############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. and others # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.availability.monitor import basemonitor from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.availability.attacker import baseattacker LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ServiceHA(base.Scenario): """TODO: docstring of ServiceHA """ __scenario_type__ = "ServiceHA" def __init__(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): LOG.debug( "scenario_cfg:%s context_cfg:%s", scenario_cfg, context_cfg) self.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg self.context_cfg = context_cfg self.setup_done = False self.data = {} self.pass_flag = True def setup(self): """scenario setup""" nodes = self.context_cfg.get("nodes", None) if nodes is None: LOG.error("the nodes info is none") return self.attackers = [] attacker_cfgs = self.scenario_cfg["options"]["attackers"] for attacker_cfg in attacker_cfgs: attacker_cls = baseattacker.BaseAttacker.get_attacker_cls( attacker_cfg) attacker_ins = attacker_cls(attacker_cfg, nodes) attacker_ins.setup() self.attackers.append(attacker_ins) self.data = dict(self.data.items() + attacker_ins.data.items()) monitor_cfgs = self.scenario_cfg["options"]["monitors"] self.monitorMgr = basemonitor.MonitorMgr(self.data) self.monitorMgr.init_monitors(monitor_cfgs, nodes) self.setup_done = True def run(self, result): """execute the benchmark""" if not self.setup_done: LOG.error("The setup not finished!") return self.monitorMgr.start_monitors() LOG.info("HA monitor start!") for attacker in self.attackers: attacker.inject_fault() self.monitorMgr.wait_monitors() LOG.info("HA monitor stop!") sla_pass = self.monitorMgr.verify_SLA() for k, v in self.data.items(): if v == 0: result['sla_pass'] = 0 self.pass_flag = False LOG.info("The service process not found in the host envrioment, \ the HA test case NOT pass") return if sla_pass: result['sla_pass'] = 1 LOG.info("The HA test case PASS the SLA") else: result['sla_pass'] = 0 self.pass_flag = False assert sla_pass is True, "The HA test case NOT pass the SLA" return def teardown(self): """scenario teardown""" for attacker in self.attackers: attacker.recover() assert self.pass_flag, "The HA test case NOT passed" def _test(): # pragma: no cover """internal test function""" host = { "ip": "", "user": "root", "key_filename": "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" } ctx = {"nodes": {"node1": host}} attacker_cfg = { "fault_type": "kill-process", "process_name": "nova-api", "host": "node1" } attacker_cfgs = [] attacker_cfgs.append(attacker_cfg) monitor_cfg = { "monitor_cmd": "nova image-list" } monitor_cfgs = [] monitor_cfgs.append(monitor_cfg) options = { "attackers": attacker_cfgs, "wait_time": 10, "monitors": monitor_cfgs } sla = {"outage_time": 5} args = {"options": options, "sla": sla} print("create instance") terstInstance = ServiceHA(args, ctx) terstInstance.setup() result = {} terstInstance.run(result) print(result) terstInstance.teardown() if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover _test()