# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Resource collection definitions """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import logging from itertools import chain import errno import jinja2 import os import os.path import re import multiprocessing import pkg_resources from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils.encodeutils import safe_decode from yardstick import ssh from yardstick.common.task_template import finalize_for_yaml from yardstick.common.utils import validate_non_string_sequence from yardstick.network_services.nfvi.collectd import AmqpConsumer LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF ZMQ_OVS_PORT = 5567 ZMQ_POLLING_TIME = 12000 LIST_PLUGINS_ENABLED = ["amqp", "cpu", "cpufreq", "memory", "hugepages"] class ResourceProfile(object): """ This profile adds a resource at the beginning of the test session """ COLLECTD_CONF = "collectd.conf" AMPQ_PORT = 5672 DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 25 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 3600 OVS_SOCKET_PATH = "/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock" def __init__(self, mgmt, port_names=None, cores=None, plugins=None, interval=None, timeout=None): if plugins is None: self.plugins = {} else: self.plugins = plugins if interval is None: self.interval = self.DEFAULT_INTERVAL else: self.interval = interval if timeout is None: self.timeout = self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT else: self.timeout = timeout self.enable = True self._queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.amqp_client = None self.port_names = validate_non_string_sequence(port_names, default=[]) # we need to save mgmt so we can connect to port 5672 self.mgmt = mgmt self.connection = ssh.AutoConnectSSH.from_node(mgmt) @classmethod def make_from_node(cls, node, timeout): # node dict works as mgmt dict # don't need port names, there is no way we can # tell what port is used on the compute node collectd_options = node["collectd"] plugins = collectd_options.get("plugins", {}) interval = collectd_options.get("interval") # use default cores = None to MatchAllCores return cls(node, plugins=plugins, interval=interval, timeout=timeout) def check_if_sa_running(self, process): """ verify if system agent is running """ try: err, pid, _ = self.connection.execute("pgrep -f %s" % process) # strip whitespace return err, pid.strip() except OSError as e: if e.errno in {errno.ECONNRESET}: # if we can't connect to check, then we won't be able to connect to stop it LOG.exception("can't connect to host to check collectd status") return 1, None raise def run_collectd_amqp(self): """ run amqp consumer to collect the NFVi data """ amqp_url = 'amqp://admin:admin@{}:{}/%2F'.format(self.mgmt['ip'], self.AMPQ_PORT) amqp = AmqpConsumer(amqp_url, self._queue) try: amqp.run() except (AttributeError, RuntimeError, KeyboardInterrupt): amqp.stop() @classmethod def parse_simple_resource(cls, key, value): reskey = "/".join(rkey for rkey in key if "nsb_stats" not in rkey) return {reskey: value.split(":")[1]} @classmethod def get_cpu_data(cls, res_key0, res_key1, value): """ Get cpu topology of the host """ pattern = r"-(\d+)" if 'cpufreq' in res_key0: metric, source = res_key0, res_key1 else: metric, source = res_key1, res_key0 match = re.search(pattern, source, re.MULTILINE) if not match: return "error", "Invalid", "", "" time, value = value.split(":") return str(match.group(1)), metric, value, time @classmethod def parse_hugepages(cls, key, value): return cls.parse_simple_resource(key, value) @classmethod def parse_dpdkstat(cls, key, value): return cls.parse_simple_resource(key, value) @classmethod def parse_virt(cls, key, value): return cls.parse_simple_resource(key, value) @classmethod def parse_ovs_stats(cls, key, value): return cls.parse_simple_resource(key, value) @classmethod def parse_intel_pmu_stats(cls, key, value): return {''.join(str(v) for v in key): value.split(":")[1]} def parse_collectd_result(self, metrics): """ convert collectd data into json""" result = { "cpu": {}, "memory": {}, "hugepages": {}, "dpdkstat": {}, "virt": {}, "ovs_stats": {}, } testcase = "" # unicode decode decoded = ((safe_decode(k, 'utf-8'), safe_decode(v, 'utf-8')) for k, v in metrics.items()) for key, value in decoded: key_split = key.split("/") res_key_iter = (key for key in key_split if "nsb_stats" not in key) res_key0 = next(res_key_iter) res_key1 = next(res_key_iter) if "cpu" in res_key0 or "intel_rdt" in res_key0 or "intel_pmu" in res_key0: cpu_key, name, metric, testcase = \ self.get_cpu_data(res_key0, res_key1, value) result["cpu"].setdefault(cpu_key, {}).update({name: metric}) elif "memory" in res_key0: result["memory"].update({res_key1: value.split(":")[0]}) elif "hugepages" in res_key0: result["hugepages"].update(self.parse_hugepages(key_split, value)) elif "dpdkstat" in res_key0: result["dpdkstat"].update(self.parse_dpdkstat(key_split, value)) elif "virt" in res_key1: result["virt"].update(self.parse_virt(key_split, value)) elif "ovs_stats" in res_key0: result["ovs_stats"].update(self.parse_ovs_stats(key_split, value)) result["timestamp"] = testcase return result def amqp_process_for_nfvi_kpi(self): """ amqp collect and return nfvi kpis """ if self.amqp_client is None and self.enable: self.amqp_client = multiprocessing.Process( name="AmqpClient-{}-{}".format(self.mgmt['ip'], os.getpid()), target=self.run_collectd_amqp) self.amqp_client.start() def amqp_collect_nfvi_kpi(self): """ amqp collect and return nfvi kpis """ if not self.enable: return {} metric = {} while not self._queue.empty(): metric.update(self._queue.get()) msg = self.parse_collectd_result(metric) return msg def _provide_config_file(self, config_file_path, nfvi_cfg, template_kwargs): template = pkg_resources.resource_string("yardstick.network_services.nfvi", nfvi_cfg).decode('utf-8') cfg_content = jinja2.Template(template, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, finalize=finalize_for_yaml).render( **template_kwargs) # cfg_content = io.StringIO(template.format(**template_kwargs)) cfg_file = os.path.join(config_file_path, nfvi_cfg) # must write as root, so use sudo self.connection.execute("cat | sudo tee {}".format(cfg_file), stdin=cfg_content) def _prepare_collectd_conf(self, config_file_path): """ Prepare collectd conf """ kwargs = { "interval": self.interval, "loadplugins": set(chain(LIST_PLUGINS_ENABLED, self.plugins.keys())), # Optional fields PortName is descriptive only, use whatever is present "port_names": self.port_names, # "ovs_bridge_interfaces": ["br-int"], "plugins": self.plugins, } self._provide_config_file(config_file_path, self.COLLECTD_CONF, kwargs) def _setup_intel_pmu(self, connection, bin_path): pmu_event_path = os.path.join(bin_path, "pmu_event.json") try: self.plugins["intel_pmu"]["pmu_event_path"] = pmu_event_path except KeyError: # if intel_pmu is not a dict, force it into a dict self.plugins["intel_pmu"] = {"pmu_event_path": pmu_event_path} LOG.debug("Downloading event list for pmu_stats plugin") cmd = 'cd {0}; PMU_EVENTS_PATH={1} python event_download_local.py'.format( bin_path, pmu_event_path) cmd = "sudo bash -c '{}'".format(cmd) connection.execute(cmd) def _setup_ovs_stats(self, connection): try: socket_path = self.plugins["ovs_stats"].get("ovs_socket_path", self.OVS_SOCKET_PATH) except KeyError: # ovs_stats is not a dict socket_path = self.OVS_SOCKET_PATH status = connection.execute("test -S {}".format(socket_path))[0] if status != 0: LOG.error("cannot find OVS socket %s", socket_path) def _start_collectd(self, connection, bin_path): LOG.debug("Starting collectd to collect NFVi stats") connection.execute('sudo pkill -x -9 collectd') collectd_path = os.path.join(bin_path, "collectd", "sbin", "collectd") config_file_path = os.path.join(bin_path, "collectd", "etc") exit_status = connection.execute("which %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % collectd_path)[0] if exit_status != 0: LOG.warning("%s is not present disabling", collectd_path) # disable auto-provisioning because it requires Internet access # collectd_installer = os.path.join(bin_path, "collectd.sh") # provision_tool(connection, collectd) # http_proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy', '') # https_proxy = os.environ.get('https_proxy', '') # connection.execute("sudo %s '%s' '%s'" % ( # collectd_installer, http_proxy, https_proxy)) return if "intel_pmu" in self.plugins: self._setup_intel_pmu(connection, bin_path) if "ovs_stats" in self.plugins: self._setup_ovs_stats(connection) LOG.debug("Starting collectd to collect NFVi stats") # ensure collectd.conf.d exists to avoid error/warning connection.execute("sudo mkdir -p /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d") self._prepare_collectd_conf(config_file_path) # Reset amqp queue LOG.debug("reset and setup amqp to collect data from collectd") connection.execute("sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit*") connection.execute("sudo service rabbitmq-server start") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl stop_app") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl reset") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl start_app") connection.execute("sudo service rabbitmq-server restart") LOG.debug("Creating admin user for rabbitmq in order to collect data from collectd") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl delete_user guest") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl add_user admin admin") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl authenticate_user admin admin") connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin '.*' '.*' '.*'") LOG.debug("Start collectd service..... %s second timeout", self.timeout) # intel_pmu plug requires large numbers of files open, so try to set # ulimit -n to a large value connection.execute("sudo bash -c 'ulimit -n 1000000 ; %s'" % collectd_path, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("Done") def initiate_systemagent(self, bin_path): """ Start system agent for NFVi collection on host """ if self.enable: try: self._start_collectd(self.connection, bin_path) except Exception: LOG.exception("Exception during collectd start") raise def start(self): """ start nfvi collection """ if self.enable: LOG.debug("Start NVFi metric collection...") def stop(self): """ stop nfvi collection """ if not self.enable: return agent = "collectd" LOG.debug("Stop resource monitor...") if self.amqp_client is not None: # we proper and try to join first self.amqp_client.join(3) self.amqp_client.terminate() LOG.debug("Check if %s is running", agent) status, pid = self.check_if_sa_running(agent) LOG.debug("status %s pid %s", status, pid) if status != 0: return if pid: self.connection.execute('sudo kill -9 "%s"' % pid) self.connection.execute('sudo pkill -9 "%s"' % agent) self.connection.execute('sudo service rabbitmq-server stop') self.connection.execute("sudo rabbitmqctl stop_app")