############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Rajesh Kudaka <4k.rajesh@gmail.com> # Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## """ Handler for yardstick command 'report' """ import re import six import uuid import jinja2 from api.utils import influx from oslo_utils import uuidutils from yardstick.common import constants as consts from yardstick.common.utils import cliargs class JSTree(object): """Data structure to parse data for use with the JS library jsTree""" def __init__(self): self._created_nodes = ['#'] self.jstree_data = [] def _create_node(self, _id): """Helper method for format_for_jstree to create each node. Creates the node (and any required parents) and keeps track of the created nodes. :param _id: (string) id of the node to be created :return: None """ components = _id.split(".") if len(components) == 1: text = components[0] parent_id = "#" else: text = components[-1] parent_id = ".".join(components[:-1]) # make sure the parent has been created if not parent_id in self._created_nodes: self._create_node(parent_id) self.jstree_data.append({"id": _id, "text": text, "parent": parent_id}) self._created_nodes.append(_id) def format_for_jstree(self, data): """Format the data into the required format for jsTree. The data format expected is a list of key-value pairs which represent the data and label for each metric e.g.: [{'data': [0, ], 'label': 'tg__0.DropPackets'}, {'data': [548, ], 'label': 'tg__0.LatencyAvg.5'},] This data is converted into the format required for jsTree to group and display the metrics in a hierarchial fashion, including creating a number of parent nodes e.g.:: [{"id": "tg__0", "text": "tg__0", "parent": "#"}, {"id": "tg__0.DropPackets", "text": "DropPackets", "parent": "tg__0"}, {"id": "tg__0.LatencyAvg", "text": "LatencyAvg", "parent": "tg__0"}, {"id": "tg__0.LatencyAvg.5", "text": "5", "parent": "tg__0.LatencyAvg"},] :param data: (list) data to be converted :return: list """ self._created_nodes = ['#'] self.jstree_data = [] for item in data: self._create_node(item["label"]) return self.jstree_data class Report(object): """Report commands. Set of commands to manage reports. """ def __init__(self): self.Timestamp = [] self.yaml_name = "" self.task_id = "" def _validate(self, yaml_name, task_id): if re.match(r"^[\w-]+$", yaml_name): self.yaml_name = yaml_name else: raise ValueError("invalid yaml_name", yaml_name) if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(task_id): task_id = '{' + task_id + '}' task_uuid = (uuid.UUID(task_id)) self.task_id = task_uuid else: raise ValueError("invalid task_id", task_id) def _get_fieldkeys(self): fieldkeys_cmd = "show field keys from \"%s\"" fieldkeys_query = fieldkeys_cmd % (self.yaml_name) query_exec = influx.query(fieldkeys_query) if query_exec: return query_exec else: raise KeyError("Test case not found.") def _get_metrics(self): metrics_cmd = "select * from \"%s\" where task_id = '%s'" metrics_query = metrics_cmd % (self.yaml_name, self.task_id) query_exec = influx.query(metrics_query) if query_exec: return query_exec else: raise KeyError("Task ID or Test case not found.") def _generate_common(self, args): """Actions that are common to both report formats. Create the necessary data structure for rendering the report templates. """ self._validate(args.yaml_name[0], args.task_id[0]) db_fieldkeys = self._get_fieldkeys() # list of dicts of: # - PY2: unicode key and unicode value # - PY3: str key and str value db_metrics = self._get_metrics() # list of dicts of: # - PY2: unicode key and { None | unicode | float | long | int } value # - PY3: str key and { None | str | float | int } value # extract fieldKey entries, and convert them to str where needed field_keys = [key if isinstance(key, str) # PY3: already str else key.encode('utf8') # PY2: unicode to str for key in [field['fieldKey'] for field in db_fieldkeys]] # extract timestamps self.Timestamp = [] for metric in db_metrics: metric_time = metric['time'] # in RFC3339 format if not isinstance(metric_time, str): metric_time = metric_time.encode('utf8') # PY2: unicode to str metric_time = metric_time[11:] # skip date, keep time head, _, tail = metric_time.partition('.') # split HH:MM:SS and nsZ metric_time = head + '.' + tail[:6] # join HH:MM:SS and .us self.Timestamp.append(metric_time) # HH:MM:SS.micros # prepare return values datasets = [] table_vals = {'Timestamp': self.Timestamp} # extract and convert field values for key in field_keys: values = [] for metric in db_metrics: val = metric.get(key, None) if val is None: # keep explicit None or missing entry as is pass elif isinstance(val, (int, float)): # keep plain int or float as is pass elif six.PY2 and isinstance(val, long): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # PY2: long value would be rendered with trailing L, # which JS does not support, so convert it to float val = float(val) elif isinstance(val, six.string_types): s = val if not isinstance(s, str): s = s.encode('utf8') # PY2: unicode to str try: # convert until failure val = s val = float(s) val = int(s) if six.PY2 and isinstance(val, long): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable val = float(val) # PY2: long to float except ValueError: pass else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert %r" % val) values.append(val) datasets.append({'label': key, 'data': values}) table_vals[key] = values return datasets, table_vals @cliargs("task_id", type=str, help=" task id", nargs=1) @cliargs("yaml_name", type=str, help=" Yaml file Name", nargs=1) def generate(self, args): """Start report generation.""" datasets, table_vals = self._generate_common(args) template_dir = consts.YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH + "yardstick/common" template_environment = jinja2.Environment( autoescape=False, loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir)) context = { "datasets": datasets, "Timestamps": self.Timestamp, "task_id": self.task_id, "table": table_vals, } template_html = template_environment.get_template("report.html.j2") with open(consts.DEFAULT_HTML_FILE, "w") as file_open: file_open.write(template_html.render(context)) print("Report generated. View %s" % consts.DEFAULT_HTML_FILE) @cliargs("task_id", type=str, help=" task id", nargs=1) @cliargs("yaml_name", type=str, help=" Yaml file Name", nargs=1) def generate_nsb(self, args): """Start NSB report generation.""" datasets, table_vals = self._generate_common(args) jstree_data = JSTree().format_for_jstree(datasets) template_dir = consts.YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH + "yardstick/common" template_environment = jinja2.Environment( autoescape=False, loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir), lstrip_blocks=True) context = { "Timestamps": self.Timestamp, "task_id": self.task_id, "table": table_vals, "jstree_nodes": jstree_data, } template_html = template_environment.get_template("nsb_report.html.j2") with open(consts.DEFAULT_HTML_FILE, "w") as file_open: file_open.write(template_html.render(context)) print("Report generated. View %s" % consts.DEFAULT_HTML_FILE)