# Copyright 2013: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # yardstick comment: this is a modified copy of rally/rally/common/utils.py from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import errno import logging import os import subprocess import sys import collections import socket import random import ipaddress from contextlib import closing import yaml import six from flask import jsonify from six.moves import configparser from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import yardstick logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Decorator for cli-args def cliargs(*args, **kwargs): def _decorator(func): func.__dict__.setdefault('arguments', []).insert(0, (args, kwargs)) return func return _decorator def itersubclasses(cls, _seen=None): """Generator over all subclasses of a given class in depth first order.""" if not isinstance(cls, type): raise TypeError("itersubclasses must be called with " "new-style classes, not %.100r" % cls) _seen = _seen or set() try: subs = cls.__subclasses__() except TypeError: # fails only when cls is type subs = cls.__subclasses__(cls) for sub in subs: if sub not in _seen: _seen.add(sub) yield sub for sub in itersubclasses(sub, _seen): yield sub def try_append_module(name, modules): if name not in modules: modules[name] = importutils.import_module(name) def import_modules_from_package(package): """Import modules from package and append into sys.modules :param: package - Full package name. For example: rally.deploy.engines """ path = [os.path.dirname(yardstick.__file__), ".."] + package.split(".") path = os.path.join(*path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filename in files: if filename.startswith("__") or not filename.endswith(".py"): continue new_package = ".".join(root.split(os.sep)).split("....")[1] module_name = "%s.%s" % (new_package, filename[:-3]) try: try_append_module(module_name, sys.modules) except ImportError: logger.exception("unable to import %s", module_name) def parse_yaml(file_path): try: with open(file_path) as f: value = yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError: return {} except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise else: return value def makedirs(d): try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def remove_file(path): try: os.remove(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def execute_command(cmd): exec_msg = "Executing command: '%s'" % cmd logger.debug(exec_msg) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).split(os.linesep) return output def source_env(env_file): p = subprocess.Popen(". %s; env" % env_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output = p.communicate()[0] env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in output.splitlines() if '=' in line) os.environ.update(env) return env def read_json_from_file(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: j = f.read() # don't use jsonutils.load() it conflicts with already decoded input return jsonutils.loads(j) def write_json_to_file(path, data, mode='w'): with open(path, mode) as f: jsonutils.dump(data, f) def write_file(path, data, mode='w'): with open(path, mode) as f: f.write(data) def parse_ini_file(path): parser = configparser.ConfigParser() try: files = parser.read(path) except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: logger.exception('invalid file type') raise else: if not files: raise RuntimeError('file not exist') try: default = {k: v for k, v in parser.items('DEFAULT')} except configparser.NoSectionError: default = {} config = dict(DEFAULT=default, **{s: {k: v for k, v in parser.items( s)} for s in parser.sections()}) return config def get_port_mac(sshclient, port): cmd = "ifconfig |grep HWaddr |grep %s |awk '{print $5}' " % port status, stdout, stderr = sshclient.execute(cmd) if status: raise RuntimeError(stderr) return stdout.rstrip() def get_port_ip(sshclient, port): cmd = "ifconfig %s |grep 'inet addr' |awk '{print $2}' " \ "|cut -d ':' -f2 " % port status, stdout, stderr = sshclient.execute(cmd) if status: raise RuntimeError(stderr) return stdout.rstrip() def flatten_dict_key(data): next_data = {} # use list, because iterable is too generic if not any(isinstance(v, (collections.Mapping, list)) for v in data.values()): return data for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping): for n_k, n_v in v.items(): next_data["%s.%s" % (k, n_k)] = n_v # use list because iterable is too generic elif isinstance(v, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(v, six.string_types): for index, item in enumerate(v): next_data["%s%d" % (k, index)] = item else: next_data[k] = v return flatten_dict_key(next_data) def translate_to_str(obj): if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping): return {str(k): translate_to_str(v) for k, v in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [translate_to_str(ele) for ele in obj] elif isinstance(obj, six.text_type): return str(obj) return obj def result_handler(status, data): result = { 'status': status, 'result': data } return jsonify(result) def change_obj_to_dict(obj): dic = {} for k, v in vars(obj).items(): try: vars(v) except TypeError: dic.update({k: v}) return dic def set_dict_value(dic, keys, value): return_dic = dic for key in keys.split('.'): return_dic.setdefault(key, {}) if key == keys.split('.')[-1]: return_dic[key] = value else: return_dic = return_dic[key] return dic def get_free_port(ip): with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: while True: port = random.randint(5000, 10000) if s.connect_ex((ip, port)) != 0: return port def mac_address_to_hex_list(mac): octets = ["0x{:02x}".format(int(elem, 16)) for elem in mac.split(':')] assert len(octets) == 6 and all(len(octet) == 4 for octet in octets) return octets def safe_ip_address(ip_addr): """ get ip address version v6 or v4 """ try: return ipaddress.ip_address(six.text_type(ip_addr)) except ValueError: logging.error("%s is not valid", ip_addr) return None def get_ip_version(ip_addr): """ get ip address version v6 or v4 """ try: address = ipaddress.ip_address(six.text_type(ip_addr)) except ValueError: logging.error("%s is not valid", ip_addr) return None else: return address.version def ip_to_hex(ip_addr): try: address = ipaddress.ip_address(six.text_type(ip_addr)) except ValueError: logging.error("%s is not valid", ip_addr) return ip_addr if address.version != 4: return ip_addr return '{:08x}'.format(int(address)) def try_int(s, *args): """Convert to integer if possible.""" try: return int(s) except (TypeError, ValueError): return args[0] if args else s class SocketTopology(dict): def sockets(self): return sorted(self.keys()) def cores(self): return sorted(core for cores in self.values() for core in cores) def processors(self): return sorted( proc for cores in self.values() for procs in cores.values() for proc in procs) def parse_cpuinfo(cpuinfo): socket_map = {} lines = cpuinfo.splitlines() core_details = [] core_lines = {} for line in lines: if line.strip(): name, value = line.split(":", 1) core_lines[name.strip()] = try_int(value.strip()) else: core_details.append(core_lines) core_lines = {} for core in core_details: socket_map.setdefault(core["physical id"], {}).setdefault( core["core id"], {})[core["processor"]] = ( core["processor"], core["core id"], core["physical id"]) return SocketTopology(socket_map) def config_to_dict(config): return {section: dict(config.items(section)) for section in config.sections()}