# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import time import uuid import random import logging import errno from netaddr import IPNetwork import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from yardstick import ssh from yardstick.common import constants from yardstick.common import exceptions from yardstick.common.yaml_loader import yaml_load from yardstick.network_services.utils import PciAddress from yardstick.network_services.helpers.cpu import CpuSysCores LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) VM_TEMPLATE = """ {vm_name} {random_uuid} {memory} {memory} {vcpu} {cputune} hvm destroy restart restart /usr/bin/kvm-spice """ WAIT_FOR_BOOT = 30 class Libvirt(object): """ This class handles all the libvirt updates to lauch VM """ @staticmethod def check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm_name, connection): cmd_template = "virsh list --name | grep -i %s" status = connection.execute(cmd_template % vm_name)[0] if status == 0: LOG.info("VM '%s' is already present... destroying", vm_name) connection.execute("virsh destroy %s" % vm_name) @staticmethod def virsh_create_vm(connection, cfg): err = connection.execute("virsh create %s" % cfg)[0] LOG.info("VM create status: %s", err) @staticmethod def virsh_destroy_vm(vm_name, connection): connection.execute("virsh destroy %s" % vm_name) @staticmethod def _add_interface_address(interface, pci_address): """Add a PCI 'address' XML node
Refence: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/ configure-sr-iov-network-virtual-functions-in-linux-kvm """ vm_pci = ET.SubElement(interface, 'address') vm_pci.set('type', 'pci') vm_pci.set('domain', '0x{}'.format(pci_address.domain)) vm_pci.set('bus', '0x{}'.format(pci_address.bus)) vm_pci.set('slot', '0x{}'.format(pci_address.slot)) vm_pci.set('function', '0x{}'.format(pci_address.function)) return vm_pci @classmethod def add_ovs_interface(cls, vpath, port_num, vpci, vports_mac, xml_str): """Add a DPDK OVS 'interface' XML node in 'devices' node
... Reference: http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/topics/dpdk/ vhost-user/ """ vhost_path = ('{0}/var/run/openvswitch/dpdkvhostuser{1}'. format(vpath, port_num)) root = ET.fromstring(xml_str) pci_address = PciAddress(vpci.strip()) device = root.find('devices') interface = ET.SubElement(device, 'interface') interface.set('type', 'vhostuser') mac = ET.SubElement(interface, 'mac') mac.set('address', vports_mac) source = ET.SubElement(interface, 'source') source.set('type', 'unix') source.set('path', vhost_path) source.set('mode', 'client') model = ET.SubElement(interface, 'model') model.set('type', 'virtio') driver = ET.SubElement(interface, 'driver') driver.set('queues', '4') host = ET.SubElement(driver, 'host') host.set('mrg_rxbuf', 'off') cls._add_interface_address(interface, pci_address) return ET.tostring(root) @classmethod def add_sriov_interfaces(cls, vm_pci, vf_pci, vf_mac, xml_str): """Add a SR-IOV 'interface' XML node in 'devices' node
... Reference: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/ red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/ virtualization_host_configuration_and_guest_installation_guide/ sect-virtualization_host_configuration_and_guest_installation_guide -sr_iov-how_sr_iov_libvirt_works """ root = ET.fromstring(xml_str) device = root.find('devices') interface = ET.SubElement(device, 'interface') interface.set('managed', 'yes') interface.set('type', 'hostdev') mac = ET.SubElement(interface, 'mac') mac.set('address', vf_mac) source = ET.SubElement(interface, 'source') pci_address = PciAddress(vf_pci.strip()) cls._add_interface_address(source, pci_address) pci_vm_address = PciAddress(vm_pci.strip()) cls._add_interface_address(interface, pci_vm_address) return ET.tostring(root) @staticmethod def create_snapshot_qemu(connection, index, vm_image): # build snapshot image image = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/%s.qcow2" % index connection.execute("rm %s" % image) qemu_template = "qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=%s %s" connection.execute(qemu_template % (vm_image, image)) return image @classmethod def build_vm_xml(cls, connection, flavor, vm_name, index): """Build the XML from the configuration parameters""" memory = flavor.get('ram', '4096') extra_spec = flavor.get('extra_specs', {}) cpu = extra_spec.get('hw:cpu_cores', '2') socket = extra_spec.get('hw:cpu_sockets', '1') threads = extra_spec.get('hw:cpu_threads', '2') vcpu = int(cpu) * int(threads) numa_cpus = '0-%s' % (vcpu - 1) hw_socket = flavor.get('hw_socket', '0') cpuset = Libvirt.pin_vcpu_for_perf(connection, hw_socket) cputune = extra_spec.get('cputune', '') mac = StandaloneContextHelper.get_mac_address(0x00) image = cls.create_snapshot_qemu(connection, index, flavor.get("images", None)) vm_xml = VM_TEMPLATE.format( vm_name=vm_name, random_uuid=uuid.uuid4(), mac_addr=mac, memory=memory, vcpu=vcpu, cpu=cpu, numa_cpus=numa_cpus, socket=socket, threads=threads, vm_image=image, cpuset=cpuset, cputune=cputune) return vm_xml, mac @staticmethod def update_interrupts_hugepages_perf(connection): connection.execute("echo 1 > /sys/module/kvm/parameters/allow_unsafe_assigned_interrupts") connection.execute("echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled") @classmethod def pin_vcpu_for_perf(cls, connection, socket='0'): threads = "" sys_obj = CpuSysCores(connection) soc_cpu = sys_obj.get_core_socket() sys_cpu = int(soc_cpu["cores_per_socket"]) socket = str(socket) cores = "%s-%s" % (soc_cpu[socket][0], soc_cpu[socket][sys_cpu - 1]) if int(soc_cpu["thread_per_core"]) > 1: threads = "%s-%s" % (soc_cpu[socket][sys_cpu], soc_cpu[socket][-1]) cpuset = "%s,%s" % (cores, threads) return cpuset @classmethod def write_file(cls, file_name, xml_str): """Dump a XML string to a file""" root = ET.fromstring(xml_str) et = ET.ElementTree(element=root) et.write(file_name, encoding='utf-8', method='xml') class StandaloneContextHelper(object): """ This class handles all the common code for standalone """ def __init__(self): self.file_path = None super(StandaloneContextHelper, self).__init__() @staticmethod def install_req_libs(connection, extra_pkgs=None): extra_pkgs = extra_pkgs or [] pkgs = ["qemu-kvm", "libvirt-bin", "bridge-utils", "numactl", "fping"] pkgs.extend(extra_pkgs) cmd_template = "dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\\n' \"%s\"|grep 'ok installed'" for pkg in pkgs: if connection.execute(cmd_template % pkg)[0]: connection.execute("apt-get update") connection.execute("apt-get -y install %s" % pkg) @staticmethod def get_kernel_module(connection, pci, driver): if not driver: out = connection.execute("lspci -k -s %s" % pci)[1] driver = out.split("Kernel modules:").pop().strip() return driver @classmethod def get_nic_details(cls, connection, networks, dpdk_devbind): for key, ports in networks.items(): if key == "mgmt": continue phy_ports = ports['phy_port'] phy_driver = ports.get('phy_driver', None) driver = cls.get_kernel_module(connection, phy_ports, phy_driver) # Make sure that ports are bound to kernel drivers e.g. i40e/ixgbe bind_cmd = "{dpdk_devbind} --force -b {driver} {port}" lshw_cmd = "lshw -c network -businfo | grep '{port}'" link_show_cmd = "ip -s link show {interface}" cmd = bind_cmd.format(dpdk_devbind=dpdk_devbind, driver=driver, port=ports['phy_port']) connection.execute(cmd) out = connection.execute(lshw_cmd.format(port=phy_ports))[1] interface = out.split()[1] connection.execute(link_show_cmd.format(interface=interface)) ports.update({ 'interface': str(interface), 'driver': driver }) LOG.info(networks) return networks @staticmethod def get_virtual_devices(connection, pci): cmd = "cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/{0}/virtfn0/uevent" output = connection.execute(cmd.format(pci))[1] pattern = "PCI_SLOT_NAME=({})".format(PciAddress.PCI_PATTERN_STR) m = re.search(pattern, output, re.MULTILINE) pf_vfs = {} if m: pf_vfs = {pci: m.group(1).rstrip()} LOG.info("pf_vfs:\n%s", pf_vfs) return pf_vfs def read_config_file(self): """Read from config file""" with open(self.file_path) as stream: LOG.info("Parsing pod file: %s", self.file_path) cfg = yaml_load(stream) return cfg def parse_pod_file(self, file_path, nfvi_role='Sriov'): self.file_path = file_path nodes = [] nfvi_host = [] try: cfg = self.read_config_file() except IOError as io_error: if io_error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise self.file_path = os.path.join(constants.YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, file_path) cfg = self.read_config_file() nodes.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if str(node["role"]) != nfvi_role]) nfvi_host.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if str(node["role"]) == nfvi_role]) if not nfvi_host: raise("Node role is other than SRIOV") host_mgmt = {'user': nfvi_host[0]['user'], 'ip': str(IPNetwork(nfvi_host[0]['ip']).ip), 'password': nfvi_host[0]['password'], 'ssh_port': nfvi_host[0].get('ssh_port', 22), 'key_filename': nfvi_host[0].get('key_filename')} return [nodes, nfvi_host, host_mgmt] @staticmethod def get_mac_address(end=0x7f): mac = [0x52, 0x54, 0x00, random.randint(0x00, end), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff)] mac_address = ':'.join('%02x' % x for x in mac) return mac_address @staticmethod def get_mgmt_ip(connection, mac, cidr, node): mgmtip = None times = 10 while not mgmtip and times: connection.execute("fping -c 1 -g %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % cidr) out = connection.execute("ip neighbor | grep '%s'" % mac)[1] LOG.info("fping -c 1 -g %s > /dev/null 2>&1", cidr) if out.strip(): mgmtip = str(out.split(" ")[0]).strip() client = ssh.SSH.from_node(node, overrides={"ip": mgmtip}) client.wait() break time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_BOOT) # FixMe: How to find if VM is booted? times = times - 1 return mgmtip @classmethod def wait_for_vnfs_to_start(cls, connection, servers, nodes): for node in nodes: vnf = servers[node["name"]] mgmtip = vnf["network_ports"]["mgmt"]["cidr"] ip = cls.get_mgmt_ip(connection, node["mac"], mgmtip, node) if ip: node["ip"] = ip return nodes class Server(object): """ This class handles geting vnf nodes """ @staticmethod def build_vnf_interfaces(vnf, ports): interfaces = {} index = 0 for key, vfs in vnf["network_ports"].items(): if key == "mgmt": mgmtip = str(IPNetwork(vfs['cidr']).ip) continue vf = ports[vfs[0]] ip = IPNetwork(vf['cidr']) interfaces.update({ key: { 'vpci': vf['vpci'], 'driver': "%svf" % vf['driver'], 'local_mac': vf['mac'], 'dpdk_port_num': index, 'local_ip': str(ip.ip), 'netmask': str(ip.netmask) }, }) index = index + 1 return mgmtip, interfaces @classmethod def generate_vnf_instance(cls, flavor, ports, ip, key, vnf, mac): mgmtip, interfaces = cls.build_vnf_interfaces(vnf, ports) result = { "ip": mgmtip, "mac": mac, "host": ip, "user": flavor.get('user', 'root'), "interfaces": interfaces, "routing_table": [], # empty IPv6 routing table "nd_route_tbl": [], "name": key, "role": key } try: result['key_filename'] = flavor['key_filename'] except KeyError: pass try: result['password'] = flavor['password'] except KeyError: pass LOG.info(result) return result class OvsDeploy(object): """ This class handles deploy of ovs dpdk Configuration: ovs_dpdk """ OVS_DEPLOY_SCRIPT = "ovs_deploy.bash" def __init__(self, connection, bin_path, ovs_properties): self.connection = connection self.bin_path = bin_path self.ovs_properties = ovs_properties def prerequisite(self): pkgs = ["git", "build-essential", "pkg-config", "automake", "autotools-dev", "libltdl-dev", "cmake", "libnuma-dev", "libpcap-dev"] StandaloneContextHelper.install_req_libs(self.connection, pkgs) def ovs_deploy(self): ovs_deploy = os.path.join(constants.YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, "yardstick/resources/scripts/install/", self.OVS_DEPLOY_SCRIPT) if os.path.isfile(ovs_deploy): self.prerequisite() remote_ovs_deploy = os.path.join(self.bin_path, self.OVS_DEPLOY_SCRIPT) LOG.info(remote_ovs_deploy) self.connection.put(ovs_deploy, remote_ovs_deploy) http_proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy', '') ovs_details = self.ovs_properties.get("version", {}) ovs = ovs_details.get("ovs", "2.6.0") dpdk = ovs_details.get("dpdk", "16.11.1") cmd = "sudo -E %s --ovs='%s' --dpdk='%s' -p='%s'" % (remote_ovs_deploy, ovs, dpdk, http_proxy) exit_status, _, stderr = self.connection.execute(cmd) if exit_status: raise exceptions.OVSDeployError(stderr=stderr)