############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import pkg_resources import logging import json import yardstick.ssh as ssh from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Ramspeed(base.Scenario): """Execute ramspeed benchmark in a host The ramspeed script takes a number of options which you can use to customise a test. The full run time usage is: ramspeed -b ID [-g size] [-m size] [-l runs] [-r speed-format] -b runs a specified benchmark (by an ID number): 1 -- INTmark [writing] 4 -- FLOATmark [writing] 2 -- INTmark [reading] 5 -- FLOATmark [reading] 3 -- INTmem 6 -- FLOATmem 7 -- MMXmark [writing] 10 -- SSEmark [writing] 8 -- MMXmark [reading] 11 -- SSEmark [reading] 9 -- MMXmem 12 -- SSEmem 13 -- MMXmark (nt) [writing] 16 -- SSEmark (nt) [writing] 14 -- MMXmark (nt) [reading] 17 -- SSEmark (nt) [reading] 15 -- MMXmem (nt) 18 -- SSEmem (nt) In this scenario, only the first 6 test type will be used for testing. -g specifies a # of Gbytes per pass (default is 8) -m specifies a # of Mbytes per array (default is 32) -l enables the BatchRun mode (for *mem benchmarks only), and specifies a # of runs (suggested is 5) -r displays speeds in real megabytes per second (default: decimal) The -b option is required, others are recommended. Parameters type_id - specifies whether to run *mark benchmark or *mem benchmark the type_id can be any number from 1 to 19 type: int unit: n/a default: 1 load - specifies a # of Gbytes per pass type: int unit: gigabyte default: 8 block_size - specifies a # of Mbytes per array type: int unit: megabyte default: 32 Parameters for *mem benchmark iteration - specifies a # of runs for each test type: int unit: n/a default: 1 more info http://alasir.com/software/ramspeed """ __scenario_type__ = "Ramspeed" RAMSPEED_MARK_SCRIPT = "ramspeed_mark_benchmark.bash" RAMSPEED_MEM_SCRIPT = "ramspeed_mem_benchmark.bash" def __init__(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): self.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg self.context_cfg = context_cfg self.setup_done = False def setup(self): """scenario setup""" self.mark_target_script = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.compute", Ramspeed.RAMSPEED_MARK_SCRIPT) self.mem_target_script = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.compute", Ramspeed.RAMSPEED_MEM_SCRIPT) host = self.context_cfg["host"] user = host.get("user", "ubuntu") ssh_port = host.get("ssh_port", ssh.DEFAULT_PORT) ip = host.get("ip", None) key_filename = host.get('key_filename', "~/.ssh/id_rsa") LOG.info("user:%s, host:%s", user, ip) self.client = ssh.SSH(user, ip, key_filename=key_filename, port=ssh_port) self.client.wait(timeout=600) # copy scripts to host self.client._put_file_shell( self.mark_target_script, '~/ramspeed_mark_benchmark.sh') self.client._put_file_shell( self.mem_target_script, '~/ramspeed_mem_benchmark.sh') self.setup_done = True def run(self, result): """execute the benchmark""" if not self.setup_done: self.setup() options = self.scenario_cfg['options'] test_id = options.get('type_id', 1) load = options.get('load', 8) block_size = options.get('block_size', 32) if test_id == 3 or test_id == 6: iteration = options.get('iteration', 1) cmd = "sudo bash ramspeed_mem_benchmark.sh %d %d %d %d" % \ (test_id, load, block_size, iteration) elif 0 < test_id <= 5: cmd = "sudo bash ramspeed_mark_benchmark.sh %d %d %d" % \ (test_id, load, block_size) # only the test_id 1-6 will be used in this scenario else: raise RuntimeError("No such type_id: %s for Ramspeed scenario", test_id) LOG.debug("Executing command: %s", cmd) status, stdout, stderr = self.client.execute(cmd) if status: raise RuntimeError(stderr) result.update(json.loads(stdout)) if "sla" in self.scenario_cfg: sla_error = "" sla_min_bw = int(self.scenario_cfg['sla']['min_bandwidth']) for i in result["Result"]: bw = i["Bandwidth(MBps)"] if bw < sla_min_bw: sla_error += "Bandwidth %f < " \ "sla:min_bandwidth(%f)" % (bw, sla_min_bw) assert sla_error == "", sla_error