# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # yardstick comment: this is a modified copy of # rally/rally/benchmark/runners/base.py from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import multiprocessing import subprocess import time import traceback from subprocess import CalledProcessError import importlib from six.moves.queue import Empty import yardstick.common.utils as utils from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base as base_scenario from yardstick.dispatcher.base import Base as DispatcherBase log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _execute_shell_command(command): """execute shell script with error handling""" exitcode = 0 try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) except CalledProcessError: exitcode = -1 output = traceback.format_exc() log.error("exec command '%s' error:\n ", command) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return exitcode, output def _single_action(seconds, command, queue): """entrypoint for the single action process""" log.debug("single action, fires after %d seconds (from now)", seconds) time.sleep(seconds) log.debug("single action: executing command: '%s'", command) ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command) if ret_code < 0: log.error("single action error! command:%s", command) queue.put({'single-action-data': data}) return log.debug("single action data: \n%s", data) queue.put({'single-action-data': data}) def _periodic_action(interval, command, queue): """entrypoint for the periodic action process""" log.debug("periodic action, fires every: %d seconds", interval) time_spent = 0 while True: time.sleep(interval) time_spent += interval log.debug("periodic action, executing command: '%s'", command) ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command) if ret_code < 0: log.error("periodic action error! command:%s", command) queue.put({'periodic-action-data': data}) break log.debug("periodic action data: \n%s", data) queue.put({'periodic-action-data': data}) class Runner(object): runners = [] @staticmethod def get_cls(runner_type): """return class of specified type""" for runner in utils.itersubclasses(Runner): if runner_type == runner.__execution_type__: return runner raise RuntimeError("No such runner_type %s" % runner_type) @staticmethod def get_types(): """return a list of known runner type (class) names""" types = [] for runner in utils.itersubclasses(Runner): types.append(runner) return types @staticmethod def get(runner_cfg): """Returns instance of a scenario runner for execution type. """ return Runner.get_cls(runner_cfg["type"])(runner_cfg) @staticmethod def release(runner): """Release the runner""" if runner in Runner.runners: Runner.runners.remove(runner) @staticmethod def terminate(runner): """Terminate the runner""" if runner.process and runner.process.is_alive(): runner.process.terminate() @staticmethod def terminate_all(): """Terminate all runners (subprocesses)""" log.debug("Terminating all runners", exc_info=True) # release dumper process as some errors before any runner is created if not Runner.runners: return for runner in Runner.runners: log.debug("Terminating runner: %s", runner) if runner.process: runner.process.terminate() runner.process.join() if runner.periodic_action_process: log.debug("Terminating periodic action process") runner.periodic_action_process.terminate() runner.periodic_action_process = None Runner.release(runner) def __init__(self, config): self.task_id = None self.case_name = None self.config = config self.periodic_action_process = None self.output_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.process = None self.aborted = multiprocessing.Event() Runner.runners.append(self) def run_post_stop_action(self): """run a potentially configured post-stop action""" if "post-stop-action" in self.config: command = self.config["post-stop-action"]["command"] log.debug("post stop action: command: '%s'", command) ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command) if ret_code < 0: log.error("post action error! command:%s", command) self.result_queue.put({'post-stop-action-data': data}) return log.debug("post-stop data: \n%s", data) self.result_queue.put({'post-stop-action-data': data}) def _run_benchmark(self, cls, method_name, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): raise NotImplementedError def run(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): scenario_type = scenario_cfg["type"] class_name = base_scenario.Scenario.get(scenario_type) path_split = class_name.split(".") module_path = ".".join(path_split[:-1]) module = importlib.import_module(module_path) cls = getattr(module, path_split[-1]) self.config['object'] = class_name self.case_name = scenario_cfg['tc'] self.task_id = scenario_cfg['task_id'] self.aborted.clear() # run a potentially configured pre-start action if "pre-start-action" in self.config: command = self.config["pre-start-action"]["command"] log.debug("pre start action: command: '%s'", command) ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command) if ret_code < 0: log.error("pre-start action error! command:%s", command) self.result_queue.put({'pre-start-action-data': data}) return log.debug("pre-start data: \n%s", data) self.result_queue.put({'pre-start-action-data': data}) if "single-shot-action" in self.config: single_action_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_single_action, name="single-shot-action", args=(self.config["single-shot-action"]["after"], self.config["single-shot-action"]["command"], self.result_queue)) single_action_process.start() if "periodic-action" in self.config: self.periodic_action_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_periodic_action, name="periodic-action", args=(self.config["periodic-action"]["interval"], self.config["periodic-action"]["command"], self.result_queue)) self.periodic_action_process.start() self._run_benchmark(cls, "run", scenario_cfg, context_cfg) def abort(self): """Abort the execution of a scenario""" self.aborted.set() QUEUE_JOIN_INTERVAL = 5 def poll(self, timeout=QUEUE_JOIN_INTERVAL): self.process.join(timeout) return self.process.exitcode def join(self, outputs, result, interval=QUEUE_JOIN_INTERVAL): while self.process.exitcode is None: # drain the queue while we are running otherwise we won't terminate outputs.update(self.get_output()) result.extend(self.get_result()) self.process.join(interval) # drain after the process has exited outputs.update(self.get_output()) result.extend(self.get_result()) self.process.terminate() if self.periodic_action_process: self.periodic_action_process.join(1) self.periodic_action_process.terminate() self.periodic_action_process = None self.run_post_stop_action() return self.process.exitcode def get_output(self): result = {} while not self.output_queue.empty(): log.debug("output_queue size %s", self.output_queue.qsize()) try: result.update(self.output_queue.get(True, 1)) except Empty: pass return result def get_result(self): result = [] dispatcher = self.config['output_config']['DEFAULT']['dispatcher'] output_in_influxdb = 'influxdb' in dispatcher while not self.result_queue.empty(): log.debug("result_queue size %s", self.result_queue.qsize()) try: one_record = self.result_queue.get(True, 1) except Empty: pass else: if output_in_influxdb: self._output_to_influxdb(one_record) result.append(one_record) return result def _output_to_influxdb(self, record): dispatchers = DispatcherBase.get(self.config['output_config']) dispatcher = next((d for d in dispatchers if d.__dispatcher_type__ == 'Influxdb')) dispatcher.upload_one_record(record, self.case_name, '', task_id=self.task_id)