# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import logging # ixload uses its own py2. So importing jsonutils fails. So adding below # workaround to support call from yardstick try: from oslo_serialization import jsonutils except ImportError: import json as jsonutils from yardstick.common.utils import join_non_strings from yardstick.common.utils import ErrorClass try: from IxLoad import IxLoad, StatCollectorUtils except ImportError: IxLoad = ErrorClass StatCollectorUtils = ErrorClass LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CSV_FILEPATH_NAME = 'IxL_statResults.csv' STATS_TO_GET = ( 'HTTP_Client.csv', 'HTTP_Server.csv', 'L2-3 Stats for Client Ports.csv', 'L2-3 Stats for Server Ports.csv', 'IxLoad Detailed Report.html', 'IxLoad Detailed Report.pdf' ) HTTP_CLIENT_STATS = [ ["HTTP Client", "TCP Connections Established", "kSum"], ["HTTP Client", "TCP Connection Requests Failed", "kSum"], ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Simulated Users", "kSum"], ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Concurrent Connections", "kSum"], ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Connections", "kSum"], ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Transactions", "kSum"], ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Connection Attempts", "kSum"] ] HTTP_SERVER_STATS = [ ["HTTP Server", "TCP Connections Established", "kSum"], ["HTTP Server", "TCP Connection Requests Failed", "kSum"] ] INCOMING_STAT_RECORD_TEMPLATE = """ ===================================== INCOMING STAT RECORD >>> %s Len = %s %s %s ===================================== """ INCOMING_STAT_INTERVAL_TEMPLATE = """ ===================================== Incoming stats: Time interval: %s Incoming stats: Time interval: %s ===================================== """ class IXLOADHttpTest(object): def __init__(self, test_input): self.test_input = jsonutils.loads(test_input) self.parse_run_test() self.ix_load = None self.stat_utils = None self.remote_server = None self.config_file = None self.results_on_windows = None self.result_dir = None self.chassis = None self.card = None self.ports_to_reassign = None @staticmethod def format_ports_for_reassignment(ports): formatted = [join_non_strings(';', p) for p in ports if len(p) == 3] LOG.debug('for client ports:%s', os.linesep.join(formatted)) return formatted def reassign_ports(self, test, repository, ports_to_reassign): LOG.debug('ReassignPorts: %s %s', test, repository) chassis_chain = repository.cget('chassisChain') LOG.debug('chassischain: %s', chassis_chain) client_ports = ports_to_reassign[0::2] server_ports = ports_to_reassign[1::2] client_ports = self.format_ports_for_reassignment(client_ports) LOG.debug('Reassigning client ports: %s', client_ports) server_ports = self.format_ports_for_reassignment(server_ports) LOG.debug('Reassigning server ports: %s', server_ports) ports_to_set = client_ports + server_ports try: LOG.debug('Reassigning ports: %s', ports_to_set) test.setPorts(ports_to_set) except Exception: LOG.error('Error: Could not remap port assignment for: %s', ports_to_set) self.ix_load.delete(repository) self.ix_load.disconnect() raise @staticmethod def stat_collector(*args): LOG.debug(INCOMING_STAT_RECORD_TEMPLATE, args, len(args), args[0], args[1]) @staticmethod def IxL_StatCollectorCommand(*args): stats = args[1][3] timestamp = args[1][1] LOG.debug(INCOMING_STAT_INTERVAL_TEMPLATE, timestamp, stats) @staticmethod def set_results_dir(test_controller, results_on_windows): """ If the folder doesn't exists on the Windows Client PC, IxLoad will automatically create it. """ try: test_controller.setResultDir(results_on_windows) except Exception: LOG.error('Error creating results dir on Win: %s', results_on_windows) raise def load_config_file(self, config_file): try: LOG.debug(config_file) repository = self.ix_load.new("ixRepository", name=config_file) return repository except Exception: LOG.error('Error: IxLoad config file not found: %s', config_file) raise def start_http_test(self): self.ix_load = IxLoad() LOG.debug('--- ixLoad obj: %s', self.ix_load) try: self.ix_load.connect(self.remote_server) except Exception: raise log_tag = "IxLoad-api" log_name = "reprun" logger = self.ix_load.new("ixLogger", log_tag, 1) log_engine = logger.getEngine() log_engine.setLevels(self.ix_load.ixLogger.kLevelDebug, self.ix_load.ixLogger.kLevelInfo) log_engine.setFile(log_name, 2, 256, 1) # Initialize stat collection utilities self.stat_utils = StatCollectorUtils() test_controller = self.ix_load.new("ixTestController", outputDir=1) repository = self.load_config_file(self.config_file) # Get the first test on the testList test_name = repository.testList[0].cget("name") test = repository.testList.getItem(test_name) self.set_results_dir(test_controller, self.results_on_windows) test.config(statsRequired=1, enableResetPorts=1, csvInterval=2, enableForceOwnership=True) # ---- Remap ports ---- try: self.reassign_ports(test, repository, self.ports_to_reassign) except Exception: LOG.exception("Exception occurred during reassign_ports") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up stat Collection # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- test_server_handle = test_controller.getTestServerHandle() self.stat_utils.Initialize(test_server_handle) # Clear any stats that may have been registered previously self.stat_utils.ClearStats() # Define the stats we would like to collect self.stat_utils.AddStat(caption="Watch_Stat_1", statSourceType="HTTP Client", statName="TCP Connections Established", aggregationType="kSum", filterList={}) self.stat_utils.AddStat(caption="Watch_Stat_2", statSourceType="HTTP Client", statName="TCP Connection Requests Failed", aggregationType="kSum", filterList={}) self.stat_utils.AddStat(caption="Watch_Stat_3", statSourceType="HTTP Server", statName="TCP Connections Established", aggregationType="kSum", filterList={}) self.stat_utils.AddStat(caption="Watch_Stat_4", statSourceType="HTTP Server", statName="TCP Connection Requests Failed", aggregationType="kSum", filterList={}) self.stat_utils.StartCollector(self.IxL_StatCollectorCommand) test_controller.run(test) self.ix_load.waitForTestFinish() test_controller.releaseConfigWaitFinish() # Stop the collector (running in the tcl event loop) self.stat_utils.StopCollector() # Cleanup test_controller.generateReport(detailedReport=1, format="PDF;HTML") test_controller.releaseConfigWaitFinish() self.ix_load.delete(test) self.ix_load.delete(test_controller) self.ix_load.delete(logger) self.ix_load.delete(log_engine) LOG.debug('Retrieving CSV stats from Windows Client PC ...') for stat_file in STATS_TO_GET: enhanced_stat_file = stat_file.replace('-', '') enhanced_stat_file = enhanced_stat_file.replace(' ', '_') enhanced_stat_file = enhanced_stat_file.replace('__', '_') LOG.debug('Getting csv stat file: %s', stat_file) src_file = os.path.join(self.results_on_windows, stat_file) dst_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, '_'.join(['ixLoad', enhanced_stat_file])) self.ix_load.retrieveFileCopy(src_file, dst_file) self.ix_load.disconnect() def parse_run_test(self): self.remote_server = self.test_input["remote_server"] LOG.debug("remote tcl server: %s", self.remote_server) self.config_file = self.test_input["ixload_cfg"] LOG.debug("ixload config: %s", self.remote_server) self.results_on_windows = 'C:/Results' self.result_dir = self.test_input["result_dir"] self.chassis = self.test_input["ixia_chassis"] LOG.debug("remote ixia chassis: %s", self.chassis) self.card = self.test_input["IXIA"]["card"] self.ports_to_reassign = [ [self.chassis, self.card, port] for port in self.test_input["IXIA"]["ports"] ] LOG.debug("Ports to be reassigned: %s", self.ports_to_reassign) def main(args): # Get the args from cmdline and parse and run the test test_input = "".join(args[1:]) if test_input: ixload_obj = IXLOADHttpTest(test_input) ixload_obj.start_http_test() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)