# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # yardstick comment: this is a modified copy of # rally/rally/benchmark/runners/constant.py """A runner that every run arithmetically steps specified input value(s) to the scenario. This just means step value(s) is added to the previous value(s). It is possible to combine several named input values and run with those either as nested for loops or combine each i:th index of each "input value list" until the end of the shortest list is reached (optimally all lists should be defined with the same number of values when using such iter_type). """ from __future__ import absolute_import import itertools import logging import multiprocessing import os import time import traceback import six from six.moves import range from yardstick.benchmark.runners import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _worker_process(queue, cls, method_name, scenario_cfg, context_cfg, aborted, output_queue): sequence = 1 runner_cfg = scenario_cfg['runner'] interval = runner_cfg.get("interval", 1) if 'options' in scenario_cfg: options = scenario_cfg['options'] else: # options must be instatiated if not present in yaml options = {} scenario_cfg['options'] = options runner_cfg['runner_id'] = os.getpid() LOG.info("worker START, class %s", cls) benchmark = cls(scenario_cfg, context_cfg) benchmark.setup() method = getattr(benchmark, method_name) queue.put({'runner_id': runner_cfg['runner_id'], 'scenario_cfg': scenario_cfg, 'context_cfg': context_cfg}) sla_action = None if "sla" in scenario_cfg: sla_action = scenario_cfg["sla"].get("action", "assert") # To both be able to include the stop value and handle backwards stepping def margin(start, stop): return -1 if start > stop else 1 param_iters = \ [range(d['start'], d['stop'] + margin(d['start'], d['stop']), d['step']) for d in runner_cfg['iterators']] param_names = [d['name'] for d in runner_cfg['iterators']] iter_type = runner_cfg.get("iter_type", "nested_for_loops") if iter_type == 'nested_for_loops': # Create a complete combination set of all parameter lists loop_iter = itertools.product(*param_iters) elif iter_type == 'tuple_loops': # Combine each i;th index of respective parameter list loop_iter = six.moves.zip(*param_iters) else: LOG.warning("iter_type unrecognized: %s", iter_type) raise TypeError("iter_type unrecognized: %s", iter_type) # Populate options and run the requested method for each value combination for comb_values in loop_iter: if aborted.is_set(): break LOG.debug("runner=%(runner)s seq=%(sequence)s START", {"runner": runner_cfg["runner_id"], "sequence": sequence}) for i, value in enumerate(comb_values): options[param_names[i]] = value data = {} errors = "" try: result = method(data) except AssertionError as assertion: # SLA validation failed in scenario, determine what to do now if sla_action == "assert": raise elif sla_action == "monitor": LOG.warning("SLA validation failed: %s", assertion.args) errors = assertion.args except Exception as e: errors = traceback.format_exc() LOG.exception(e) else: if result: output_queue.put(result) time.sleep(interval) benchmark_output = { 'timestamp': time.time(), 'sequence': sequence, 'data': data, 'errors': errors } record = {'runner_id': runner_cfg['runner_id'], 'benchmark': benchmark_output} queue.put(record) LOG.debug("runner=%(runner)s seq=%(sequence)s END", {"runner": runner_cfg["runner_id"], "sequence": sequence}) sequence += 1 if errors and sla_action is None: break benchmark.teardown() LOG.info("worker END") class ArithmeticRunner(base.Runner): """Run a scenario arithmetically stepping input value(s) Parameters interval - time to wait between each scenario invocation type: int unit: seconds default: 1 sec iter_type: - Iteration type of input parameter(s): nested_for_loops or tuple_loops type: string unit: na default: nested_for_loops - name - name of scenario option that will be increased for each invocation type: string unit: na default: na start - value to use in first invocation of scenario type: int unit: na default: none stop - value indicating end of invocation. Can be set to same value as start for one single value. type: int unit: na default: none step - value added to start value in next invocation of scenario. Must not be set to zero. Can be set negative if start > stop type: int unit: na default: none - name - and so on...... """ __execution_type__ = 'Arithmetic' def _run_benchmark(self, cls, method, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): self.process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_worker_process, args=(self.result_queue, cls, method, scenario_cfg, context_cfg, self.aborted, self.output_queue)) self.process.start()