############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import os import time import sys import logging from keystoneauth1 import loading from keystoneauth1 import session import shade from shade import exc from cinderclient import client as cinderclient from novaclient import client as novaclient from glanceclient import client as glanceclient from neutronclient.neutron import client as neutronclient log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_HEAT_API_VERSION = '1' DEFAULT_API_VERSION = '2' # ********************************************* # CREDENTIALS # ********************************************* def get_credentials(): """Returns a creds dictionary filled with parsed from env Keystone API version used is 3; v2 was deprecated in 2014 (Icehouse). Along with this deprecation, environment variable 'OS_TENANT_NAME' is replaced by 'OS_PROJECT_NAME'. """ creds = {'username': os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME'), 'password': os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD'), 'auth_url': os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL'), 'project_name': os.environ.get('OS_PROJECT_NAME') } if os.getenv('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME'): creds['user_domain_name'] = os.getenv('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME') if os.getenv('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME'): creds['project_domain_name'] = os.getenv('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME') return creds def get_session_auth(): loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password') creds = get_credentials() auth = loader.load_from_options(**creds) return auth def get_session(): auth = get_session_auth() try: cacert = os.environ['OS_CACERT'] except KeyError: return session.Session(auth=auth) else: insecure = os.getenv('OS_INSECURE', '').lower() == 'true' cacert = False if insecure else cacert return session.Session(auth=auth, verify=cacert) def get_endpoint(service_type, endpoint_type='publicURL'): auth = get_session_auth() # for multi-region, we need to specify region # when finding the endpoint return get_session().get_endpoint(auth=auth, service_type=service_type, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, region_name=os.environ.get( "OS_REGION_NAME")) # ********************************************* # CLIENTS # ********************************************* def get_heat_api_version(): # pragma: no cover try: api_version = os.environ['HEAT_API_VERSION'] except KeyError: return DEFAULT_HEAT_API_VERSION else: log.info("HEAT_API_VERSION is set in env as '%s'", api_version) return api_version def get_cinder_client_version(): # pragma: no cover try: api_version = os.environ['OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION'] except KeyError: return DEFAULT_API_VERSION else: log.info("OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION is set in env as '%s'", api_version) return api_version def get_cinder_client(): # pragma: no cover sess = get_session() return cinderclient.Client(get_cinder_client_version(), session=sess) def get_nova_client_version(): # pragma: no cover try: api_version = os.environ['OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION'] except KeyError: return DEFAULT_API_VERSION else: log.info("OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION is set in env as '%s'", api_version) return api_version def get_nova_client(): # pragma: no cover sess = get_session() return novaclient.Client(get_nova_client_version(), session=sess) def get_neutron_client_version(): # pragma: no cover try: api_version = os.environ['OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION'] except KeyError: return DEFAULT_API_VERSION else: log.info("OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION is set in env as '%s'", api_version) return api_version def get_neutron_client(): # pragma: no cover sess = get_session() return neutronclient.Client(get_neutron_client_version(), session=sess) def get_glance_client_version(): # pragma: no cover try: api_version = os.environ['OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION'] except KeyError: return DEFAULT_API_VERSION else: log.info("OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION is set in env as '%s'", api_version) return api_version def get_glance_client(): # pragma: no cover sess = get_session() return glanceclient.Client(get_glance_client_version(), session=sess) def get_shade_client(): return shade.openstack_cloud() # ********************************************* # NOVA # ********************************************* def get_aggregates(nova_client): # pragma: no cover try: return nova_client.aggregates.list() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [get_aggregates(nova_client)]") def get_availability_zones(nova_client): # pragma: no cover try: return nova_client.availability_zones.list() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [get_availability_zones(nova_client)]") def get_availability_zone_names(nova_client): # pragma: no cover try: return [az.zoneName for az in get_availability_zones(nova_client)] except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [get_availability_zone_names(nova_client)]") def create_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, av_zone): # pragma: no cover try: nova_client.aggregates.create(aggregate_name, av_zone) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [create_aggregate(nova_client, %s, %s)]", aggregate_name, av_zone) return False else: return True def get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name): # pragma: no cover try: aggregates = get_aggregates(nova_client) _id = next((ag.id for ag in aggregates if ag.name == aggregate_name)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [get_aggregate_id(nova_client, %s)]", aggregate_name) else: return _id def add_host_to_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, compute_host): # pragma: no cover try: aggregate_id = get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name) nova_client.aggregates.add_host(aggregate_id, compute_host) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [add_host_to_aggregate(nova_client, %s, %s)]", aggregate_name, compute_host) return False else: return True def create_aggregate_with_host(nova_client, aggregate_name, av_zone, compute_host): # pragma: no cover try: create_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, av_zone) add_host_to_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, compute_host) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [create_aggregate_with_host(" "nova_client, %s, %s, %s)]", aggregate_name, av_zone, compute_host) return False else: return True def create_keypair(name, key_path=None): # pragma: no cover try: with open(key_path) as fpubkey: keypair = get_nova_client().keypairs.create( name=name, public_key=fpubkey.read()) return keypair except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [create_keypair(nova_client)]") def create_instance(json_body): # pragma: no cover try: return get_nova_client().servers.create(**json_body) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error create instance failed") return None def create_instance_and_wait_for_active(shade_client, name, image, flavor, auto_ip=True, ips=None, ip_pool=None, root_volume=None, terminate_volume=False, wait=True, timeout=180, reuse_ips=True, network=None, boot_from_volume=False, volume_size='20', boot_volume=None, volumes=None, nat_destination=None, **kwargs): """Create a virtual server instance. :param name:(string) Name of the server. :param image:(dict) Image dict, name or ID to boot with. Image is required unless boot_volume is given. :param flavor:(dict) Flavor dict, name or ID to boot onto. :param auto_ip: Whether to take actions to find a routable IP for the server. :param ips: List of IPs to attach to the server. :param ip_pool:(string) Name of the network or floating IP pool to get an address from. :param root_volume:(string) Name or ID of a volume to boot from. (defaults to None - deprecated, use boot_volume) :param boot_volume:(string) Name or ID of a volume to boot from. :param terminate_volume:(bool) If booting from a volume, whether it should be deleted when the server is destroyed. :param volumes:(optional) A list of volumes to attach to the server. :param wait:(optional) Wait for the address to appear as assigned to the server. :param timeout: Seconds to wait, defaults to 60. :param reuse_ips:(bool)Whether to attempt to reuse pre-existing floating ips should a floating IP be needed. :param network:(dict) Network dict or name or ID to attach the server to. Mutually exclusive with the nics parameter. Can also be be a list of network names or IDs or network dicts. :param boot_from_volume:(bool) Whether to boot from volume. 'boot_volume' implies True, but boot_from_volume=True with no boot_volume is valid and will create a volume from the image and use that. :param volume_size: When booting an image from volume, how big should the created volume be? :param nat_destination: Which network should a created floating IP be attached to, if it's not possible to infer from the cloud's configuration. :param meta:(optional) A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this server. Both keys and values must be <=255 characters. :param reservation_id: A UUID for the set of servers being requested. :param min_count:(optional extension) The minimum number of servers to launch. :param max_count:(optional extension) The maximum number of servers to launch. :param security_groups: A list of security group names. :param userdata: User data to pass to be exposed by the metadata server this can be a file type object as well or a string. :param key_name:(optional extension) Name of previously created keypair to inject into the instance. :param availability_zone: Name of the availability zone for instance placement. :param block_device_mapping:(optional) A dict of block device mappings for this server. :param block_device_mapping_v2:(optional) A dict of block device mappings for this server. :param nics:(optional extension) An ordered list of nics to be added to this server, with information about connected networks, fixed IPs, port etc. :param scheduler_hints:(optional extension) Arbitrary key-value pairs specified by the client to help boot an instance. :param config_drive:(optional extension) Value for config drive either boolean, or volume-id. :param disk_config:(optional extension) Control how the disk is partitioned when the server is created. Possible values are 'AUTO' or 'MANUAL'. :param admin_pass:(optional extension) Add a user supplied admin password. :returns: The created server. """ try: return shade_client.create_server( name, image, flavor, auto_ip=auto_ip, ips=ips, ip_pool=ip_pool, root_volume=root_volume, terminate_volume=terminate_volume, wait=wait, timeout=timeout, reuse_ips=reuse_ips, network=network, boot_from_volume=boot_from_volume, volume_size=volume_size, boot_volume=boot_volume, volumes=volumes, nat_destination=nat_destination, **kwargs) except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [create_instance(shade_client)]. " "Exception message, '%s'", o_exc.orig_message) def attach_server_volume(server_id, volume_id, device=None): # pragma: no cover try: get_nova_client().volumes.create_server_volume(server_id, volume_id, device) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [attach_server_volume(nova_client, '%s', '%s')]", server_id, volume_id) return False else: return True def delete_instance(shade_client, name_or_id, wait=False, timeout=180, delete_ips=False, delete_ip_retry=1): """Delete a server instance. :param name_or_id: name or ID of the server to delete :param wait:(bool) If true, waits for server to be deleted. :param timeout:(int) Seconds to wait for server deletion. :param delete_ips:(bool) If true, deletes any floating IPs associated with the instance. :param delete_ip_retry:(int) Number of times to retry deleting any floating ips, should the first try be unsuccessful. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. """ try: return shade_client.delete_server( name_or_id, wait=wait, timeout=timeout, delete_ips=delete_ips, delete_ip_retry=delete_ip_retry) except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [delete_instance(shade_client, '%s')]. " "Exception message: %s", name_or_id, o_exc.orig_message) return False def remove_host_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, compute_host): # pragma: no cover try: aggregate_id = get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name) nova_client.aggregates.remove_host(aggregate_id, compute_host) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error remove_host_from_aggregate(nova_client, %s, %s)", aggregate_name, compute_host) return False else: return True def remove_hosts_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name): # pragma: no cover aggregate_id = get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name) hosts = nova_client.aggregates.get(aggregate_id).hosts assert( all(remove_host_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, host) for host in hosts)) def delete_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name): # pragma: no cover try: remove_hosts_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name) nova_client.aggregates.delete(aggregate_name) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [delete_aggregate(nova_client, %s)]", aggregate_name) return False else: return True def get_server_by_name(name): # pragma: no cover try: return get_nova_client().servers.list(search_opts={'name': name})[0] except IndexError: log.exception('Failed to get nova client') raise def create_flavor(name, ram, vcpus, disk, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover try: return get_nova_client().flavors.create(name, ram, vcpus, disk, **kwargs) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [create_flavor(nova_client, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)]", name, ram, disk, vcpus, kwargs['is_public']) return None def get_image_by_name(name): # pragma: no cover images = get_nova_client().images.list() try: return next((a for a in images if a.name == name)) except StopIteration: log.exception('No image matched') def get_flavor_id(nova_client, flavor_name): # pragma: no cover flavors = nova_client.flavors.list(detailed=True) flavor_id = '' for f in flavors: if f.name == flavor_name: flavor_id = f.id break return flavor_id def get_flavor_by_name(name): # pragma: no cover flavors = get_nova_client().flavors.list() try: return next((a for a in flavors if a.name == name)) except StopIteration: log.exception('No flavor matched') def check_status(status, name, iterations, interval): # pragma: no cover for _ in range(iterations): try: server = get_server_by_name(name) except IndexError: log.error('Cannot found %s server', name) raise if server.status == status: return True time.sleep(interval) return False def delete_flavor(flavor_id): # pragma: no cover try: get_nova_client().flavors.delete(flavor_id) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [delete_flavor(nova_client, %s)]", flavor_id) return False else: return True def delete_keypair(nova_client, key): # pragma: no cover try: nova_client.keypairs.delete(key=key) return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [delete_keypair(nova_client)]") return False # ********************************************* # NEUTRON # ********************************************* def create_neutron_net(shade_client, network_name, shared=False, admin_state_up=True, external=False, provider=None, project_id=None): """Create a neutron network. :param network_name:(string) name of the network being created. :param shared:(bool) whether the network is shared. :param admin_state_up:(bool) set the network administrative state. :param external:(bool) whether this network is externally accessible. :param provider:(dict) a dict of network provider options. :param project_id:(string) specify the project ID this network will be created on (admin-only). :returns:(string) the network id. """ try: networks = shade_client.create_network( name=network_name, shared=shared, admin_state_up=admin_state_up, external=external, provider=provider, project_id=project_id) return networks['id'] except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [create_neutron_net(shade_client)]." "Exception message, '%s'", o_exc.orig_message) return None def delete_neutron_net(shade_client, network_id): try: return shade_client.delete_network(network_id) except exc.OpenStackCloudException: log.error("Error [delete_neutron_net(shade_client, '%s')]", network_id) return False def create_neutron_subnet(shade_client, network_name_or_id, cidr=None, ip_version=4, enable_dhcp=False, subnet_name=None, tenant_id=None, allocation_pools=None, gateway_ip=None, disable_gateway_ip=False, dns_nameservers=None, host_routes=None, ipv6_ra_mode=None, ipv6_address_mode=None, use_default_subnetpool=False): """Create a subnet on a specified network. :param network_name_or_id:(string) the unique name or ID of the attached network. If a non-unique name is supplied, an exception is raised. :param cidr:(string) the CIDR. :param ip_version:(int) the IP version. :param enable_dhcp:(bool) whether DHCP is enable. :param subnet_name:(string) the name of the subnet. :param tenant_id:(string) the ID of the tenant who owns the network. :param allocation_pools: A list of dictionaries of the start and end addresses for the allocation pools. :param gateway_ip:(string) the gateway IP address. :param disable_gateway_ip:(bool) whether gateway IP address is enabled. :param dns_nameservers: A list of DNS name servers for the subnet. :param host_routes: A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet. :param ipv6_ra_mode:(string) IPv6 Router Advertisement mode. Valid values are: 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', or 'slaac'. :param ipv6_address_mode:(string) IPv6 address mode. Valid values are: 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', or 'slaac'. :param use_default_subnetpool:(bool) use the default subnetpool for ``ip_version`` to obtain a CIDR. It is required to pass ``None`` to the ``cidr`` argument when enabling this option. :returns:(string) the subnet id. """ try: subnet = shade_client.create_subnet( network_name_or_id, cidr=cidr, ip_version=ip_version, enable_dhcp=enable_dhcp, subnet_name=subnet_name, tenant_id=tenant_id, allocation_pools=allocation_pools, gateway_ip=gateway_ip, disable_gateway_ip=disable_gateway_ip, dns_nameservers=dns_nameservers, host_routes=host_routes, ipv6_ra_mode=ipv6_ra_mode, ipv6_address_mode=ipv6_address_mode, use_default_subnetpool=use_default_subnetpool) return subnet['id'] except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [create_neutron_subnet(shade_client)]. " "Exception message: %s", o_exc.orig_message) return None def create_neutron_router(shade_client, name=None, admin_state_up=True, ext_gateway_net_id=None, enable_snat=None, ext_fixed_ips=None, project_id=None): """Create a logical router. :param name:(string) the router name. :param admin_state_up:(bool) the administrative state of the router. :param ext_gateway_net_id:(string) network ID for the external gateway. :param enable_snat:(bool) enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. :param ext_fixed_ips: List of dictionaries of desired IP and/or subnet on the external network. :param project_id:(string) project ID for the router. :returns:(string) the router id. """ try: router = shade_client.create_router( name, admin_state_up, ext_gateway_net_id, enable_snat, ext_fixed_ips, project_id) return router['id'] except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [create_neutron_router(shade_client)]. " "Exception message: %s", o_exc.orig_message) def delete_neutron_router(shade_client, router_id): try: return shade_client.delete_router(router_id) except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [delete_neutron_router(shade_client, '%s')]. " "Exception message: %s", router_id, o_exc.orig_message) return False def remove_gateway_router(neutron_client, router_id): # pragma: no cover try: neutron_client.remove_gateway_router(router_id) return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Error [remove_gateway_router(neutron_client, '%s')]", router_id) return False def remove_router_interface(shade_client, router, subnet_id=None, port_id=None): """Detach a subnet from an internal router interface. At least one of subnet_id or port_id must be supplied. If you specify both subnet and port ID, the subnet ID must correspond to the subnet ID of the first IP address on the port specified by the port ID. Otherwise an error occurs. :param router: The dict object of the router being changed :param subnet_id:(string) The ID of the subnet to use for the interface :param port_id:(string) The ID of the port to use for the interface :returns: True on success """ try: shade_client.remove_router_interface( router, subnet_id=subnet_id, port_id=port_id) return True except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [remove_interface_router(shade_client)]. " "Exception message: %s", o_exc.orig_message) return False def create_floating_ip(shade_client, network_name_or_id=None, server=None, fixed_address=None, nat_destination=None, port=None, wait=False, timeout=60): """Allocate a new floating IP from a network or a pool. :param network_name_or_id: Name or ID of the network that the floating IP should come from. :param server: Server dict for the server to create the IP for and to which it should be attached. :param fixed_address: Fixed IP to attach the floating ip to. :param nat_destination: Name or ID of the network that the fixed IP to attach the floating IP to should be on. :param port: The port ID that the floating IP should be attached to. Specifying a port conflicts with specifying a server,fixed_address or nat_destination. :param wait: Whether to wait for the IP to be active.Only applies if a server is provided. :param timeout: How long to wait for the IP to be active.Only applies if a server is provided. :returns:Floating IP id and address """ try: fip = shade_client.create_floating_ip( network=network_name_or_id, server=server, fixed_address=fixed_address, nat_destination=nat_destination, port=port, wait=wait, timeout=timeout) return {'fip_addr': fip['floating_ip_address'], 'fip_id': fip['id']} except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [create_floating_ip(shade_client)]. " "Exception message: %s", o_exc.orig_message) def delete_floating_ip(shade_client, floating_ip_id, retry=1): try: return shade_client.delete_floating_ip(floating_ip_id=floating_ip_id, retry=retry) except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [delete_floating_ip(shade_client,'%s')]. " "Exception message: %s", floating_ip_id, o_exc.orig_message) return False def create_security_group_rule(shade_client, secgroup_name_or_id, port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None, protocol=None, remote_ip_prefix=None, remote_group_id=None, direction='ingress', ethertype='IPv4', project_id=None): """Create a new security group rule :param secgroup_name_or_id:(string) The security group name or ID to associate with this security group rule. If a non-unique group name is given, an exception is raised. :param port_range_min:(int) The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If nova is used by the cloud provider for security groups, then a value of None will be transformed to -1. :param port_range_max:(int) The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If nova is used by the cloud provider for security groups, then a value of None will be transformed to -1. :param protocol:(string) The protocol that is matched by the security group rule. Valid values are None, tcp, udp, and icmp. :param remote_ip_prefix:(string) The remote IP prefix to be associated with this security group rule. This attribute matches the specified IP prefix as the source IP address of the IP packet. :param remote_group_id:(string) The remote group ID to be associated with this security group rule. :param direction:(string) Ingress or egress: The direction in which the security group rule is applied. :param ethertype:(string) Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules. :param project_id:(string) Specify the project ID this security group will be created on (admin-only). :returns: True on success. """ try: shade_client.create_security_group_rule( secgroup_name_or_id, port_range_min=port_range_min, port_range_max=port_range_max, protocol=protocol, remote_ip_prefix=remote_ip_prefix, remote_group_id=remote_group_id, direction=direction, ethertype=ethertype, project_id=project_id) return True except exc.OpenStackCloudException as op_exc: log.error("Failed to create_security_group_rule(shade_client). " "Exception message: %s", op_exc.orig_message) return False def create_security_group_full(shade_client, sg_name, sg_description, project_id=None): security_group = shade_client.get_security_group(sg_name) if security_group: log.info("Using existing security group '%s'...", sg_name) return security_group['id'] log.info("Creating security group '%s'...", sg_name) try: security_group = shade_client.create_security_group( sg_name, sg_description, project_id=project_id) except (exc.OpenStackCloudException, exc.OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature) as op_exc: log.error("Error [create_security_group(shade_client, %s, %s)]. " "Exception message: %s", sg_name, sg_description, op_exc.orig_message) return log.debug("Security group '%s' with ID=%s created successfully.", security_group['name'], security_group['id']) log.debug("Adding ICMP rules in security group '%s'...", sg_name) if not create_security_group_rule(shade_client, security_group['id'], direction='ingress', protocol='icmp'): log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...") shade_client.delete_security_group(sg_name) return log.debug("Adding SSH rules in security group '%s'...", sg_name) if not create_security_group_rule(shade_client, security_group['id'], direction='ingress', protocol='tcp', port_range_min='22', port_range_max='22'): log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...") shade_client.delete_security_group(sg_name) return if not create_security_group_rule(shade_client, security_group['id'], direction='egress', protocol='tcp', port_range_min='22', port_range_max='22'): log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...") shade_client.delete_security_group(sg_name) return return security_group['id'] # ********************************************* # GLANCE # ********************************************* def get_image_id(glance_client, image_name): # pragma: no cover images = glance_client.images.list() return next((i.id for i in images if i.name == image_name), None) def create_image(glance_client, image_name, file_path, disk_format, container_format, min_disk, min_ram, protected, tag, public, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover if not os.path.isfile(file_path): log.error("Error: file %s does not exist.", file_path) return None try: image_id = get_image_id(glance_client, image_name) if image_id is not None: log.info("Image %s already exists.", image_name) else: log.info("Creating image '%s' from '%s'...", image_name, file_path) image = glance_client.images.create( name=image_name, visibility=public, disk_format=disk_format, container_format=container_format, min_disk=min_disk, min_ram=min_ram, tags=tag, protected=protected, **kwargs) image_id = image.id with open(file_path) as image_data: glance_client.images.upload(image_id, image_data) return image_id except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Error [create_glance_image(glance_client, '%s', '%s', '%s')]", image_name, file_path, public) return None def delete_image(glance_client, image_id): # pragma: no cover try: glance_client.images.delete(image_id) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [delete_flavor(glance_client, %s)]", image_id) return False else: return True def list_images(shade_client=None): if shade_client is None: shade_client = get_shade_client() try: return shade_client.list_images() except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc: log.error("Error [list_images(shade_client)]." "Exception message, '%s'", o_exc.orig_message) return False # ********************************************* # CINDER # ********************************************* def get_volume_id(volume_name): # pragma: no cover volumes = get_cinder_client().volumes.list() return next((v.id for v in volumes if v.name == volume_name), None) def create_volume(cinder_client, volume_name, volume_size, volume_image=False): # pragma: no cover try: if volume_image: volume = cinder_client.volumes.create(name=volume_name, size=volume_size, imageRef=volume_image) else: volume = cinder_client.volumes.create(name=volume_name, size=volume_size) return volume except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [create_volume(cinder_client, %s)]", (volume_name, volume_size)) return None def delete_volume(cinder_client, volume_id, forced=False): # pragma: no cover try: if forced: try: cinder_client.volumes.detach(volume_id) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) cinder_client.volumes.force_delete(volume_id) else: while True: volume = get_cinder_client().volumes.get(volume_id) if volume.status.lower() == 'available': break cinder_client.volumes.delete(volume_id) return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [delete_volume(cinder_client, '%s')]", volume_id) return False def detach_volume(server_id, volume_id): # pragma: no cover try: get_nova_client().volumes.delete_server_volume(server_id, volume_id) return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error [detach_server_volume(nova_client, '%s', '%s')]", server_id, volume_id) return False