read def is_ready(): # recv() is blocking, so avoid calling it when no data is waiting. ready = select.select([self._sock], [], [], timeout) return bool(ready[0]) status = False ret_str = "" for status in iter(is_ready, False): decoded_data = self._sock.recv(256).decode('utf-8') ret_str = self._parse_socket_data(decoded_data, pkt_dump_only) LOG.debug("Received data from socket: [%s]", ret_str) return ret_str if status else '' def put_command(self, to_send): """ send data to the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Sending data to socket: [%s]", to_send.rstrip('\n')) try: self._sock.sendall(to_send.encode('utf-8')) except: pass def get_packet_dump(self): """ get the next packet dump """ if self._pkt_dumps: return self._pkt_dumps.pop(0) return None def stop_all_reset(self): """ stop the remote instance and reset stats """ LOG.debug("Stop all and reset stats") self.stop_all() self.reset_stats() def stop_all(self): """ stop all cores on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Stop all") self.put_command("stop all\n") time.sleep(3) def stop(self, cores, task=''): """ stop specific cores on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Stopping cores %s", cores) self.put_command("stop {} {}\n".format(join_non_strings(',', cores), task)) time.sleep(3) def start_all(self): """ start all cores on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Start all") self.put_command("start all\n") def start(self, cores): """ start specific cores on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Starting cores %s", cores) self.put_command("start {}\n".format(join_non_strings(',', cores))) time.sleep(3) def reset_stats(self): """ reset the statistics on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Reset stats") self.put_command("reset stats\n") time.sleep(1) def _run_template_over_cores(self, template, cores, *args): for core in cores: self.put_command(template.format(core, *args)) def set_pkt_size(self, cores, pkt_size): """ set the packet size to generate on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Set packet size for core(s) %s to %d", cores, pkt_size) pkt_size -= 4 self._run_template_over_cores("pkt_size {} 0 {}\n", cores, pkt_size) time.sleep(1) def set_value(self, cores, offset, value, length): """ set value on the remote instance """ msg = "Set value for core(s) %s to '%s' (length %d), offset %d" LOG.debug(msg, cores, value, length, offset) template = "set value {} 0 {} {} {}\n" self._run_template_over_cores(template, cores, offset, value, length) def reset_values(self, cores): """ reset values on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Set value for core(s) %s", cores) self._run_template_over_cores("reset values {} 0\n", cores) def set_speed(self, cores, speed): """ set speed on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Set speed for core(s) %s to %g", cores, speed) self._run_template_over_cores("speed {} 0 {}\n", cores, speed) def slope_speed(self, cores_speed, duration, n_steps=0): """will start to increase speed from 0 to N where N is taken from a['speed'] for each a in cores_speed""" # by default, each step will take 0.5 sec if n_steps == 0: n_steps = duration * 2 private_core_data = [] step_duration = float(duration) / n_steps for core_data in cores_speed: target = float(core_data['speed']) private_core_data.append({ 'cores': core_data['cores'], 'zero': 0, 'delta': target / n_steps, 'current': 0, 'speed': target, }) deltas_keys_iter = repeat(('current', 'delta'), n_steps - 1) for key1, key2 in chain(deltas_keys_iter, [('zero', 'speed')]): time.sleep(step_duration) for core_data in private_core_data: core_data['current'] = core_data[key1] + core_data[key2] self.set_speed(core_data['cores'], core_data['current']) def set_pps(self, cores, pps, pkt_size): """ set packets per second for specific cores on the remote instance """ msg = "Set packets per sec for core(s) %s to %g%% of line rate (packet size: %d)" LOG.debug(msg, cores, pps, pkt_size) # speed in percent of line-rate speed = float(pps) * (pkt_size + 20) / TEN_GIGABIT / BITS_PER_BYTE self._run_template_over_cores("speed {} 0 {}\n", cores, speed) def lat_stats(self, cores, task=0): """Get the latency statistics from the remote system""" # 1-based index, if max core is 4, then 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 len = 5 lat_min = {} lat_max = {} lat_avg = {} for core in cores: self.put_command("lat stats {} {} \n".format(core, task)) ret = self.get_data() try: lat_min[core], lat_max[core], lat_avg[core] = \ tuple(int(n) for n in ret.split(",")[:3]) except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): pass return lat_min, lat_max, lat_avg def get_all_tot_stats(self): self.put_command("tot stats\n") all_stats_str = self.get_data().split(",") if len(all_stats_str) != 4: all_stats = [0] * 4 return all_stats all_stats = TotStatsTuple(int(v) for v in all_stats_str) self.master_stats = all_stats return all_stats def hz(self): return self.get_all_tot_stats()[3] # Deprecated # TODO: remove def rx_stats(self, cores, task=0): return self.core_stats(cores, task) def core_stats(self, cores, task=0): """Get the receive statistics from the remote system""" rx = tx = drop = tsc = 0 for core in cores: self.put_command("core stats {} {}\n".format(core, task)) ret = self.get_data().split(",") rx += int(ret[0]) tx += int(ret[1]) drop += int(ret[2]) tsc = int(ret[3]) return rx, tx, drop, tsc def port_stats(self, ports): """get counter values from a specific port""" tot_result = [0] * 12 for port in ports: self.put_command("port_stats {}\n".format(port)) ret = [try_int(s, 0) for s in self.get_data().split(",")] tot_result = [sum(x) for x in zip(tot_result, ret)] return tot_result @contextmanager def measure_tot_stats(self): start = self.get_all_tot_stats() container = {'start_tot': start} try: yield container finally: container['end_tot'] = end = self.get_all_tot_stats() container['delta'] = TotStatsTuple(end - start for start, end in zip(start, end)) def tot_stats(self): """Get the total statistics from the remote system""" stats = self.get_all_tot_stats() return stats[:3] def tot_ierrors(self): """Get the total ierrors from the remote system""" self.put_command("tot ierrors tot\n") recv = self.get_data().split(',') tot_ierrors = int(recv[0]) tsc = int(recv[0]) return tot_ierrors, tsc def set_count(self, count, cores): """Set the number of packets to send on the specified core""" self._run_template_over_cores("count {} 0 {}\n", cores, count) def dump_rx(self, core_id, task_id=0, count=1): """Activate dump on rx on the specified core""" LOG.debug("Activating dump on RX for core %d, task %d, count %d", core_id, task_id, count) self.put_command("dump_rx {} {} {}\n".format(core_id, task_id, count)) time.sleep(1.5) # Give PROX time to set up packet dumping def quit(self): self.stop_all() self._quit() self.force_quit() def _quit(self): """ stop all cores on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Quit prox") self.put_command("quit\n") time.sleep(3) def force_quit(self): """ stop all cores on the remote instance """ LOG.debug("Force Quit prox") self.put_command("quit_force\n") time.sleep(3) class ProxDpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper(DpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper): # the actual app is lowercase APP_NAME = 'prox' LUA_PARAMETER_NAME = "" LUA_PARAMETER_PEER = { "gen": "sut", "sut": "gen", } def __init__(self, vnfd_helper, ssh_helper, scenario_helper): self.remote_path = None super(ProxDpdkVnfSetupEnvHelper, self).__init__(vnfd_helper, ssh_helper, scenario_helper) self.remote_prox_file_name = None self._prox_config_data = None self.additional_files = {} self.config_queue = Queue() def _build_pipeline_kwargs(self): tool_path = self.ssh_helper.provision_tool(tool_file=self.APP_NAME) self.pipeline_kwargs = { 'tool_path': tool_path, 'tool_dir': os.path.dirname(tool_path), } def copy_to_target(self, config_file_path, prox_file): remote_path = os.path.join("/tmp", prox_file) self.ssh_helper.put(config_file_path, remote_path) return remote_path @staticmethod def _get_tx_port(section, sections): iface_port = [-1] for item in sections[section]: if item[0] == "tx port": iface_port = re.findall(r'\d+', item[1]) # do we want the last one? # if yes, then can we reverse? return int(iface_port[0]) @staticmethod def _replace_quoted_with_value(quoted, value, count=1): new_string = re.sub('"[^"]*"', '"{}"'.format(value), quoted, count) return new_string def _insert_additional_file(self, value): file_str = value.split('"') base_name = os.path.basename(file_str[1]) file_str[1] = self.additional_files[base_name] return '"'.join(file_str) def generate_prox_config_file(self, config_path): sections = [] prox_config = ConfigParser(config_path, sections) prox_config.parse() # Ensure MAC is set "hardware" all_ports = self.vnfd_helper.port_pairs.all_ports # use dpdk port number for port_name in all_ports: port_num = self.vnfd_helper.port_num(port_name) port_section_name = "port {}".format(port_num) for section_name, section in sections: if port_section_name != section_name: continue for index, section_data in enumerate(section): if section_data[0] == "mac": section_data[1] = "hardware" # search for dst mac for _, section in sections: # for index, (item_key, item_val) in enumerate(section): for index, section_data in enumerate(section): item_key, item_val = section_data if item_val.startswith("@@dst_mac"): tx_port_iter = re.finditer(r'\d+', item_val) tx_port_no = int(next(tx_port_iter).group(0)) intf = self.vnfd_helper.find_interface_by_port(tx_port_no) mac = intf["virtual-interface"]["dst_mac"] section_data[1] = mac.replace(":", " ", 6) if item_key == "dst mac" and item_val.startswith("@@"): tx_port_iter = re.finditer(r'\d+', item_val) tx_port_no = int(next(tx_port_iter).group(0)) intf = self.vnfd_helper.find_interface_by_port(tx_port_no) mac = intf["virtual-interface"]["dst_mac"] section_data[1] = mac # if addition file specified in prox config if not self.additional_files: return sections for section_name, section in sections: for index, section_data in enumerate(section): try: if section_data[0].startswith("dofile"): section_data[0] = self._insert_additional_file(section_data[0]) if section_data[1].startswith("dofile"): section_data[1] = self._insert_additional_file(section_data[1]) except: pass return sections @staticmethod def write_prox_config(prox_config): """ Write an .ini-format config file for PROX PROX does not allow a space before/after the =, so we need a custom method """ out = [] for i, (section_name, section) in enumerate(prox_config): out.append("[{}]".format(section_name)) for index, item in enumerate(section): key, value = item if key == "__name__": continue if value is not None and value != '@': key = "=".join((key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) out.append(key) else: key = str(key).replace('\n', '\n\t') out.append(key) return os.linesep.join(out) def put_string_to_file(self, s, remote_path): file_obj = cStringIO(s) self.ssh_helper.put_file_obj(file_obj, remote_path) return remote_path def generate_prox_lua_file(self): p = OrderedDict() all_ports = self.vnfd_helper.port_pairs.all_ports lua_param = self.LUA_PARAMETER_NAME for port_name in all_ports: peer = self.LUA_PARAMETER_PEER[lua_param] port_num = self.vnfd_helper.port_num(port_name) intf = self.vnfd_helper.find_interface(name=port_name) vintf = intf['virtual-interface'] local_ip = vintf["local_ip"] dst_ip = vintf["dst_ip"] local_ip_hex = ip_to_hex(local_ip, separator=' ') dst_ip_hex = ip_to_hex(dst_ip, separator=' ') p.update([ ("{}_hex_ip_port_{}".format(lua_param, port_num), local_ip_hex), ("{}_ip_port_{}".format(lua_param, port_num), local_ip), ("{}_hex_ip_port_{}".format(peer, port_num), dst_ip_hex), ("{}_ip_port_{}".format(peer, port_num), dst_ip), ]) lua = os.linesep.join(('{}:"{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in p.items())) return lua def upload_prox_lua(self, config_dir, prox_config_dict): # we could have multiple lua directives lau_dict = prox_config_dict.get('lua', {}) find_iter = (re.findall(r'\("([^"]+)"\)', k) for k in lau_dict) lua_file = next((found[0] for found in find_iter if found), None) if not lua_file: return "" out = self.generate_prox_lua_file() remote_path = os.path.join(config_dir, lua_file) return self.put_string_to_file(out, remote_path) def upload_prox_config(self, config_file, prox_config_dict): # prox can't handle spaces around ' = ' so use custom method out = StringIO(self.write_prox_config(prox_config_dict)) out.seek(0) remote_path = os.path.join("/tmp", config_file) self.ssh_helper.put_file_obj(out, remote_path) return remote_path CONFIG_QUEUE_TIMEOUT = 120 @property def prox_config_data(self): if self._prox_config_data is None: # this will block, but it needs too self._prox_config_data = self.config_queue.get(True, self.CONFIG_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) return self._prox_config_data def build_config_file(self): task_path = self.scenario_helper.task_path options = self.scenario_helper.options config_path = options['prox_config'] config_file = os.path.basename(config_path) config_path = find_relative_file(config_path, task_path) self.additional_files = {} prox_files = options.get('prox_files', []) if isinstance(prox_files, six.string_types): prox_files = [prox_files] for key_prox_file in prox_files: base_prox_file = os.path.basename(key_prox_file) key_prox_path = find_relative_file(key_prox_file, task_path) remote_prox_file = self.copy_to_target(key_prox_path, base_prox_file) self.additional_files[base_prox_file] = remote_prox_file self._prox_config_data = self.generate_prox_config_file(config_path) # copy config to queue so we can read it from traffic_runner process self.config_queue.put(self._prox_config_data) self.remote_path = self.upload_prox_config(config_file, self._prox_config_data) def build_config(self): self.build_config_file() options = self.scenario_helper.options prox_args = options['prox_args'] LOG.info("Provision and start the %s", self.APP_NAME) self._build_pipeline_kwargs() self.pipeline_kwargs["args"] = " ".join( " ".join([k, v if v else ""]) for k, v in prox_args.items()) self.pipeline_kwargs["cfg_file"] = self.remote_path cmd_template = "sudo bash -c 'cd {tool_dir}; {tool_path} -o cli {args} -f {cfg_file} '" prox_cmd = cmd_template.format(**self.pipeline_kwargs) return prox_cmd # this might be bad, sometimes we want regular ResourceHelper methods, like collect_kpi class ProxResourceHelper(ClientResourceHelper): RESOURCE_WORD = 'prox' PROX_CORE_GEN_MODE = "gen" PROX_CORE_LAT_MODE = "lat" PROX_CORE_MPLS_TEST = "MPLS tag/untag" PROX_MODE = "" WAIT_TIME = 3 @staticmethod def line_rate_to_pps(pkt_size, n_ports): # FIXME Don't hardcode 10Gb/s return n_ports * TEN_GIGABIT / BITS_PER_BYTE / (pkt_size + 20) @staticmethod def find_pci(pci, bound_pci): # we have to substring match PCI bus address from the end return any(b.endswith(pci) for b in bound_pci) def __init__(self, setup_helper): super(ProxResourceHelper, self).__init__(setup_helper) self.mgmt_interface = self.vnfd_helper.mgmt_interface self._user = self.mgmt_interface["user"] self._ip = self.mgmt_interface["ip"] self.done = False self._cpu_topology = None self._vpci_to_if_name_map = None self.additional_file = {} self.remote_prox_file_name = None self.lower = None self.upper = None self._test_cores = None self._latency_cores = None self._tagged_cores = None self._plain_cores = None @property def sut(self): if not self.client: self.client = self._connect() return self.client @property def cpu_topology(self): if not self._cpu_topology: stdout = io.BytesIO() self.ssh_helper.get_file_obj("/proc/cpuinfo", stdout) self._cpu_topology = SocketTopology.parse_cpuinfo(stdout.getvalue().decode('utf-8')) return self._cpu_topology @property def test_cores(self): if not self._test_cores: self._test_cores = self.get_cores(self.PROX_CORE_GEN_MODE) return self._test_cores @property def mpls_cores(self): if not self._tagged_cores: self._tagged_cores, self._plain_cores = self.get_cores_mpls(self.PROX_CORE_GEN_MODE) return self._tagged_cores, self._plain_cores @property def tagged_cores(self): return self.mpls_cores[0] @property def plain_cores(self): return self.mpls_cores[1] @property def latency_cores(self): if not self._latency_cores: self._latency_cores = self.get_cores(self.PROX_CORE_LAT_MODE) return self._latency_cores def run_traffic(self, traffic_profile): self.lower = 0.0 self.upper = 100.0 traffic_profile.init(self._queue) # this frees up the run_traffic loop self.client_started.value = 1 while not self._terminated.value: # move it all to traffic_profile self._run_traffic_once(traffic_profile) def _run_traffic_once(self, traffic_profile): traffic_profile.execute_traffic(self) if traffic_profile.done: self._queue.put({'done': True}) LOG.debug("tg_prox done") self._terminated.value = 1 # For VNF use ResourceHelper method to collect KPIs directly. # for TG leave the superclass ClientResourceHelper collect_kpi_method intact def collect_collectd_kpi(self): return self._collect_resource_kpi() def collect_kpi(self): result = super(ProxResourceHelper, self).collect_kpi() # add in collectd kpis manually if result: result['collect_stats'] = self._collect_resource_kpi() return result def terminate(self): # should not be called, use VNF terminate raise NotImplementedError() def up_post(self): return self.sut # force connection def execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): func = getattr(self.sut, cmd, None) if func: return func(*args, **kwargs) @contextmanager def traffic_context(self, pkt_size, value): self.sut.stop_all() self.sut.reset_stats() if self.get_test_type() == self.PROX_CORE_MPLS_TEST: self.sut.set_pkt_size(self.tagged_cores, pkt_size) self.sut.set_pkt_size(self.plain_cores, pkt_size - 4) self.sut.set_speed(self.tagged_cores, value) ratio = 1.0 * (pkt_size - 4 + 20) / (pkt_size + 20) self.sut.set_speed(self.plain_cores, value * ratio) else: self.sut.set_pkt_size(self.test_cores, pkt_size) self.sut.set_speed(self.test_cores, value) self.sut.start_all() try: yield finally: self.sut.stop_all() def run_test(self, pkt_size, duration, value, tolerated_loss=0.0): # do this assert in init? unless we expect interface count to # change from one run to another run... ports = self.vnfd_helper.port_pairs.all_ports port_count = len(ports) assert port_count in {1, 2, 4}, \ "Invalid number of ports: 1, 2 or 4 ports only supported at this time" with self.traffic_context(pkt_size, value): # Getting statistics to calculate PPS at right speed.... tsc_hz = float(self.sut.hz()) time.sleep(2) with self.sut.measure_tot_stats() as data: time.sleep(duration) # Get stats before stopping the cores. Stopping cores takes some time # and might skew results otherwise. latency = self.get_latency() deltas = data['delta'] rx_total, tx_total = self.sut.port_stats(range(port_count))[6:8] pps = value / 100.0 * self.line_rate_to_pps(pkt_size, port_count) samples = {} # we are currently using enumeration to map logical port num to interface for port_name in ports: port = self.vnfd_helper.port_num(port_name) port_rx_total, port_tx_total = self.sut.port_stats([port])[6:8] samples[port_name] = { "in_packets": port_rx_total, "out_packets": port_tx_total, } result = ProxTestDataTuple(tolerated_loss, tsc_hz, deltas.rx, deltas.tx, deltas.tsc, latency, rx_total, tx_total, pps) result.log_data() return result, samples def get_test_type(self): test_type = None for section_name, section in self.setup_helper.prox_config_data: if section_name != "global": continue for key, value in section: if key == "name" and value == self.PROX_CORE_MPLS_TEST: test_type = self.PROX_CORE_MPLS_TEST return test_type def get_cores(self, mode): cores = [] for section_name, section in self.setup_helper.prox_config_data: if not section_name.startswith("core"): continue for key, value in section: if key == "mode" and value == mode: core_tuple = CoreSocketTuple(section_name) core = core_tuple.find_in_topology(self.cpu_topology) cores.append(core) return cores def get_cores_mpls(self, mode=PROX_CORE_GEN_MODE): cores_tagged = [] cores_plain = [] for section_name, section in self.setup_helper.prox_config_data: if not section_name.startswith("core"): continue if all(key != "mode" or value != mode for key, value in section): continue for item_key, item_value in section: if item_key == "name" and item_value.startswith("tag"): core_tuple = CoreSocketTuple(section_name) core_tag = core_tuple.find_in_topology(self.cpu_topology) cores_tagged.append(core_tag) elif item_key == "name" and item_value.startswith("udp"): core_tuple = CoreSocketTuple(section_name) core_udp = core_tuple.find_in_topology(self.cpu_topology) cores_plain.append(core_udp) return cores_tagged, cores_plain def get_latency(self): """ :return: return lat_min, lat_max, lat_avg :rtype: list """ if self._latency_cores: return self.sut.lat_stats(self._latency_cores) return [] def _connect(self, client=None): """Run and connect to prox on the remote system """ # De-allocating a large amount of hugepages takes some time. If a new # PROX instance is started immediately after killing the previous one, # it might not be able to allocate hugepages, because they are still # being freed. Hence the -w switch. # self.connection.execute("sudo killall -w Prox 2>/dev/null") # prox_cmd = "export TERM=xterm; cd "+ self.bin_path +"; ./Prox -t # -f ./handle_none-4.cfg" # prox_cmd = "export TERM=xterm; export RTE_SDK=" + self._dpdk_dir + # "; " \ # + "export RTE_TARGET=" + self._dpdk_target + ";" \ # + " cd " + self._prox_dir + "; make HW_DIRECT_STATS=y -j50; # sudo " \ # + "./build/Prox " + prox_args # log.debug("Starting PROX with command [%s]", prox_cmd) # thread.start_new_thread(self.ssh_check_quit, (self, self._user, # self._ip, prox_cmd)) if client is None: client = ProxSocketHelper() # try connecting to Prox for 60s for _ in range(RETRY_SECONDS): time.sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL) try: client.connect(self._ip, PROX_PORT) except (socket.gaierror, socket.error): continue else: return client msg = "Failed to connect to prox, please check if system {} accepts connections on port {}" raise Exception(msg.format(self._ip, PROX_PORT))