############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and other. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import logging import re import yardstick.ssh as ssh from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NetUtilization(base.Scenario): """Collect network utilization statistics. This scenario reads statistics from the network devices on a Linux host. Network utilization statistics are read using the utility 'sar'. The following values are displayed: IFACE: Name of the network interface for which statistics are reported. rxpck/s: Total number of packets received per second. txpck/s: Total number of packets transmitted per second. rxkB/s: Total number of kilobytes received per second. txkB/s: Total number of kilobytes transmitted per second. rxcmp/s: Number of compressed packets received per second (for cslip etc.). txcmp/s: Number of compressed packets transmitted per second. rxmcst/s: Number of multicast packets received per second. %ifutil: Utilization percentage of the network interface. For half-duplex interfaces, utilization is calculated using the sum of rxkB/s and txkB/s as a percentage of the interface speed. For full-duplex, this is the greater of rxkB/S or txkB/s. Parameters interval - Time interval to measure network utilization. type: [int] unit: seconds default: 1 count - Number of times to measure network utilization. type: [int] unit: N/A default: 1 """ __scenario_type__ = "NetUtilization" NET_UTILIZATION_FIELD_SIZE = 8 def __init__(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): """Scenario construction.""" self.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg self.context_cfg = context_cfg self.setup_done = False def setup(self): """Scenario setup.""" host = self.context_cfg['host'] user = host.get('user', 'ubuntu') ssh_port = host.get("ssh_port", ssh.DEFAULT_PORT) ip = host.get('ip', None) key_filename = host.get('key_filename', '~/.ssh/id_rsa') LOG.info("user:%s, host:%s", user, ip) self.client = ssh.SSH(user, ip, key_filename=key_filename, port=ssh_port) self.client.wait(timeout=600) self.setup_done = True def _execute_command(self, cmd): """Execute a command on target.""" LOG.info("Executing: %s", cmd) status, stdout, stderr = self.client.execute(cmd) if status: raise RuntimeError("Failed executing command: ", cmd, stderr) return stdout def _filtrate_result(self, raw_result): """Filtrate network utilization statistics.""" fields = [] maximum = {} minimum = {} average = {} time_marker = re.compile("^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$") ampm_marker = re.compile("(AM|PM)$") # Parse network utilization stats for row in raw_result.split('\n'): line = row.split() if line and re.match(time_marker, line[0]): if re.match(ampm_marker, line[1]): del line[:2] if line[0] == 'IFACE': # header fields fields = line[1:] if len(fields) != NetUtilization.\ NET_UTILIZATION_FIELD_SIZE: raise RuntimeError("network_utilization: unexpected\ field size", fields) else: # value fields net_interface = line[0] values = line[1:] if values and len(values) == len(fields): temp_dict = dict(zip(fields, values)) if net_interface not in maximum: maximum[net_interface] = temp_dict else: for item in temp_dict: if float(maximum[net_interface][item]) <\ float(temp_dict[item]): maximum[net_interface][item] = \ temp_dict[item] if net_interface not in minimum: minimum[net_interface] = temp_dict else: for item in temp_dict: if float(minimum[net_interface][item]) >\ float(temp_dict[item]): minimum[net_interface][item] = \ temp_dict[item] else: raise RuntimeError("network_utilization: parse error", fields, line) elif line and line[0] == 'Average:': del line[:1] if line[0] == 'IFACE': # header fields fields = line[1:] if len(fields) != NetUtilization.\ NET_UTILIZATION_FIELD_SIZE: raise RuntimeError("network_utilization average: \ unexpected field size", fields) else: # value fields net_interface = line[0] values = line[1:] if values and len(values) == len(fields): average[net_interface] = dict(zip(fields, values)) else: raise RuntimeError("network_utilization average: \ parse error", fields, line) return {'network_utilization_maximun': maximum, 'network_utilization_minimum': minimum, 'network_utilization_average': average} def _get_network_utilization(self): """Get network utilization statistics using sar.""" options = self.scenario_cfg["options"] interval = options.get('interval', 1) count = options.get('count', 1) cmd = "sudo sar -n DEV %d %d" % (interval, count) raw_result = self._execute_command(cmd) result = self._filtrate_result(raw_result) return result def run(self, result): """Read statistics.""" if not self.setup_done: self.setup() result.update(self._get_network_utilization())